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No-Till Management of Agronomic Row Crops in Perennial Sod. R.N. Gallaher 1 , E.L. Ashburn 2 , K. Gallaher 3 , J.A. Baldwin 4 , T.A. Lang 1 , W.R. Ocumpaugh 5 , G.M. Prine 1 , W.K. Robertson 1 , and R.L. Stanley 1. University of Florida 1 , University of Tennessee 2 , Lipscomb
No-Till Management of Agronomic Row Crops in Perennial Sod R.N. Gallaher1, E.L. Ashburn2, K. Gallaher3, J.A. Baldwin4, T.A. Lang1, W.R. Ocumpaugh5, G.M. Prine1, W.K. Robertson1, and R.L. Stanley1 University of Florida1, University of Tennessee2, Lipscomb University3, University of Georgia4, and Texas A&M University5.
Tillage and Soil Erosion Average Annual Soil Loss VS Erosion Index, Georgia Piedmont (G.W. Langdale and R.L. Leonard, 1982; R.N. Gallaher and M.F. Laurent, 1983)
Mulch and Water Conservation +875 +4102 Soil moisture conservation and yield of corn and soybean no-till planted in rye. (R.N. Gallaher, 1977)
Nitrogen-Location(Fescue/Rye) No-till tropical corn grain yield response to nitrogen fertilizer. R.N. Gallaher, T.A. Lang, K. Gallaher, and E.L. Ashburn, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville and Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1992.
Nitrogen-Location(Fescue/Rye) No-till tropical corn ear leaf nitrogen response to nitrogen fertilizer. R.N. Gallaher, T.A. Lang, K. Gallaher, and E.L. Ashburn, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville and Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1992.
Nitrogen-Location(Fescue/Rye) Loam soil Sandy soil Soil texture for locations of no-till tropical corn. R.N. Gallaher, T.A. Lang, K. Gallaher, and E.L. Ashburn, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville and Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville. 1992.
Fescue/Bermudagrass Sod +188 +1005 Field corn grain yield range either planted no-till into a fescue/ bermudagrass mix or conventional till after the sod was plowed under and conventional seedbed prepared, University of Georgia, Agric. Exp. Station. (R.N. Gallaher, 1978).
Bermudagrass Sod +968 2152 1184 Grain yield of soybean strip-till planted into bermudagrass, Robinson farm, Williston, Florida. (R.N. Gallaher and G. Westberry, 1980)
Bermudagrass Sod +$151/ha Cost and return of soybean strip-till planted into bermudagrass, Robinson farm, Williston, Florida. (R.N. Gallaher and G. Westberry, 1980)
Bahiagrass Sod 1615 kg/ha extra grain from lupin Max for Lupin Max for other treatments Nitrogen Rate, kg/ha Grain yield (kg/ha) of DeKalb BR54 sorghum strip-till planted into three crops and fallow. Previous crop was bahiagrass at Green Acres Experiment Research Lab, Gainesville, FL. (R.N. Gallaher, 1978)
Bahiagrass Sod Kershaw fs Chiefland fs Arrendondo fs 2 June plantings after a hay crop 3 1 Corn grain yield response to nitrogen (anhydrous ammonia) strip- tilled into old bahiagrass pastures in Levy, Co., Florida. (J.A. Baldwin and R.N. Gallaher, 1985).
Bahiagrass Sod Kershaw fs Chiefland fs Arredondo fs June Plantings after hay crop 1 3 2 Sorghum grain yield response to nitrogen (anhydrous ammonia) strip- tilled into old bahiagrass pastures in Levy, Co., Florida. (J.A. Baldwin and R.N. Gallaher, 1985).
Tropical Grasses, Weeds, Briars NS NS ** Corn grain yield average of two hybrids at three locations on a Flatwoods soil with and without strip-till (subsoil) treatment, Alachua, Co., Florida. (R.N. Gallaher and W.R. Ocumpaugh, 1980) Sites were close together in old bahiagrass/bermudagrass based pastures.
Bahiagrass Sod NS NS ** Corn grain yield response to tillage in old bahiagrass fields (R.L. Stanley, Jr. and R.N. Gallaher, 1980; W.K. Robertson, R.N. Gallaher, and G.M. Prine, 1980)
Bahiagrass sod ** * Corn grain yield response to tillage and subsoil management in an old bahiagrass pasture (W.K. Robertson, R.N. Gallaher, and G.M. Prine, 1980).
Bahiagrass/corn/Soybean NS ** Soybean (planted end of July) grain yield response to tillage double-cropped after corn in old bahiagrass fields (R.L. Stanley, Jr. and R.N. Gallaher, 1980)
Sod provides maximum erosion control and moisture conservation. Crop response vary due to soil type/location and fertilizer. Corn, grain sorghum and soybean-successful in sod. Most research 20 years old due to lack of interest by farmers. Crops in bermudagrass could have great potential, grain/forage. Planting into bahiagrass require strip-till to help ensure good soil/seed contact. Planting into sod crops good way to renovate pastures. Irrigation generally essential in Florida sandy soil. Summary and Conclusions
Introduction-Principles Soil Erosion Control Langdale, G.W., and R.A. Leonard. 1982. Gallaher, R.N., and M.F. Laurent. 1983. Soil Water Conservation Gallaher, R.N. 1977. GA-corn/soybean in rye Soil Type/Location/N Fertilizer Impact Gallaher, R.N., T.A. Lang, K. Gallaher, and E.L. Ashburn. 1992.
Introduction Baldwin, J.A., and R.N. Gallaher. 1985. FL-corn/grain sorghum Blevins, R.L., and D. Cook. 1970. Gallaher, R.N. 1975. Feed grain proceedings Gallaher, R.N. 1977. GA-corn/soybean in rye Gallaher, R.N. 1978. GA-Fescue/bermudagrass-corn (sorghum/ bahiagrass compared to other mulch and N rates. Gallaher, R.N., T.A. Lang, K. Gallaher, and E.L. Ashburn. 1992. Gallaher, R.N., and W.R. Ocumpaugh. 1980. Bahiagrass/corn Gallaher, R.N., and G.W. Westberry. 1980. Bermudagrass/soybean Jones, J.N., Jr., J.E. Moody, and J.H. Lillard. 1969. Robertson, W.K., R.N. Gallaher, and G.M. Prine. 1980. Bahiagrass/ corn Shanholtz, V.O. and J.H. Lillard. 1969. Stanley, R.L., and R.N. Gallaher. 1980. Bahiagrass/corn Van Doren, D.M., and G.B. Triplett, Jr. 1973.