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This board meeting agenda includes discussions on state updates, review of 2014 financial summary, 2015 registration fees, parent handbook, coaching, baseline testing, AAA, apparel & branding, website, and more.
President – Kerri Olenik Vice President – John Oliveira Secretary – Angela Sullivan Director Football Operations – Scott Mueller Director Football Coaching/Player Development – Kyle McInnis Director of CheerOperations – Laura Ostrowski Treasurer – Lou Zollo Membership Coordinator – Tricia Waldron FundraisingCoordinator – Yori Kasprzak Special Events and Merchandising Coordinator –Lily Palmer Communications Coordinator – Holly Breton Football EquipmentCoordinator – Tim Flanagan Cheer Equipment Coordinator – OPEN Volunteer Coordinator – OPEN Game and Field Coordinator – Russ Schramm Safety and Academic Achievement Coordinator – Matt Blair Web – OPEN At Large – Dan Potter At Large –Tracy Flynn At Large – Frank Garcia 2015 Board Members
Agenda • State Update • Vote in new Cheer Equipment Member • Board Positions and Interests • Review 2014 Financial Summary • Discuss 2015 Registration Fees • 2015 Parent Handbook • Review 2014 Survey Results • 2015 Coaching • Baseline Testing • AAA • Apparel & Branding • Website • March Meeting
State Update • Season begins July 27th • 2 games before Labor day weekend • 1st Game Aug 23rd • 2nd Game Aug 30th • Received a check for $4,928 from State for our volunteer efforts at regionals
New Board Members • Cheer Equipment Coordinator – Laura • Board positions and interests • Carolyn Webman (wants to see specific cheer fundraising) • Betsy Matthews • Leah Batson • Michelle Kushman • Mike Sweeny • Coaches attending board meetings
2014 Financial Summary Income Expenses • 279 Total Registrants • 110 Cheer • 169 Football • Scholarships Assistance = $1,350
2015 Registration 2015 Registration Fee • Keep as is or increase slightly? • Current $225 plus $50 calendar • $190 each additional • Add cap to family amount • Automate late fee $45 Reg Dates • March 1-7 returning • March 8-14th siblings • March 21st New Members (both cheer and football) Flier at Schools? • $30k in the bank
Sample: Other NHYFSC League’s Registration Fees *Elks also collects refundable $200 uniform/equipment check
2015 Parent Handbook Review absentee policy Reg cost and additional costs Required paperwork
2014 Wolverines Survey Results • Launched Jan 21, 2015 and closed Jan 25th • Survey launched to 331 emails • 137 total responses with 124 complete responses Discuss Next Steps • Share specific feedback with coaches • Post survey results for members • Create FAQ in response to common feedback
2015 Coaches Selection process Applications Training and development
Additional Agenda Items • Baseline testing Update • AAA – process, promotion etc. • Apparel Update and Branding Guidelines (approve $600) • Website • Password protected section for board members
March Meeting – March 5th 7:30 • Agenda items • Fundraising proposal • Cheer and football budgets • Skills camp • Season calendar draft
Q1: Please describe your family's membership history in the Wolverines. Answered: 137 Skipped: 0
Q2: Please describe your family's membership status in the Wolverines last season. Answered: 137 Skipped: 0
Q3: If football, what team(s) did you have a player on this past season (you may select more than one team or skip if no teams)? Answered: 97 Skipped: 40
Q4: If Cheer, what team(s) did you have a cheerleader on this past season (you may choose more than one team or skip if no teams)? Answered: 55 Skipped: 82
Q5: Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? Answered: 133 Skipped: 4
Q6: Excluding school and free town sports programs, how does the participation cost of the Wolverines program compare to others you are/were involved in? Answered: 132 Skipped: 5
Q7: How likely is it that you will sign up again (or if no children of the age - would have signed up again) for the Wolverines program? Answered: 133 Skipped: 4
Q8: If asked, how likely is it that you would recommend the Wolverines program to another family? Answered: 132 Skipped: 5
Q8: If asked, how likely is it that you would recommend the Wolverines program to another family? Answered: 132 Skipped: 5
Q9: Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? Answered: 133 Skipped: 4
Q10: Please answer the following questions about coaching. This is not about a particular coach, but about the coaching staff(s) as a whole. Answered: 124 Skipped: 13
Q11: If you participated in any of the following events last season, how satisfied were you? Answered: 121 Skipped: 16
Q12: If you purchased apparel this year, please provide your responses below: Answered: 117 Skipped: 20
Common Feedback • Need more practice space (indoor for cheer teams) and adequate fields, safer fields, turf field • Quicker communications regarding game times/locations • Multiple communications being sent about the same topic • Last minute changes in schedules • More transparency at the board level • Coaches having “favorites” • Limits on board terms Windham Wolverines Youth Football & Cheer
Football 2/3 Comments (19) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • Great experience, great coaches • There needs to be more transparency at the board level. What initiatives are being undertaken to move the organization forward? Have you thought about having a town meeting with the board members? Also, with regards to parent complaints - this should also be transparent and complaints should be logged and discussed at the board level so all board members are aware of the complaints. Not just the person in charge of handling complaints. • 1. My children were VERY satisfied, that is what matters most. 2. I am not satisfied with the lack of field space available for practice (leach fields at the high school are not ideal space for folks to be using.) 3. I am not satisfied with the level of parent complaints this year. I do feel as though many parent comments/complaints were solicited. • Need better options for practice fields. • More effort and attention needs to be paid to the 2/3 team. This is the foundation of our program. Anything that can be done to better inform new parents and add fun for • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • Leaving certain communications to each of the individual teams leaves room for interpretation by the individuals communicating. Certain communications should be sent from a representative of the league so that all parents get the exact same message. Different team moms or coaches interpret things differently and in the end the organization looks bad. • New coaches require more communication from the league. • Apparel • I think the store should remain open longer. Especially in November to purchase items for Christmas • wish there we more opportunities to place orders through out the season • More selection for football in youth sizes. Great additions for cheer this year and adults. • I would like to see the products being offered more frequently. Also, the vendors should be providing us with sample sizes so we know what to order. I ordered 2 monogrammed sweatshirts that were expensive that were not the right size (although the same size that my boys normally wear). Also, the 3 years we have ordered apparel...there has been an issue every single year. That doesn't seem like good customer service. This past year was better than the two prior years though so we are headed in the right direction. I'd also like to see offerings that you can put both "football" and "cheer" on instead of having to pick one. There are quite a few of us with children in both cheer and football. • There seem to always be issues with the orders. Every year I have had to track down something I ordered or give back something I got that was for someone else. Shouldn't be that hard.
Football 2/3 Comments • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • Organization, communication • Great coaches, dedicated families • Continued strong leadership and sincere desire of the board to make the program outstanding. • Organized program Dedicated coaches and team moms Overall unity of the program • The strengths of the program are definitely the coaches in the younger aged programs (both cheer and football). Each team that I have been involved in are more like little families and very supportive of the program. • quality and dedication of coaches and volunteers. level of competition. • Wolverines is a fantastic GRADE-BASED opportunity for kids to play a sport with their friends. Being with grade-based peers makes the program appealing to both children and parents. • The base of families involved. The dedication of the coaches. • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • longer time period for ordering items • Fields • Be aware of coaches who are only interested in the spotlight for themselves or their own kids. Some of the younger team football coaches were very obvious in their attempts. • The board needs to step up a notch when it comes to supporting the coaches. It seems as though we have support and outlets for the parents, but we don't do anything to support our coaches. Also, I think we need to invest in the 2/3 team and recruiting. They are often ignored because they're not "competitive"...but the reality is they are the future of the organization. We all want to see the organization continue and do well, even after all of our children have gone through the program. I would also like to see the coaches be able to limit the number of kids on teams. While in an ideal world we would like to give every one a chance to play, it's just not safe or fair to the team and coach if there are too many kids. Play time...overall team performance, etc. all suffer when you have team sizes that are unrealistic to manage. Also, I'm not sure spending money on a formal banquet is worthwhile or a good use of our funds. I have heard other towns just have "team" banquets...that are much more informal. If we need to cut costs, this may be an option. Also, having the banquet in January was too far out from the regular season. I know there are cheer teams that go beyond December...but it felt strange for everyone else to have it so late. • better participation from families with respect to volunteering. same people volunteer week after week. Again transparency at the board level.
Football 2/3 Comments • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Improved communication and advertising about the Wolverines Program to the younger grades in town. This will help "feed" the 2/3 team. • Better fields for games and practices - although I know that is Windhams fault not the wolverines • Adequate practice fields. There are many grass fields in town that could be explored for use. Updated equipment will be needed in the coming seasons. • Forming a better relationship with the Town of Windham. The Wolverines are viewed by many as a clique. There needs to be more community involvement and advertisement. We can't just assume people will sign their children up every season. • Sometimes it appears as though the parents want the kids to play more than the kids. If the kids are not dedicated then they shouldn't sign up. this should be communicated to the parents first. That this is a serious football program. • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • Strength in numbers! Continue growing the amount of support on the board and on committees. Running the organization in the beginning years was very difficult due to limited resources and volunteers. I'm happy to see the increased involvement. Keep focusing on attaining skilled volunteers to lead, coach, market, etc.. and make sure these folks are in it for the kids and not selfish gains. Open up more opportunities for new families to get more involved. • I would recommend that term limits are set up for board members. It is good to get new perspectives and new ideas and typically in organizations like this there are term limits. I am very proud to be a part of this organization. • Thank you! • The cost for the program gets a bit high...when you add up the entry fee, plus calendar, plus banquet, plus other things along the way, times multiple kids in program. Any ways to reduce this would be good. Maybe a fund raising effort. • Fields. We need more fields. It is very difficult to teach 2nd & 3rd graders the game of football without LINES ON THE GROUND. Additionally, they need to practice on a lined field that is 50 yards wide. • None
Football 4 Comments (16) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • I thought the coaches seemed to play certain players from time to time. Not just my son but others as well. Some players seemed to be favored because they were coaches or friends of the coaches. • Need better options for practice fields. • Would be extremely satisfied if we had better fields. • Coaching Staff • Coaches have tremendous patience and knowledge while working with the children • I thought some games Coaches were outcoached and only saw what they wanted to see , refused to make changes and I think it cost the team a game or 2...Def cost the playoff win because coaches did not make adjustments, kept doing the same thing over and over which did not work. Coaches kids get to play skilled positions without giving other kids a chance who are good enough but because they are not coaches children don't get a chance to show their talents. • Apparel • I wish gear could be available at home games • It would be nice if the store to order from didn't "close". Some people join the team late or lose things and it makes it more difficult to order the products. • A lot of the apparel did not run true to size. Custom orders can not be returned. Perhaps have samples available for viewing prior to ordering. I really liked the design and selection. • I would like to see the products being offered more frequently. Also, the vendors should be providing us with sample sizes so we know what to order. I ordered 2 monogrammed sweatshirts that were expensive that were not the right size (although the same size that my boys normally wear). Also, the 3 years we have ordered apparel...there has been an issue every single year. That doesn't seem like good customer service. This past year was better than the two prior years though so we are headed in the right direction. I'd also like to see offerings that you can put both "football" and "cheer" on instead of having to pick one. There are quite a few of us with children in both cheer and football.
Football 4 Comments • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • Dedication hard work and comradery within the teams, positive encouragement • Unity with all the teams • over all commitment of the coaches and volunteers • Great coaches. • The strengths of the program are definitely the coaches in the younger aged programs (both cheer and football). Each team that I have been involved in are more like little families and very supportive of the program. • The families are def the heart and soul of the program , very dedicated • The base of families involved. The dedication of the coaches. • Community involvement and the continued success of the teams will keep people signing up • We always talk about kids' sports and the "lessons" they teach about life. Frankly, however, most sports at the younger levels are little more than babysitting. The Wolverines was the first time in his life my son got what I would consider valuable lessons in adversity, hard work and teamwork. • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • more opportunities for kids to rotate through and try different positions, even if only for scrimmages or during blowouts • Maybe a team parent overseeing practices.... Coaches are not able to see all, and this is where the boys tend to goof off and safety is an issue • The banquet can be trimmed back to just an awards night. • Involve all kids to have important positions on the teams. Perhaps allow more kids the opportunity to succeed at multiple positions and be developed at multiple positions. • higher coach to player ratio or holding kids accountable for disruptive or unsafe behavior. • Maybe change the coaching a little , the coaches have been together for 3 years and the same players get to play same positions without giving other kids a chance....who deserve at least a chance • Adequate practice fields. There are many grass fields in town that could be explored for use. Updated equipment will be needed in the coming seasons. • Fields
Football 4 Comments • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • Had a great year • I would recommend that term limits are set up for board members. It is good to get new perspectives and new ideas and typically in organizations like this there are term limits. I am very proud to be a part of this organization. • The cost for the program gets a bit high...when you add up the entry fee, plus calendar, plus banquet, plus other things along the way, times multiple kids in program. Any ways to reduce this would be good. Maybe a fund raising effort.
Football 5 Comments (25) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • Not happy with Grade 5 Head Coach. Thought his emphasis was too much on winning at the expense of developing the entire team. • I was extremely disappointed with the coaching staff for the grade 5 team, particularly the head coach Chris. There is clearly a group of boys that are considered the "A" team. The rest are an after thought and are treated as such. These boys that are considered the "subs" are treated with disrespect and made to feel inadequate. Some of them are not returning next year due to the treatment of the head coach and the league's refusal to correct the situation. The boys are at a very tough age and to be treated disrespectfully, with physical force at times and verbally abused is unacceptable and is clearly not within the spirit of what I think the Wolverines is trying to encourage. • Since it was my son's first year, I wish he had more playing time during games to better determine if he wanted to continue with the sport. I understand and agree that playing time is earned, however, when the Mercy Rule is in effect all first year players should be on the field. • I would like to help out and ask if a baseline cognitive screening can be done prior to the children playing football. As, I was informed that Southern NH medical center in Nashua does this brain baseline test so that if a child does encounter s head injury, concussion, whiplash, the child can be retested again to determine that the brain trauma is gone completely before returning to practice and games!!! I would be happy to call and see if we can have the Hudson. Pelham off site Southern NH medical center walk in clinics perform this very important test. I have spoken to my son Jesse's pediatrician and he highly recommends this to be done for children as I do. He said it is $15.00 to have it done. He does not even work for Southern NH Medical center, but knows of this testing. Please let me know if I can help educate and make this test mandatory. I am an Occupational therapist and have worked in head injury years ago at Spaulding Rehab in Boston. I can also talk to convenient MD In Windham to see if they can perform the testing. I am among on taking my son Jesse to have testing soon. You can call me at (603)327-7569 at your convenience. Thank you for all you do to make sports safe as possible. Rebecca Thompson • Coach focus was too much on winning and not on playing the players and teaching them something.. Coach was insensitive about playing "MPR" kids as they were called by the coach many times. In the off season, many parents are discussing not coming back because of the focus on winning and the "dragon team" mentality of the coaches. I think the coaches have forgotten this is a fifth grade team not the NFL. We all appreciate that they volunteer and their efforts are really noted, however, I don't think many parents care what the record is of the team. My son left the season feeling like they would be happy if he quit so they wouldn't have to play him. He was made to feel as if he was a nuisance and an MPR only. Dragon team is a really bad idea. • not overall happy with 5 grade coaching strategy and play time • Lead coaches need to make each player feel needed on the field. Coaches seem to get lost in the moment and play their star players even if there is a mercy ruled game. This doesn't give the weaker players a chance to gain any strength or confidence. No kid wants to be just a MPR player and feel degraded by the others on the team. Kids develop at different speeds. • It was our first year with the program and our son absolutely loved it and we as the parents thought it was a great experience. The coaches were very supportive of new players and made sure they understood the game and the safety of the game. It is a huge time commitment for the coaches and board and I applaud you all for that.
Football 5 Comments (25) • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • Team moms have always been great. • I feel we were very informed especially from our team mom. She always responded to any questions we had in a timely manner and made sure the boys were ready for each and every practice and game. • Lily was fantastic • Lilly Palmer is an incredibly amazing Team Mom! The very best!! • On the teams my kids were involved with the communication was perfect. I knew where to go , the time and how to get there. Thanks Lilly and Kerri S. • Keep up the good work. • However, as I mentioned above, I was extremely disappointed with the 5th grade head coach and I hope that the league considers NOT bringing him back. • Thank you • Coaching Staff: • Our 5th grade team coaches were top notch. They were very knowledgeable of the game, dedicated to the boys and made it a very positive season. • Don't feel that Coach Arinello gave the entire team a positive experience. Not a lot of positive reinforcement - too much negativity........if your kid was on the #1 squad, he received a lot of playing time. If not, he was lucky to see the field for an entire half. • Too much emphasis was placed on winning. It was to the point of making it an unsafe environment for the kids. • As stated earlier, I wish my son had more time on the field during games when the Mercy Rule was in effect. • Coach behavior hurt the self esteem of many players. I am not sure if they realized how much the focus on winning was alienating the kids and parents. There was a lot of sideline conversation about the same kids playing over and over.
Football 5 Comments • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • It's a pretty tight organization with some really great people. • Great coaches that give up a lot of time. Great board the makes this program such a strong well run program. • Organization • The coaches, the equipment, the communication, the coaches :) • The dedication of the volunteers, from the top down. • I think every year it improves thank you. • The strength is the organization and dedication of the board members and the majority of the coaching staffs. • The dedication of the board to provide and manage equipment, the hard work of the coaches and the framework of the organization. • The dedication of the coaches, the board members and the volunteers. • quality and dedication of coaches and volunteers. level of competition. • Communication • Organization!! I think the constant communication with parents via email keeps everyone on the same page. • Wolverines is a fantastic GRADE-BASED opportunity for kids to play a sport with their friends. Being with grade-based peers makes the program appealing to both children and parents. • Teamwork, playing all kids!! • The program is well organized and professional. • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Continue to understand how to safely play the game and monitor the equipment. To make certain the girls know how to safely stunt. Maybe, having a tumbling class within the practice schedule. • My suggestion is to create a positive environment for all kids to learn the game and have fun. • Having the ability to provide constructive feedback to the coaches without repercussions to the children. • better participation from families with respect to volunteering. same people volunteer week after week. Again transparency at the board level. • Eliminate the style of the Banquet. Keep it focus on what the kids want. Maybe do a survey monkey directly for the kids to complete and plan according to what each individual team would like to do. I know coaches and parents would be integral in organizing their own events to celebrate the season. • Improved communication and advertising about the Wolverines Program to the younger grades in town. This will help "feed" the 2/3 team. • As I stated earlier a baseline cognitive assessment of brain before season begins. • Confidentiality of complaints to the board is very much questioned and as a result parents don't say much but are very unhappy with the situation.
Football 5 Comments • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • I have heard that there was talk about changing the teams based on birth year. I strongly disagree with this. If I understand it correctly it would place our son up to play with most boys a grade ahead of him. I know he would be very uneasy with that as well as his parents. I think the boys have built a strong bond as a team with their fellow classmates. I would not want him to play with boys that are much bigger, older in what "they know and talk about" in a grade ahead. I also think you would lose the close knit that they all share. I really think this change would hurt the Wolverine Program. • It would be great if we had to know what had to be purchased at beginning of program, that is if they need more than one t-shirt for practices. (very frustrating to scramble two weeks in to get a t-shirt that could of been ordered a month before) Overall, each year gets better. The communication is better, the consistency of the practice schedule and practice location has gotten better. Thank you! • Great organization- it's young and of course things will need to be adjusted. Keep up the great work and I appreciate each person that dedicates their personal time for my child! • Thank you! • As stated previously, safety before retuning back to play by having a retest of brain after any head injury!!! • I would like to see a different head coach for the 6th grade team next year. I like him personally but the kids think he doesn't want them there. • Apparel • Would love to see the jackets that were offered during season 2. They are rain proof and lined, embroidered names on arms, zip up the front, and Wolverines on the back. • Baseball caps, visors, men's navy t shirts • I'm not sure why it's not open the whole season . • Please add pajamas and knit hats • I feel it is very hard to determine the size you should order without being able to try things on and see how they are made. A lot of the stuff we bought shrunk, and I should have went with the next size up. • Clarification in duffle bag size on website. We ordered one thinking it was the big bag so now we have a small and a large bag. • flannel lounge pants- youth and adult
Football 6 Comments (32) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • The large number of kids was handled well in terms of play time, however, they were not offered enough experiences in various field positions. Many kids seemed very out of place in their roles, and should have been allowed to gain experience in other roles both offensively and defensively. • everybody is awesome to deal with we are very lucky to be part of this • Team was too large, felt it really impacted the ability to manage the team during practices. • Great introduction to football, great supportive coaching. • The coaches and staff had an excellent season regardless of the win loss column. The kids learned more about humility this year than in years past and it was refreshing to see them accept defeat in the manner in which they showed. The organization puts a great deal of emphasis on respect, dignity, and education. I continue to be proud of having a son in the program and just wanted to say thank you. • Enjoyed the banquet. Better not to have to bounce from room to room. • Program is growing, progress is being made. I am very appreciative of the volunteer efforts involved. Important to not let it become a cult. • Practices specifically for cheer should end when they say they will end many times I waited an additional 20 to 30 min and would be late picking up my football player with that coach having to wait • Sadly the increase in roster size has diluted the quality of the program. Certainly every kid who wants to learn and play football aught to have the chance. That said it is not fair to the coaches or players to field a squad of 36 players to play in a league with teams fielding squads of 24 players. Maybe its moment of truth time for some to be honest with themselves that football may not be the right fit. The 2014 6th grade season was a colossal disappointment that I attribute to the coaches being spread too thin and managing the number of players requiring play time. Disappointment that is spread across the spectrum of player abilities. Have two teams if the numbers support it. Get back to that balance of development and competitiveness. You have two football seasons left to prepare these young men for the High School football program. You have more than a handful of good football players who are being lost in the numbers.
Football 6 Comments • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • Susan and Lily are the best and worked very hard... • Lily was an excellent communicate on top of everything I felt very I formed. • Team mom was amazing. being a first year player and not knowing anything, a progress report type of feed back would of been beneficial. If there were weakness that needed attention and also positive so that they feel they are understanding it correctly. I am not suggesting anything formal. Even a quick verbal would of been helpful. • the best team moms • Lily is absolutely amazing. I don't think she sleeps. She is very thorough and helpful to the first timers. • Often received the same information twice. First from the league, then again from the team mom. Repeat emails not necessary. Sometimes the second spin on the same information can be confusing. Friendly is ok, but personal information and inside jokes should be excluded as some folks receive info during work hours and have multiple kids in the league. Extraneous information is not necessary. Streamlining pertinent info is most effective. A more positive welcome at the beginning of the season. • Lily was awesome at keeping us informed. • Coaching Staff: • Staff if the wolverines are very dedicated and it shows • Our coaches gave my son the best 1st year experience in the football season we could have ever asked for! They are great! • I think more specific defensive drills are needed in a separate group for lineman • Player behavior during practices made it a challenge for my son to focus. • Being a non-player mom, I was just happy that the coaches were supportive • There should be an interest given by athletes about the role they are interested in playing. Every season should be re-assessed as athletes grow, change, and work in the off season. Positions should not be pre-determined preseason. • More time should be spent on speed and agility pre season.....Separate lineman from backs and provide each targeted training. • Grade 6 football coaching team is amazing! They are teaching our boys to be good athletes as well as good citizens.
Football 6 Comments • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • Most of the coaches provided a positive experience. • Strong coaches, dedicated parents • Sportsmanship , leadership • Amazing coaches...board members and volunteers • Commitment to the kids is amazing. Spirit is boasting with doing everything right. • Organized, committed to the players overall development as good young men • The coaches and their dedication • The staff really cares and very dedicated • Camaraderie and team work • Positive attitude from head coach • Spirit, sportsmanship • Coaching • Strong supportive community • Comradery. • Level of participation in the program, number of kids who identify with it. • Love the character building • dedication • over all commitment of the coaches and volunteers • Continued strong leadership and sincere desire of the board to make the program outstanding. • The dedication of the coaches, the board members and the volunteers. • dedication of the coaches! My children have not only learned about their sport, but also many life lessons! • Parental support. Popularity of the program with the athletes and students. High value put on grades and attitudes
Football 6 Comments • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Turf fields. Quicker communication about game times and locations. • more opportunities for kids to rotate through and try different positions, even if only for scrimmages or during blowouts • Field options with lights • More strenuous practices and more opportunities for players to demonstrate skills and talents across positions. • Smaller team better play calling position coaching have players at other positions • Fields • Berlin? Was that necessary? • Less gossip about families by coaching staff. More structured schedule. More understanding about how to incorporate children of different abilities. Changing head coaches from year to year so that there is a fresh set of eyes assessing the athletes and different styles of coaching football. This will give an equal opportunity and proper motivation for all. • Skill development - blocking and tackling is really lacking on a lot of the teams in particular. • limited rosters • Involve all kids to have important positions on the teams. Perhaps allow more kids the opportunity to succeed at multiple positions and be developed at multiple positions. • higher coach to player ratio or holding kids accountable for disruptive or unsafe behavior. • Be aware of coaches who are only interested in the spotlight for themselves or their own kids. Some of the younger team football coaches were very obvious in their attempts. • Having the ability to provide constructive feedback to the coaches without repercussions to the children. • More conditioning and drill practice for football players. My son tends to get bored with too much of the practice dedicated to play call.
Football 6 Comments • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • Wait until August 1st to start. Other events in July overlap too much. • Had a great year • It has been a great experience for our whole family! • Thank You... • Thank you to our great team mom! • My son has finally found a sport/team that he is enthusiastic about. I am thankful for the support of Lily and the hard work done by Kerry to make everything run smoothly. We are very lucky. • Phenomenal that the league is conducting a survey to grow the program. Feeling more like an organization and less like a dictatorship. Great job! • I am not sure if/how than can be a focus on overall team development vs. individual talent. Kids are getting locked into positions too early and offenses are run through the same kids. This will eventually catch up to the players/teams. Also consider tryouts, people have to understand what it means to play football and have some skill and will in doing it. Otherwise, it just becomes a popular club. • Thank you coaches for your commitment to the kids • Strength in numbers! Continue growing the amount of support on the board and on committees. Running the organization in the beginning years was very difficult due to limited resources and volunteers. I'm happy to see the increased involvement. Keep focusing on attaining skilled volunteers to lead, coach, market, etc.. and make sure these folks are in it for the kids and not selfish gains. Open up more opportunities for new families to get more involved. • Apparel • quality of t-shirts and sweatshirts was not as high as that for WHS team gear. Pricing was higher than WHS team gear. • Easier to order online. Could order some items whenever, rather than a specific designated timeline. Better turnaround time. Better quality products. • A lot of the apparel did not run true to size. Custom orders can not be returned. Perhaps have samples available for viewing prior to ordering. I really liked the design and selection. • More selection for football in youth sizes. Great additions for cheer this year and adults.
Football 7 Comments (18) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • Tired of watching same 3 players carry the ball on this team. These players continually have behavioral issues yet get rewarded. Poor coaching. • It was the same as the previous two years. The program was built around two players, Jake and Tommy.That's great for them, but that doesn't help the other players develop their skills or build up their self confidence. What's going to happen when they reach high school and don't have either? All of the kids and parents see it happen every game, and every year they say it's going to be different, but it's not. Every opponent we play knows who to cover. My son lives and breathes football, and to hear him say he wants to quit because it's not fun any more is really sad. Give others a chance and let's not just focus on giving the ball to the same 2 kids to try and win. Our record has gone down every year anyway, so it's time to let other kids have a turn and focus on having fun and learning new skills and new plays that involve lots of other players. There are a lot of talented athletes on this team who work hard and should be rewarded. • better practice space would be very helpful to properly coach all aspects of the game i.e.: special teams, kick off, kick return, punts etc.. there is not enough space on the small turf field or on the softball field when multiple teams are practicing at the same time. • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • Please no Saturday practices instill school starts. • Coaching Staff: • very well organized, friendly team and families • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • Organized program Dedicated coaches and team moms Overall unity of the program • Volunteers!! • coaches, leadership and partnership with the WHS • Organization and communication • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Turf fields. Quicker communication about game times and locations. • Coaches who want to develop. • practice space
Football 8 Comments (14) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • After playing in the Pelham organization for the past several years it's easy to see that this organization has got such among way to go, top to bottom • Coaches were great! • need more fundraising for individual teams in case of advancement. More overall parent participation, not just the same people time after time. Overall, best year yet!! • The coaches in the organization are amazing. especially coach Turner who was a great leader of his team. I am sure the boys will walk away learning life lessons helpful on and off the field. • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • some emails received by frustrated parents should NOT have been "reply to all" and should have been brought to board or coaches attention. Individual instances need not be pertinent to the whole team. Parents need to use more discretion when emailing or just talking with the kids or other parents at events so inappropriate comments are not overheard. • The team mom and coaches were great • Susan and Lily are the best and worked very hard... • Lack of communication between coaches & upper management apparent. Need more Objective away to approach coaches with their own kids on the team. Coaches need to work more on skills of all players and not just singled out players which makes the whole team work better. Let kids have some input on positions to give a chance for development and sense of growth and contribution to the team. • never felt out of touch with Susan's update emails. • Coaching Staff: • I do not and will not take the time to explain about the coaching staff in particular however a flag football Coach for an offensive coordinator and an over medicated coach for defense that has an agenda that is quite obvious isn't worry it. • Coaches were not in sync with each other. Same plays were run over and over again that did not work. Lack of opportunity for many players to prove themselves on the field due to a major lack of playing time. Some only got on the field for 1 play at a time just to satisfy MPR which was shameful. • the coaches are a great asset to the wolverines
Football 8 Comments • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • Team mom. Enough said • Most of the coaches provided a positive experience. • Dedicated coaches, and board. Come a long way in a few years. Each year gets more organized. • Amazing coaches...board members and volunteers • Team moms put in a huge effort to communicate and coordinate with the families which has been invaluable. Coaches are dedicated. • every volunteer • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Funny • Turf fields. Quicker communication about game times and locations. • More parent involvement. Not sure how board members are chosen, but feel that others should have an opportunity to sit on board as well. Unfortunately, most times openings are not advertised. • Coaches need more training and development to learn to develop the players. Many plays were proved to fail and the coaches did not seem to communicate or work with each other as a team to develop new ones or execute new ones. They could try to try different players on these lines & did not. Need a code of ethics & professionalism to lead & encourage the players no matter what the scores are. Play & coach all the players and not just your kid on the team. Coaches need to coach together. Big disconnect was seen here.
Football 8 Comments • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • Wait until August 1st to start. Other events in July overlap too much. • For an organization that gets a cop involved over a parent argument on line........clearly needs to get their priorities straightened out. From Kelly at the top to coaching at the bottom. All If you should be embarrassed about the while program. I certainly am • Had a great year • It has been a great experience for our whole family! • Thank You... • Thank you to our great team mom! • My son has finally found a sport/team that he is enthusiastic about. I am thankful for the support of Lily and the hard work done by Kerry to make everything run smoothly. We are very lucky. • Phenomenal that the league is conducting a survey to grow the program. Feeling more like an organization and less like a dictatorship. Great job! • I am not sure if/how than can be a focus on overall team development vs. individual talent. Kids are getting locked into positions too early and offenses are run through the same kids. This will eventually catch up to the players/teams. Also consider tryouts, people have to understand what it means to play football and have some skill and will in doing it. Otherwise, it just becomes a popular club. • Thank you coaches for your commitment to the kids • Strength in numbers! Continue growing the amount of support on the board and on committees. Running the organization in the beginning years was very difficult due to limited resources and volunteers. I'm happy to see the increased involvement. Keep focusing on attaining skilled volunteers to lead, coach, market, etc.. and make sure these folks are in it for the kids and not selfish gains. Open up more opportunities for new families to get more involved. • Apparel • Seriously ? This is exactly why this is a JV Operation • mix up on vendors part on cheer shorts, but they were very accommodating. A lot of parents were not made aware they could simply exchange their too big or too small shorts so I felt this should have been more clearly stated. Lets get new bows next year!! Tired of the same ones for 2 years now. One color cheer shirt for practice should be good. Why 2 colors? Especially when you don't get a chance to wash or forget which color they used last. but do like the uniformity of the team. • Better color options & material. Available for a longer time period.
Tiny-Mites Cheer Comments (6) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • My daughters cheer coach was amazing. Lynne was kind and patient with the girls. My daughter had a great experience and can't wait to cheer for D8 next year. • Feel like it was a lot for the girls at this age to be expected to cheer the whole game and for every game. Some were as young as 5 and that's a lot for this age. • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • This is a great program, run by volunteers, who care for all the athletes. My daughter has been on the Tiny Mites team for 2 years and loves the friends she has made and is looking forward to cheer 2015. • Great communication between organization and teams • Coaching Staff: • The coaches were great, they were kind, considerate and took care of all the girls. • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • I am amazed that this is an organization run by the generosity of its volunteers. many of the coaches and board members spend countless hrs preparing for games and events so that the children of windham have a positive experience, on and off the field. Job well done! • Communication overall was very good. There were some kinks at the beginning of the season but they seemed to work themselves out during the season. • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • Not sure.. Was very satisfied • More community events and engaging more parent volunteers • Actual stands at the high school. • More community between the parents and all the teams. Def felt "clique"ish at some of the events which I would assume would turn off some parents from wanting to participate again in subsequent years. • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • Great Season !! • Apparel • I would have liked the store to be open all the time, its too limited.
D8 Cheer Comments (16) • Overall, how satisfied were you with the total experience during the 2014 Wolverines season? • Need better options for practice fields. • Would be extremely satisfied if we had better fields. • Overall, how effectively was information communicated via emails, team mom, coaches, or other during the season? • Communication was much better this year, but timing re: practices, etc.. continued to be a challenge - particularly when there were last minute changes. • Lilly Palmer is an incredibly amazing Team Mom! The very best!! • On the teams my kids were involved with the communication was perfect. I knew where to go , the time and how to get there. Thanks Lilly and Kerri S. • Coaching Staff: • needs to bring team together as a whole and not have some girls take over and dominate over others. Some girls were even told they could not hold trophies by some girls. The girls did not even know every persons names. • Coaches have tremendous patience and knowledge while working with the children • Overall, what do you consider to be the strengths of the Wolverines program? • The coaches are all very dedicated and give a lot of their time for the athletes. • Dedication hard work and comradery within the teams, positive encouragement • The coaches, the equipment, the communication, the coaches :) • The dedication of the volunteers, from the top down. • I think every year it improves thank you. • The strengths of the program are definitely the coaches in the younger aged programs (both cheer and football). Each team that I have been involved in are more like little families and very supportive of the program. • Dedication and hard work of all volunteers. Positive approach. Strong focus on the children. • Coaching staff and dedication of the Wolverines leadership to creating strong teams. • The base of families involved. The dedication of the coaches. • Community, teamwork, work ethic • Community involvement and the continued success of the teams will keep people signing up
D8 Cheer Comments • Overall, what improvements would strengthen the program? • I wish gear could be available at home games • less commitment • Communication could be much improved. While much better this year, many practices were moved, cancelled, etc.. at the last minute which made it difficult for planning. There were also many "impromptu" practices, clinics, etc.. that were scheduled at the last minute on weekends where participation was mandatory which again made it difficult for planning. Better communication on dates at the start of the season would be extremely beneficial, including list of potential costs. • Maybe a team parent overseeing practices.... Coaches are not able to see all, and this is where the boys tend to goof off and safety is an issue • Continue to understand how to safely play the game and monitor the equipment. To make certain the girls know how to safely stunt. Maybe, having a tumbling class within the practice schedule. • Adequate practice fields. There are many grass fields in town that could be explored for use. Updated equipment will be needed in the coming seasons. • Fields • Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? • It would be great if we had to know what had to be purchased at beginning of program, that is if they need more than one t-shirt for practices. (very frustrating to scramble two weeks in to get a t-shirt that could of been ordered a month before) Overall, each year gets better. The communication is better, the consistency of the practice schedule and practice location has gotten better. Thank you! • I would recommend that term limits are set up for board members. It is good to get new perspectives and new ideas and typically in organizations like this there are term limits. I am very proud to be a part of this organization. • Suggestion: attendance policy for cheer to allow 1 missed practice and 1 game absence instead of 3 practices (this would be aside from sick absences). • The cost for the program gets a bit high...when you add up the entry fee, plus calendar, plus banquet, plus other things along the way, times multiple kids in program. Any ways to reduce this would be good. Maybe a fund raising effort. • Apparel • Would love to see the jackets that were offered during season 2. They are rain proof and lined, embroidered names on arms, zip up the front, and Wolverines on the back. • Baseball caps, visors, men's navy t shirts • I'm not sure why it's not open the whole season . • I would like to see the products being offered more frequently. Also, the vendors should be providing us with sample sizes so we know what to order. I ordered 2 monogrammed sweatshirts that were expensive that were not the right size (although the same size that my boys normally wear). Also, the 3 years we have ordered apparel...there has been an issue every single year. That doesn't seem like good customer service. This past year was better than the two prior years though so we are headed in the right direction. I'd also like to see offerings that you can put both "football" and "cheer" on instead of having to pick one. There are quite a few of us with children in both cheer and football. • There seem to always be issues with the orders. Every year I have had to track down something I ordered or give back something I got that was for someone else. Shouldn't be that hard. • Do not use M & N sports. They had poor customer service!