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The European Union’s mandate to ECHO [Regulation (CE) n° 1257/96] is to provide emergency assistance and relief to the victims of natural disasters or armed conflict outside the European Union. The aid is intended to go directly to those in distress, irrespective of race, religion or political convictions. ECHO mandate
Through the Commission (DG ECHO), the EU provided needs-based EU humanitarian assistance and facilitated the provision of European in-kind civil protection assistance • In 2010 the Commission, through DG ECHO, provided needs-based humanitarian assistance to more than 135 million people in 80 countries for a total amount of € 1.115 million DG ECHO - worldwide
INDONESIA • ECHO's current country strategy aims to response to new disasters focusing on large scale disasters, or localized events in remote disaster prone areas where humanitarian needs are justifiably assessed, complementing to GoI’s humanitarian operation • ECHO continue to support disaster risk reduction initiatives through its disaster preparedness programme (DIPECHO) • In 2010, the Commission, through DG ECHO provided EUR 1.5 million for humanitarian response to Mentawai EQ/tsunami and Merapi eruption
ECHO FUNDING DECISIONS Primary EmergencyEmergencyAd-HocDiPECHOPreparedness and Response to EpidemicsSmall Scale
PRIMARY EMERGENCY DECISION • Fast provision of funding for emergency operations (≤ 72 hrs decision taken) • Max. 5 days for submission of simplified proposal and start action • Date of crisis = start date/eligibility of expenditure • 3 month implementation, non-extendable
EMERGENCY DECISION • In response to emergency situation • Date of crisis can be start date eligibility of expenditure • Latest possible date for submission of simplified proposal and start action is max 6 month (with PED), or 3 months (no PED) • 6 months implementation, no extendable
Actions – Global Plan / Ad-HOC • In response to protracted, forgotten crisis • Duration of the financial decision: 18 months • Submission of proposal can be (max.) 3 months prior to adoption of the decision. In this case start date of eligibility of expenditure is max. 3 month back • In case submission of proposal after adoption of the decision, start date eligibility of expenditure is as per submission of proposal • Expiry (date of decision) = all actions to be completed. No extension after the end date
DIPECHO • Disaster Preparedness program of ECHO, launched in 1996 prioritizing 'people-oriented' preparedness measures • Regional-setting, covers 7 disaster-prone regions (SEA, South Asia, Central Asia, SE Africa & Indian Ocean, South and Central America and Caribbean) • Countries eligible under the decision (note: Action Plan) are referred in the document of the decision • Bi-annual action based decision • Maximum duration of the decision: 18 months Expiry decision = all projects to be completed. No extension after the end date http://ec.europa.eu/echo/aid/dipecho_en.htm
Global funding decision € 10 million, 18 months Starting date 01/07/2010 To reduce the impact of public health disasters caused by epidemics in developing countries, focusing on those diseases with a special epidemics potential: meningitis, measles, cholera, viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) (Ebola, Marburg , Congo Crimea, Rift valley, Lassa fevers), yellow fever, dengue , leptospirosis. Preparedness and Response to Epidemics
Principal objective: To reduce morbidity and mortality rates related to epidemics in developing countries. Specific objective: to improve the humanitarian situation of epidemic affected populations by developing local, regional and national preparedness and response capacities aimed at controlling epidemic outbreaks, including case management of victims of epidemics. Preparedness and Response to Epidemics (2)
1) Rapid field assessment during initial phases of outbreaks. 2) Provision of free curative primary and secondary health care (case management). 3) Temporary support to existing health centres and facilities through provision of drugs,vaccines, medical/laboratory equipment and water and sanitation products. 4) Organisation, implementation and supervision of mass vaccination campaigns. 5) Environmental health actions to control epidemics. 6) Data analysis and impact of action required. 7) Accompanying training of staff. Response possible activities
Global funding decision € 8 million, 18 months starting date: 01/07/2010 • Principal objective: To provide assistance and protection in the form of a small scale humanitarian response to vulnerable populations affected by disasters SO 4:To provide assistance …/… in Asia including Mongolia, and Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific. EUR 3,500,000 allocated to this specific objective. Small scale humanitarian response
At least one of the two following criteria for intervention must be fulfilled: extent of damage: the number of affected people is less than 50,000; unmet needs (gaps left by ongoing assistance), where an intervention limited to a maximum amount of EUR 200,000 per disaster is sufficient to cover unmet needs. Conditions
Water and sanitation Food assistance and nutrition Basic emergency livelihood support Health Non-food items Emergency rehabilitation of schools and other vital infrastructures Shelter Disaster preparedness Protection Support to emergency communications Logistics and coordination Response possible activities
OUR PARTNERS • FPA signatory organizations (UN agencies, IO, European-based INGOs, specialized agencies of European MS, Red Cross) Legal partner • Local/national organizations? Partnership with FPA partners
MORE on ECHO…. http://ec.europa.eu/echo/index_en.htm