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RWS for decision makers on development of regulations and implementation of national radon plans. AZERBAIJAN. Matanat Gahramanova The State Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations Ministry of Emergency Situations. Regulatory Body. Regulatory Body
RWS for decision makers on development of regulations and implementation of national radon plans AZERBAIJAN Matanat Gahramanova The State Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations Ministry of Emergency Situations
Regulatory Body Regulatory Body • April 24, 2008 the President of Azerbaijan Republic signed a decree on creation of an independent regulatory authority, State Agency for Nuclear and Radiological Activity Regulations (SANRAR) under the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which gives the regulatory function in considerable extent to the sole body.
Regulatory Body The SANRAR performs administrative and technical tasks related to: • Development and improvement of the legislative framework; • Maintaining of inventory of radiation sources and facilities; • Authorization; • Security and safety of radiation sources; • Inspection; • Enforcement; • Emergency preparedness; • Quality management.
nuclear and radiation safety; • transport and handling of nuclear and radioactive materials; • supervision of implementation and compliance to the law regulations and other rules governing the domain of nuclear and radiation safety; • inventory of radioactive and nuclear materials; • physical protection of radioactive and nuclear materials; • provision of radioactive monitoring; • provision of radiation early warning system in case of nuclear or radiation accidents; • international co-operations in the field of administration and to other tasks specified by regulations.
Legislative Framework • On radiation safety of population No. 423-IQ (30.12.1997) • On technical safety No. 733 - IQ (02.11.1999) • On sanitary and epidemiological well being No. 371 (10.11.1992) • On ecological safety No. 677-IQ (08.06. 1999) • On protection of environment No. 678- IQ (08.06.1999) • On export control No. 772-IIQ (26.10.2004) • Customs Code of the Azerbaijan Republic (Adopted by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic No. 164-IVQ (24.06.2011))
The law of radiation safety of population No. 423-IQ (30.12.1997) • article15. Ensuring population safety from the effects of natural radionuclides In residential and industrial buildings radon and its decomposition products as well as other natural radionuclides should not exceed the dose specified by the radiation normative. In buildings and installations, the case of incompatible the amount of natural radionuclides, gamma-radiation, and radon in accordance with the norms the purpose of the use of the these building and installation must to change . It is forbidden to use construction materials and products that do not meet the requirements for radiation safety.
Radon Mapping in Azerbaijan In 2010-2013 the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences carried out a research project titled “Moving towards the eradication of lung cancer caused by radon gas in homes and workplaces: the radon risk map in Azerbaijan (cadaster and database)” and the project was founded with a grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation .
Objective and methods of studies • The main goal of the project was the creation of an indoor radon cadaster in Azerbaijan • 2500 radon Gammadata dosimeters were provided to the Geology Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences with the support of SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) and SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland) • Dosimeters were placed mainly in residential buildings and in some industrial buildings in different regions of the country from November to December 2010. Exposure time was not longer than 2 months • When the detectors were placed, specially prepared data sheets were compiled with the following data: code of instrument, time of installation and removal, address, GPS coordinates and building type (material), etc …
Results of investigations • Obtained data were processed by using mathematical statistics methods • Out of the 2407 measured houses 169 were above 200 Bq/m3 and 418 houses are between 100 and 200 Bq/m3 • The maximum allowable concentration for radon in Azerbaijan is 200 Bq/m3 • The zones with abnormal high levels of radon were detected mainly in Shamakhi-Ismayilli, Sheki-Zagatala, Ganja, Tovuz, Masalli-Lankaran and Guba regions.
The map of distribution of average values of radon concentrations inliving spaces of Azerbaijan
Radon Action Program, Azerbaijan(2014-2018) • After completion of this stage of works National Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geology and Geophysics informed the government of Azerbaijani republic on the received results and recommended to take a radon problem under the state control. The government has supported our initiative and has charged to prepare the Action program. After all necessary coordination the program prepared by us has been approved by the government of republic on July, 31st 2014 (№236). • In implementation will be take part: National Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geology and Geophysics; Institute of Radiation Problems), Ministry of Emergencies, Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural resources.
Main Objective of Program: Investigation and decrease of radon risk in Azerbaijan. • Determination of radon risk areas of Azerbaijan Republic • Development of the legal framework according to the control of population from radon exposure • Determination of measures on investigation and elimination of the results of the effects of radon exposure on the population • Education of population about radon risk • Development of proposals on mitigation of activity of radon in the air of the workplaces, dwellings and public places where are radon risk is exist.
A new law on nuclear and radiation safety is being drafted; Posters on population enlightenment and newspapers have been prepared