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Understanding Islam: Beliefs and Practices

Explore the teachings of Islam through the life of Muhammad, the revelations received, beliefs, practices, Five Pillars, values, and Shari'a law. Discover how Islam spread and influenced North Africa. Learn about lineage systems, age-set structures, and the two main branches of Islam. Engage with key concepts such as faith, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, and the importance of Quran. Connect with the language, culture, and guidance of Islam in a comprehensive overview.

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Understanding Islam: Beliefs and Practices

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  1. The World of Islam Chapter 10

  2. Muhammad • Muhammad was troubled with gap between the greedy rich & honest poor • While meditating, Muhammad received revelation from God through the angel Gabriel • Muhammad taught that Allah was the one and only God and other gods must be abandoned • Followers of Islam were called Muslims • Islam-submission to the will of Allah

  3. Beliefs and Practices • Teachings: • There is only one God Allah and Muhammad is the prophet • There is good and evil and that each individual is responsible for the action of his/her life • Quran = Holy book of the Muslims and its based on Muhammad’s revelations • Quran contains ethical guidelines for Muslims

  4. The Quran: Holy Book Of Islam

  5. Five Pillars • Faith: • “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger” • Prayer • Five times a day • Face Mecca to pray • Assemble in a mosque (Islamic house of worship)

  6. Mosque

  7. Five Pillars • Alms • The responsibility to support the less fortunate • Give money for the poor • Fasting • During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims fast between dawn and sunset • Fasting serves to remind Muslim that their spiritual needs are greater than their physical needs

  8. Celebrating The Last Day of Ramadan

  9. Five Pillars • Pilgrimage • All Muslims who are physically and financially able perform the hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once

  10. Al-Haram Mosque Holds the Kaaba

  11. Values: Honor parents Be kind to neighbors Protect widows and orphans Give to the poor Condemns: Murder Stealing Lying Adultery The Quran-A Way of Life Regulates: Marriage Divorce Inheritance Business Forbids: Gambling Pork Alcohol

  12. Shari’a Law • Shari’a • System of law that regulates family life, moral conduct and business and community life of Muslims

  13. Links to Judaism and Christianity • See Chart for Bellwork • Complete Chapter 10 Sec 2-3 Questions

  14. North Africa Chapter 15 Section 1

  15. North Africa • In general, the Muslim states in Africa were established in North Africa

  16. Lineages • Lineages • Some societies group people into lineages (common ancestor) • Members of a lineage have strong loyalties to one another

  17. Lineage • In some African societies, lineage groups take the place of rulers • Lineage-chief means of social and political organization in stateless African societies • These stateless societies (no central system of power) balance power among lineages and settle disputes through discussion and negotiations

  18. Tracing Family Descent • Some societies are patrilineal—trace ancestry through fathers • Others are matrilineal—trace ancestry through mothers • Lineage determines how possessions are inherited

  19. Age-Set System • Age-set • Groups of people born about the same time who form close ties • The duties and roles associated with varying ages are emphasized by the age set system • Ceremonies mark the passage to each new stage

  20. Islam Spreads • Starting around 630, Muslims conquered North Africa • Converted many by the sword of conquest and other peacefully • As Islam spread some rulers converted to Islam and based their government on Islamic law • Trade also helped spread the Islamic religion

  21. Bellwork 8/23/16 Write Questions • 1.) Which of the five pillars refers to the responsibility to support/help the less fortunate? • 2.) What term refers to the system of law that regulates family life, moral conduct and business and community life of Muslims? • 3.) What term refers to followers of Islam?

  22. Islam • Arabic • Classical Arabic is the sacred language of Islam. It is the language of the Qur'an. • Two Branches of Islam • Sunni-acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful successors of Muhammad • Shi’a-acknowledge Ali and his decedents as the successors of Muhammad

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