Sarah • “God changed their names [Abram and Sarai] to Abraham and Sarah to help them fulfill their new destiny as progenitors of the future nation of Israel. In Hebrew, the name Avram means ‘exalted father’ or, alternately, ‘father of Aram,’ the country where Abraham was born. Sarai means ‘my woman of high rank’, referring to her relationship with her husband. Now their names would be Abraham, meaning ‘father of many,’ and Sarah, meaning ‘woman of high rank’.” What significance would an allusion to Sarah have for a female character? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah
Circe • “In Greek mythology, Circe or Kírkē (Greek Κίρκη, falcon), was a Queen goddess (or sometimes nymph or sorceress) living on the island of Aeaea.” • In the Odyssey, Odysseus’ crew is invited to a feast at her mansion and are all turned into pigs by the magical potion that laced the food. What significance would an allusion to Circe have for a female character? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circe