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The European Commission Humanitarian Aid department DG ECHO. European solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable people. ECHO mandate.
The European CommissionHumanitarian Aid departmentDG ECHO European solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable people
ECHO mandate The European Union’s mandate to ECHO [Regulation (CE) n° 1257/96] is to provide emergency assistance and relief to the victims of natural disasters or armed conflict outside the European Union.
ECHO’s Mandate Values: respect for human dignity, solidarity Mandate: save lives, assist the most vulnerable people, victims of natural or man-made disasters Principles: provide free and direct assistance to people in needs, regardless of their race, ethnic group, religion, gender, age, nationality, or political affiliation
How do we respond? Surveillance Disaster Monitoring Recommendations for ECHO Brussels Mission to the disaster site Decision to release funds
ECHO DEPLOYMENTS in E/SEA and the Pacific 2009 – 2010 European Commission DG-ECHO, Regional Support Office for East and South-East Asia Typhoon Ketsana Cyclone Nargis 2008 - 2010 Primary Emergency: 2 M Euro Emergency Decision: 7 MVietnam , Laos, Cambodia Typhoon Ketsana Primary Emergency: 2 M Euro Food Aid: 5 M Euro Emergency: 10 M Euro Ad Hoc: 22 M Euro Primary Emergency: 2 M Euro Emergency: 7 M Euro Conflict in Mindanao 8 M Euro High Sea Levels Burma/Myanmar Thailand Global Plan: 35.7 M Euro Emergency Decision 0.7 M, PNG and Fiji (0.45 M for PNG) Cholera Outbreak- PNG Emergency: 0.65 M Euro Samoa - Tsunami Laos : Rodent infestation Emergency: 0.15 M Euro Emergency Decision 1.5 M Euro Earthquake Indonesia Primary Emergency Decision 3 M Euro
ECHO operations in East, South East Asia and the Pacific 2009 - 2010
Working through partners And more…
NEEDS ASSESSMENTs: the challenge Currently: Insufficient experienced human resource capacity to pull together information-gathering efforts Responses often developed without sufficiently comprehensive picture of needs Results in: Fragmented picture of need Significant duplication of time, effort and funds Assessment fatigue amongst beneficiaries
NEEDS ASSESSMENTS: Recurrent issues -Baseline data not up to date -Multiple methodologies but no data comparability -No consensus among field actors, -N.A linked to fundraising, -Potential conflict of interest -Issue in coordination • Non integrated information system • Assessment fatigue • Limited transparency, reliability, credibility and objectivity of sources • Biased information because of access difficulties to certain problem areas • Etc ..
NEEDS ASSESSMENTS:The main problems! The lack of a standard template or tool for initial assessments to be used by country teams The lack of a consistent use of common needs assessments, particularly in the initial phases of sudden onset emergencies Ideal situation (CNA) = an assessment carried out by joint teams composed of different cluster representatives, as opposed to assessments carried out by different agencies according to different methodologies, with overlap and contradictions
Objectives Common Needs Assessment: • Strengthen coordination amongst donors and partners >>> promote joint needs assessments >>> integrate all resources from different sources! • Respect multi sectoral scope • Share results and bring results into one master priority list and deduct action plan from this • Include capacity of affected population and governments • Disconnect assessments from funding requests? >>> Independent assessors? • Better Assessments = Better Aid
Global Needs Assessment Framework Phase: 0 Phase: 1 Phase: 2 Phase: 3 Phase: 4 Disaster Annual programming for recovery Common Classification system GNA (ECHO), CIDA (Canada) IPC NAF NICS .. Humanitarian Dashbord Data collection tool Common assessment Standards SMART SPHERE … COMMON NEEDS ASSESSMENT (CNA)
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