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SPANISH-ENGLISH COGNATES. The languages are more alike than most people think. Many of the words from the English language stem from the Spanish language. MORE ALIKE THAN WE THINK.
SPANISH-ENGLISH COGNATES The languages are more alike than most people think. Many of the words from the English language stem from the Spanishlanguage.
MORE ALIKE THAN WE THINK • There are some Spanish words that when you see them, you know (or think you know) what they mean. They may be spelled exactly alike—or similar to—an English word. An example would be capital. • These words are called cognates. Although cognates may be spelled like English words, they are not pronounced the same. • Cognates are words that look alike and have similar meanings in English and Spanish.
MORE ALIKE THAN WE THINK 4. 30-40% of all English words are related in some way to Spanish words. 5. Cognates are words that look alike and have similar meanings in English and Spanish. 6.We use many Spanish words in English.
Here are some simple Spanish spelling rules, to help you correctly spell cognates.9-7-12 7.Except for cc, rr, ll, and nndouble consonants are not used. Examples: professor=profesor, class=clase 8. Words that end in –tionin English, end in siónor ciónin Spanish. Examples: television=televisión, information=información
Here are some simple Spanish spelling rules, to help you correctly spell cognates. 9. Spanish words do not start in s followed by another consonant. Examples: special becomes especial state becomes estado 10. Words that end in --ty will end in –dad in Spanish. Examples: university=universidad, reality=realidad
Here are some simple Spanish spelling rules, to help you correctly spell cognates. 11. Words that end in –ly, in Spanish end in –mente. Examples: rapidly=rápidamente, finally=finalmente 12. Words that end in –ant or –ent, in Spanish add an e. Examples: restaurant=restaurante, president=presidente
Here are some simple Spanish spelling rules, to help you correctly spell cognates. • Words that end in–ce, will end in –ciain Spanish. Examples: ambulance=ambulancia, audience=audiencia 14. Words that end in –emor –am in English, in Spanish end in –ema, or –ama. Examples: program=programa, problem=problema
19. accidente 20. accidental 21. acompañar 22. activo(a) 23. actividades 24. admirar 25. admitir A
26. banana 27. banjo 28. bicicleta 29. biografía 30. blusa 31. brillante B
C 32. cabina 33. cable 34. cafetería 35. cámara 36. cañón 37. capitán 38. causa 39. centro
círculo circular clase costa colonia color comité común completo(a) completamente circle circular class coast colony color committee common complete completely C-CONTINUED
diciembre determinar diamante dictador diferente directamente director desaparecer December Determine diamond dictator different directly director disappear D
You can read Spanish! You may not know it, but if I tell you that el=the and hay = there is or there are you can read a whole paragraph in Spanish. Let’s try it!
El elefante es un animal inteligente. The elephant is an intelligent animal. Hay muchos elefantes en África. There are many elephants in Africa. El camello es un animal enorme. The camel is an enormous animal. Hay camellos en el desierto. There are camels in the desert. El tigre es un animal feroz. The tiger is a ferocious animal.
eléctrico(a) elefante enorme energía entrar escapar especialmente examinar explosión extraordinario electric elephant enormous energy enter escape especially examine explosion extraordinary E
Anaconda-anaconda Animal-animal announce (to)-anunciar appear (to)-aparecer Appetite-apetito Area-área Arithmetic-aritmética Artist-artista Association-asociación Astronomer-astrónomo Atmosphere-atmósfera Attention-atención August-agosto Autograph-autógrafo Automobile-automóvil A-CONTINUED
C-CONTINUED • Contract-contrato • Contribution-contribución • Coyote-coyote • Crocodile-cocodrilo • Curious-curioso(a)
Disaster-desastre Discrimination-discriminación discuss (to)-discutir Disgrace-desgracia Distance-distancia distribute (to)-distribuir Dollar-dólar Double-doble Dragon-dragón Dynamite-dinamita D-CONTINUED
Family-familia Famous-famoso(a) fascinate (to)-fascinar Favorite-favorito(a) Ferocious-feroz Finally-finalmente Firm-firme Flexible-flexible Flower-flor Fortunately-afortunadamente Fruit-fruta Funeral-funeral Furious-furioso(a) F
Galaxy-galaxia Gallon-galón Garden-jardín Gas-gas Giraffe-jirafa Golf-golf Glorious-glorioso(a) Gorilla-gorila Group-grupo Guide-guía G
H • Helicopter-helicóptero • Hippopotamus-hipopótamo • History-historia • Honor-honor • Hospital-hospital • Hotel-hotel • Hour-hora • Human-humano(a)
Idea-idea Identification-identificación imagine (to)-imaginar Immediately-inmediatamente Immigrants-inmigrantes Importance-importancia Important-importante Impressed-impresionando(a) Impression-impresión Incredible-increíble Incurable-incurable Independence-independencia Information-información Insects-insectos Inseparable-inseparable insist (to)-insistir I
Inspection-inspección Intelligence-inteligencia Interesting-interesante Interrupt (to)-interrumpir Introduce (to)-Introducir Introduction-introducción invent (to)-inventar investigate (to)-investigar Invitation-invitación invite (to)-invitar Island-isla I-CONTINUED
J & K • There are no cognates in the Spanish or English languages for the letters J and K.
L • Leader-líder • Lemon-limón • Lens-lente • Leopard-leopardo • Lesson-lección • Lessons-lecciones • Line-línea • Lion-león • List-lista • locate (to)-localizar
Machine-máquina Magic-magia Magician-mago Magnificent-magnífico(a) Manner-manera Map-mapa March-marzo march (to)-marchar or caminar Marionettes-marionetas or títeres Medal-medalla Memory-memoria Metal-metal Microscope-microscopio Million-millón Miniature-miniatura Minute-minuto M
M-CONTINUED • Minutes-minutos • Moment-momento • Monument-monumento • Much-mucho • Music-música
N • Natural-natural • Necessity-necesidad • Nectar-néctar • Nervous-nervioso(a) • Notice-noticia
O • Obedience-obediencia • Object-objeto • Observatory-observatorio • Occasion-ocasión • Ocean-océano • October-octubre • Office-oficina • Operation-operación • Ordinary-ordinario
Palace-palacio Panic-pánico Paper-papel Park-parque Part-parte Patience-paciencia Penguin-pingüino Perfect-perfecto(a) Perfume-perfume Permanent-permanente Photo-foto Photograph-fotografía Photographer-fotógrafo Piano-piano Pioneer-pionero Pirate-pirata P
Planet-planeta Planetarium-planetario Plans-planes Plants-plantas Plates-platos Police-policía Practice-práctica practice (to)-practicar prepare (to)-preparar present (to)-presentar Problem-problema Professional-profesion P-CONTINUED
Q • There are no cognates for the letter Q.
R • Radio-radio • Ranch-rancho • Really-realmente • Restaurant-restaurante • retire (to)-retirar • Reunion-reunión • Rich-rico(a) • Rock-roca • Route-ruta
Secret-secreto September-septiembre Series-serie Sofa-sofá Special-especial Splendid-espléndido(a) Statistics-estadística Stomach-estómago study (to)-estudiar Surprise-sorpresa S
Telephone-teléfono Telescope-telescopio Television-televisión Terrible-terrible Tomato-tomate Totally-totalmente Tourist-turista Traffic-tráfico trap (to)-atrapar Triple-triple Trumpet-trompeta Tube-tubo T
U • Uniform-uniforme
V • Vegetables-vegetales • Version-versión • visit (to)-visitar • Volleyball-voleibol • vote (to)-votar
W, X, Y, AND Z • There are no cognates for the letters of W, X, Y, and Z because these letters are often combined with other letters. • Example—z-words are used mainly under the letter C
THANKS---GRACIAS • Thanks to the following website we are able to give you this list of cognates— http://www.colorincolorado.org/cognates.pdf