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SILIKEN – Salesforce webinars Session 4. June, 6th 2011. Session 4. Chatter . Marketing applications . SESSION OBJECTIVES :.
SILIKEN – SalesforcewebinarsSession 4 June, 6th 2011
Session 4 • Chatter. Marketing applications.
SESSION OBJECTIVES: • In this last session we will see all the possibilities of communication and collaboration that offers Chatter and different level of marketing applications, manage campaigns, email marketing, use of communication templates, etc.
Summary • Chatter: • How to use • Groups, Flies and more • Campaigns: • Why should I create a campaign • How to create • Following up Campaigns • eMail Marketing & Templates: • Creating Letterheads • Creating email Templates • Massive eMails • Web-to-lead • Applying to automatic responses
Chatter Chatter, is a verypowerfultoolwhichallowsyoutocollaboratewithpeople of yourcompany, in real time, in a privateand completelysecureway. Itisone of thelatestreleases. Withchatteryou can creategroupsto share files, commentsorupdatesonlywiththem, orcontactdirectlywithotherpeople
Chatter First of all, in ordertoviewthe modules whichchatterdependon, selectthe “SalesforceChatter” viewbyclickingontheviewtype box onthe top rightside of any page:
Chatter Profile Beforeusingchatter, youmust complete yourprofile. Thisis done in the “Profile” tab. Ifyoudon’tseethistab, clickonthe ‘+’ sign of thenavigation bar tosee all theavailable modules and youwillfinditthere:
Chatter Profile Theprofile page is a personal page in which you can include your contact information, following and followers lists, a Chatter feed, and a photo. Your profile is how you let people know more about you and what you are working on. Under your picture you can see stats which show your chatter usage, so you can track how many posts and comments you have done or received, or how many times your posts have been ‘liked’.
Chatter Profile At the top of the page youwillfindyour status bar: Thisiswhereyou can post updates, askquestions, and even post files togetfeed-back fromthepeopleyouworkwith.
Chatter Profile Ifyou are new tochatteryouhave a help box ontherightsidebarwithuseful ‘what yo do next’ links:
Chatter Profile In themiddlecolumnchatter box, thefeedgivesyouupdatesonpeopleyou are following, groupsyoubelongto and informationthatmatterstoyou, likeupdatestoyour files.
Chatter Followingpeople: Tofollowsomeone, gotothe “People” tab and searchforthatperson. Thenclickonthe ‘+ Follow’ button:
Chatter InvitingpeopletoSalesforcechatter Fromthis “People” tabyou can invite otherpeopleto use thechatter. Thiswillgenerate a new userwhichwillonlybeabletoaccessthemainchatterfunctionalities:
Chatter Groups You can see/searchfortheexistinggroupsbyaccessingthe “Groups” tab and requestingto “Join” thegroup.
Chatter Chatter Accessingthemainchatter module, you can use thefilterontheleftsidebartoquicklysortthrough all of theposts and informationthatmattertoyou
Chatter Chatter You can seeforexamplepoststoinformyouthatyouhavebeenaddedto a new grouptokeepyouupdatedon a new dealpeople are workingon:
Chatter Chatter (example) Ifyoubelongto a certaingroup and youfind a post requesting a file done byanothermember, you can post thefileprivately, tosomeonespecific of yourgroup. To post someoneprivately, justinsertthe ‘@’ sign and writethename of thepersonyouwantto post. As youwrite, belowthe box thecoincidences of peopleyoufollowwillappear. Selecttheappropiateperson and writethemessageorinsertthefile/link:
Chatter Chatter (example) In themessageswithassociated files or links you share can use the hash tagtohelptracktheinformation. Byusing hash tagsyoucreate a topic link thatcategorizesyourupdate so otherusers in yourcompany can findit more easily:
Campaigns • Asalways, tohave a clearerview of the modules onwhichour marketing actionsdependon, we can selectitfromthe top rightview box: • A campaign is an outbound marketing project that you want to plan, manage, and track within Salesforce. It can be a direct mail program, seminar, print advertisement, email, or other type of marketing initiative. You can organize campaigns into hierarchies for easy analysis of related marketing tactics. • The Campaigns tab displays a home page that lets you quickly locate and report on campaigns. You can also sort and filter campaigns using standard and custom list views. In addition, this tab lets you view and edit detailed information on campaigns.
Campaigns • To manage campaigns, users must have the Marketing User checkbox selected on their personal information page, the appropriate user permissions, and sharing access to the campaign.
Campaigns • As in otherSalesforce modules, you can use “Views” tofilterthelistedcampaingaccordingto a specifiedcriteria. Wecould, forexample, create a new viewtoaccessthelist of thisyear’scampaigns
Campaigns • These are themainstepstocreate a campaign: • Create the campaign • After determining your marketing strategy, create a campaign to track your efforts. • 2) Create your target list: • Next define who you want to target with your campaign. The method used to create a target list depends on who you are targeting: • - Rented or Purchased Lists - Simply use the list of names as your target list. We recommend that you do not import the names into the system yet. • Existing Contacts, Leads, or Person Account - Run a contact, lead, or person account report in Salesforce and use the Add to Campaign button to associate those records with your campaign. Alternatively, go to a list view of contacts or leads and use the Add to Campaign button to associate those records with your campaign. Note that person accounts are included in contact list views and can be added to campaigns from them.
Campaigns • 3) Execute the campaign • All campaign execution occurs outside of Salesforce. It can be online or offline, for example: • - Online - Send email using an email execution vendor. • - Offline - Plan and host a conference; run print or radio advertisements; send direct mail pieces; or host a Web seminar.
Campaigns • 4) Track responses • The possible types of campaign responses can be divided into the following groups based on the response tracking mechanism: • Website Response - Prospects respond by filling in a form on your website. Use Web-to-Lead to set up a jump page or microsite for the campaign. All responses are created as leads, and if the Web form includes the Campaign field value, the leads are directly associated to the campaign. You can also include the Member Status field in the form to automatically mark all submissions with a particular member status. • Manual Update - Customers and prospects respond via phone or mail. A sales or marketing team member can manually update the Campaign History for the lead, contact, or person account. • - Mass Update/Offline Response - The third type of response is any response that you track in an offline list, for example, trade show attendance or email responses from your email vendor. In Salesforce, use the Manage Members page to update the member status of leads, contacts, or person accounts that have been associated with your campaign. Alternatively, import the offline list into Salesforce via the Campaign Import Wizards. • Members.
Campaigns • 5) Analyze campaign effectiveness: • The final step is to analyze the effectiveness of the campaign using reports and campaign statistics.
Campaign Hierarchy • A campaign hierarchy allows you to group campaigns together within a specific marketing program or initiative, which enables you to analyze related marketing efforts more efficiently. • A campaign hierarchy shows campaigns that are associated with one another via the Parent Campaign field. A hierarchy illustrates a relationship between campaigns, such as a grouping of campaigns within a specific marketing tactic. Each campaign can have only one parent campaign but an unlimited number of sibling campaigns, and a campaign hierarchy can contain a maximum of five levels or generations. In other words, a campaign hierarchy has a maximum depth of five levels but an unlimited breadth on each level. Campaign members, such as contacts and leads, can be included on any level.
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • We will create for example a new campaign for an event we are going to celebrate in June. We therefore click the “New” button in the campaign’s home page:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • We insert the campaigns basic information, and mark it as “Active” (important). We can select a “Parent Campaign” if the campaign is part of a global action:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • All campaigns are managed in the same way, except for the emailing ones, in which you can do the shipment and keep tracked the deliveries of the sent emails. • It is very important to track the information of the new leads, accounts, etc. generated on the event. Therefore, when inserting for example a new lead which you met in the event, you have to associate it to the campaign from the “Campaigns” module in its details:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • This will make the lead appear as well in the campaign’s “Campaign Members” block in its details: • You can also add campaign members (for example, if your campaign consists in a massive emailing to existing leads and contacts in your Salesforce platform by clicking on the “Manage Members -> Add Members” option in such module):
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • In thesameway as wedidwhencreatingviews, wemustspecifyoursearchcriteriatofindthe leads and contactswewanttoaddtoourcampaign, thencheckthem and clickthe “Addwith status” button (selectingthe new member’sinitial status). Wecouldalso use anexisting Lead/contactviewto do thefiltering:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • Afteraddingourmembers (thisshouldbe done all throughthecampaign’slifeifitisn`tanemailingcampaign), we do theemailing. Thisis done separatelyfor leads and contacts of ourmembership. Beforedoingtheemailingwemustcreateourtemplate. Thereforewemustgotothesetup panel -> “Personal Setup” -> “Email” -> “My templates”:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • Weclickthe “New template” buttontocreatethe email templatewewill use. We can create: • Texttemplates, whichis a basic email (subject and plaintext). • HTML (usingletterheads): you can includeimages, links, etc. Theletterheadmustbecreatedbyanadministrator. • Custom (withoutusingLetterhead): THIS IS THE MOST COMMONLY USED. Itisjustanemptycontainerwhereyoucustomize all theelements. • Visualforce: You cannot send a mass email using a Visualforce email template. Therefore this type will not be used.
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • WeselecttheCustomtemplate, insertthetitle and rest of basicinformation, and startinsertingits HTML content (NOTE: usersmustknow HTML programmingtoeditthetemplatesformat and content). In thiscontentyou can use salesforcetagsforeachobjecttype (such as thelead’s/contact’sname, surname, etc.) tomakeit look more personal:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • Use the “Availablemergefields” on top of ourtemplate’shtmlcontenttosearchforthetagwewanttoinsert in itscontent. In theexamplebelowwewill use thename of thecampaignfromwhichwe are doingtheemailing as thesubject, and we use ournameonthesignature:
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • Wemustalsoinsert a text-onlyversion (forthoseuserswhocannot reproduce thehtmlversion):
Campaigns • Creating a new campaign • Once wehavereadyourtemplate, wewillstarttheemailing. Salesforceonlyallows 250 emails per shipment, so ifweourlistisbiggerwemust divide itintopartsorcontactthe marketing departmentto use othertools. Tosendtheemailingtothe lead members of thecampaignweclickthe “Mass email leads” in theLead’smain page toaddthe leads and starttheshipping:
FAQs • Transferring accounts,contacts,etc: • To transfer forexampleaccounts, ifyoujhavetheprivilege, accessthe account module and in the “Tools” block select “Transfer accounts”. You can transfer fromoneusertoanotherorusingfilteringcriteria:
FAQs • Merging accounts, contacts, etc: • Tofindduplicities in contacts, accounts, etc. use the “Mergeaccounts” link in the “Tools box in thebottom of the module. Searchfortheaccountswhichmayhavecoincidences, checkthem and choosewhichfields are thecorrectones. Whenmergingcontacts, themustbelongtothesame account first.