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Tips for Making Staff Meetings a Positive Experience
Tips for Making Staff Meetings a Positive Experience https://www.giggletree.com.au/
While traveling to one of my centres (6 hour drive) I love listening to pod casts and YouTube talks. I started listening to "Why happiness is the new productivity" by VishenLakhiani Mindy Valley. He talked about 10 things to do in your company. One of those steps was called an "Awesome Report". This replaced their weekly team meetings - now doesn't that sound more fun than a "staff meeting".
I thought about how this could be tailored to our staff meetings in childcare, as these meetings can seem to be taken up by a lot of negative housekeeping chatter. The idea is to change the meeting to an uplifting & positive experience. Some ideas would be: • Have upbeat / inspirational music playing up at the start of the meeting as your educators start arriving.• Create a slide show presentation of fun things happening at the centre throughout that month.• Get educator's to take turns in telling the group what their most awesome memory of the month was it can be either personally or professionally or even both.
This will start the meeting of in a positive & happy note. You will find educators will be more willing to participate in conversations when they are feeling happy and positive. Also I would recommend that you always finish on a positive note, you could finish it off with a video clip on something that will inspire your team. It does not need to be related to childcare just something that is inspiring, you will find if you staff are happy and inspired, they will work together as a team more effectively. If you have meetings that are always negative and concentrate on what does not happen properly then that will set the mood for the workplace culture at the centre.
Below is the link to "Why Happiness is the new productivity" for anyone interested in listening to it. I would love to hear about what people do at their staff meetings to make them positive & fun, please post ideas below or on our facebook page:- https://www.facebook.com/giggletree
Contact us Email - Samantha@giggletree.com.au Call us - 07 3204 1102 http://giggletree.com.au/