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ENDOCRINE SYSTEM. BY: EMMA HOWELL KAYLYN WARD LANISHA JOHNSON ERIN JACKSON. FACTS. The endocrine system helps control the following processes and systems: *Growth and development *Homeostasis (the internal balance of body systems) *Metabolism (body energy levels)
FACTS The endocrine system helps control the following processes and systems: *Growth and development *Homeostasis (the internal balance of body systems) *Metabolism (body energy levels) *Reproduction *Response to stimuli (stress and/or injury) The Endocrine System Essentials *The endocrine system is made up of a network of glands. *These glands secrete hormones to regulate many bodily functions, including growth and metabolism. *Endocrine diseases are common and usually occur when glands produce an incorrect amount of hormones.
FROM ORGAN TO ORGAN The endocrine system is made up of various ductless glands that produce different hormones. These hormones are very important to maintain the chemical levels in our blood stream, they act as a catalyst for the chemical changes that occur in the cells. A gland removes certain materials from blood ,process them and release the finished product into blood that flow in the blood till it reach the destined cell to perform its function. Pituitary ,thyroid and adrenal glands are called as endocrine glands. Along with these glands some of our body parts like kidneys,liver and gonads(testis and ovaries)also secrete some hormones and perform some endocrine functions
Function of adrenal glands http://www.adrenalsurgerycentral.com/adrenalsurgeryfaq.asp one of a pair of ductless glands, located above the kidneys, consisting of a cortex, which produces steroidal hormones, and a medulla, which produces epinephrine.
Function of the pancreas http://www.medindia.net/patients/patientinfo/pancreatitis-anatomy-and-physiology.htm a gland, situated near the stomach, that secretes a digestive fluid into the intestine through one or more ducts and also secretes the hormone insulin.
Function of the ovaries the female gonad or reproductive gland, in which the ova and the hormones that regulate female secondary sex characteristics develop.
Function of the Hypothalamus http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/H/hypothalamus.html The part of the brain that lies below the thalamus, forming the major portion of the ventral region of the diencephalon, and that regulates bodily temperature, certain metabolic processes, and other autonomic activities.
Function of the pineal gland http://www.healingtherapies.info/PinealGland1.htm a small, cone-shaped endocrine organ in the posterior forebrain, secreting melatonin and involved in biorhythms and gonadal development.
Function of the pituitary gland http://www.gynaeonline.com/sheehans_syndrome.htm the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain
Function of the testes the male gonad or reproductive gland, either of two oval glands located in the scrotum
Function of the thymus http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.myasthenia.org.au/assets/images/thymus.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.myasthenia.org.au/html/treatments.htm&usg=__Gcj0ZVdLhtqeHJfs8548c88hC0c=&h=305&w=436&sz=24&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=9yPjx4x9F-OOeM:&tbnh=138&tbnw=191&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dthymus%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26biw%3D1419%26bih%3D699%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=235&ei=bcWPTPerFMH68AbSpsmjDQ&oei=bcWPTPerFMH68AbSpsmjDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=91&ty=117 a ductless, butterfly-shaped gland lying at the base of the neck, formed mostly of lymphatic tissue and aiding in the production of T cells of the immune system: after puberty, the lymphatic tissue gradually degenerates
Function of the thyroid gland http://www.abc.net.au/health/library/stories/2005/06/16/1831822.htm a two-lobed endocrine gland, located at the base of the neck that secretes two hormones that regulate the rates of metabolism, growth, and development.
Citations for web information *http://books.google.com/books?id=x2CD5Wk7w9wC&printsec=frontcover&dq=how+the+endocrine+system+works&source=bl&ots=W45YZ6LS1l&sig=caXMDgeXAYO3zy6-_S15hE51WYY&hl=en&ei=usmPTNWqMoOBlAequIwS&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false *http://www.faqs.org/health/Body-by-Design-V1/The-Endocrine-System-Workings-how-the-endocrine-system-functions.html