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  2. The draft plan of action is a response to the challenges that the Eastern Cape Department Health Department faces in the short term and which will serve as a precursor to the coming term. The Communications Strategy addresses theses challenges on a number of platforms. Background to the Draft Plan

  3. Draft Plan of Action for the re-prioritised activities Short – Term Priorities • Urgent focus on TB and TB Hospitals • Infection control • Training of Physicians • Staffing • Infrastructure

  4. The TB will be addressed in the following Communications Channels: • Television interviews done to highlight successes, progress and challenges • Radio interviews done to highlight successes, progress and challenges. Radio interviews will include Community Radio Stations and National Radio Stations • Print Media: EP Herald, Daily Dispatch, Die Burger, EC Today, Isigidimi. • Media Breakfasts in PE, Umtata and East London

  5. Internal Communication Tools • Departmental Website coverage using video recording as an additional tool • Health Link Magazine • Impilo Magazine • Posters • SMS’s

  6. Focus on HIV and AIDS • Communication Tools All the tools utilized internally and externally will be utilized here as well. In addition the following will be used: • Purchasing of space in publications/journals • Purchase of airtime on SABC • Utilisation of Monday slot • Subcontracting an Industrial Theatre Group to teach about HIV and AIDS.

  7. Focus on Mother, Child and Women’s Health • Coverage on print media • Coverage on the website • Coverage on the Health Link • Radio Slots • Profile on journals

  8. Focus on improving patient flow in all Health Care facilities • Improved quality of care in institutions and facilities • Video footage to cover the event and to put on website • Same as all the other communications channels.

  9. Focus on the Supply and Demand including availability of drugs at Health Institutions at all material times • Profile of Pharmaceutical Directorate • Invite media to the depots to make them understand the Just in Time Project Management system.

  10. Appointment of Health Professionals, Health Support and Administrators, Emergency Care Practitioners • Community Newspapers • Flight new appointments in the Sunday Times on “People on the Move”, City Press, Daily Dispatch and The Herald. • Facilitate video screening and placement on the website of new appointments • Interview and profile new appointees on the Health Link • Advertise on radio for new posts and recruitment drives

  11. Focus on Maintenance and Facelifts of Health Facilities and EMS Bases • Record the status of renovations and put on the website and intranet • Profile the Facilities being given a facelift on the website • Video footage of the status of the facelifts to be posted on the website • Flight on newspapers the development of the facilities

  12. Security Services for Health Facilities and EMS Bases • Help in tender advertisement • Profile the Facilities and Bases on the website • Celebrate the success of the security of our facilities

  13. Improve Staff Morale • Video footage of Staff accomplishment • Profile Staff on Website • Profile Staff on Health Link • Video footage of speeches by the MEC and SG on ground floor • Coverage on Impilo • Put Staff on Daily Dispatch and The Herald to celebrate their achievements

  14. Conclusion • The Communications Strategy on the revised priorities will ensure that all the Eastern Cape Health Department’s priorities receive maximum media coverage. Activities will be known by internal and external stakeholders and the Department lives the provision of quality health care to all motto.

  15. Thank You

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