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6th Q-DETECT Meeting Work package 6 - Acoustics

p art ner # 3 : National Institute of Biology , Ljubljana, Slovenia p art ner # 8 : Federal Forest Research Centre , Vienna , Austria. large databases of laser recorded sound files for ALB (Anoplophora glabripennis) and RPW (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) are established

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6th Q-DETECT Meeting Work package 6 - Acoustics

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  1. partner #3: National Institute of Biology,Ljubljana, Slovenia partner#8: Federal Forest Research Centre, Vienna, Austria • large databases of laser recorded • sound files for ALB (Anoplophora • glabripennis) and RPW • (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) are • established • information on the uncertainties, • quality (sensitivity/specificity) and a • full protocol will be provided to WP2 • shortly for the following method: • ‘Detection of the RPW using • laser vibrometry in palm trees • at trade points (quarantine)’ • at this point no final algorithm is • available yet but trained personnel • may confirm presence/absence of • pest based on quick analysis of the • recording (5 min) • - collaboration with Palm Protect • project is well established through • Dr. Victoria Soroker of ARO, Israel 6th Q-DETECT MeetingWork package 6 - Acoustics 4x 21x 4x *Maximum recording time required to detect if the pest is active. Q-DETECT Meeting, Zürich, Switzerland, October 22nd, 2012

  2. Dr. Victoria Soroker, Dr. Amots Hetzroni, ARO, Israel

  3. Study at ARO independentlyconfirmedthatAcousticmethodis a verysuitable pest detectionmethod at tradepoints/quarantine (but not in open areas). Dr. Victoria Soroker, Dr. Amots Hetzroni, ARO, Israel

  4. Dissemination • Meetingswithinspectors, demonstrations (Brussels, Ljubljana). • Publications in scientificjournals and EPPO Bulletin . •  FutureWork/Follow up • 1. Monochamusgalloprovincialisspecificpheromonelure – Galloprotect • willbe used in cross-vanetrapsnextyearfortrappingM. galloprovincialis. • Adult♂ and ♀ willbeplacedtogetherwithsuitablepinesamples to layeggsand • thenrecordlarvalactivity. • 2. WewillcontinuecollaborationwithSebastianHübner (companySejona) in order to • develop signal detectionmethodfor ALB and RPW. He is workingjointly • withtheingineersfromthe Palm Protectproject on the RPW algorithm. • Dr. Dejan Križaj oftheFacultyofElectricalEngineering, Univ. of Ljubljana • - ideaabout a mobilephone app. to detectpresenceofpests – similar to what is being • developedforrecognitionofbirdsongs. • 5. ApplicationforfundingFP7-SME-2013? Q-DETECT Meeting, Switzerland, October 2012

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