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Kerri Byrd Summer Learning Kit RED 534. Overall Goal of the Summer Learning Kit.
Overall Goal of the Summer Learning Kit. • The overall goal of Chris’ summer learning kit is to have him and his parents work on identifying and reading sight words , reading sight word readers and phrases, and to continue to read to and with Chris and work with him on comprehension strategies to help improve his comprehension skills. • Once children have had the opportunity to study new sight words, games are a fun, hands on way to help strengthen their retention. The games, websites and activities included in this summer reading kit are easy to create at home or at school and can be modified based on the particular sight words a child is learning at the time. The online games and websites • To help to continue Chris’ developing comprehension skills he will work on some comprehension strategies in this summer reading kit. His parent will read a story ,have your child read. Or listen to a story on tape. Some of the activities will have Chris : Have your child pick their favorite part., Ask your child to think of alternative solutions to a problem. • Have your child predict what will happen next., Ask your child to change the ending. ,Use books and follow-along cassettes. ,Have your child make a list of things that could never happen, things that might happen, and things that did happen. I will the teacher will keep in contact with parent and Chris over the summer to keep up with his progress. The teacher will provide any materials that the parent will need to work with Chris at home. Parent, teacher and child will work together to promote and increase Chris’ academic success.
Overall Goal of the Summer Learning Kit. • Reading is an energetic involved process in which the reader works aggressively to create meaning from text, activities and the use of technology. Effective readers are involved in the process of reading and are actively looking for meaning from text. In order for this to take place, students must have the ability and capability to adjust their reading to fit the type of material being taught. To make meaning and build understanding, students need literacy skills. These skills can help to prepare students with strategies that will help them access and use background knowledge, text feature knowledge, and general knowledge gained from the lesson being taught in the classroom and the lessons being taught in the world. They can help activate and organize students’ prior knowledge about a topic and the text. These strategies and the use of technology can help shed light on unfamiliar vocabulary and concepts, help students anticipate the text, and help them make personal connections with it, therefore encouraging their interest, engagement, and motivation.
Overall Goal of the Summer Learning Kit. The websites and online games in this presentation have been selected based on Kathy Schrock’s 5 W’s to website evaluation, http://www.schrockguide.net/uploads/3/9/2/2/392267/5ws.pdf the activities, websites and online readers and games are all aligned to the standards that were taught during the school year.
The 5 w’s of website evaluation. WHO • Who wrote the pages and are they an expert? • Is a biography of the author included? • How can I find out more about the author? WHAT • What does the author say is the purpose of the site? • What else might the author have in mind for the site? • What makes the site easy to use? • What information is included and does this • information differ from other sites?
The 5 w’s of website evaluation. WHEN • When was the site created? • When was the site last updated? WHERE • Where does the information come from? • Where can I look to find out more about • the sponsor of the site? WHY • Why is this information useful for my purpose? • Why should I use this information? • Why is this page better than another?
Week 1 This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 1 –Listen to the story The Vegetables Go To Bed, by Christopher King (with out looking at the illustrations including the book cover). Then complete the Visualizing activity sheet. • Remember Good Readers Visualize by: • Making pictures in your head • Taking snapshots • Making connections • Using what we already know; drawing upon our background knowledge and experiences • remembering that everyone's pictures are not the same because we all have different background knowledge and experiences • Activity 2 – It is important that a you as a reader develop a list of sight words (words that are recognized immediately). The larger the list of sight words a you have, the more rapidly and fluently you can read. Click on the link below to practice your sight words and to play the sight word game. • http://www.starfall.com/n/matching/sight-words/load.htm • Activity 3- Read the short o book “ Bob’s Pot” then complete the activities at the end of the book using the reading rods. This activity includes – story questions, vocabulary, picture fun, focus words, spelling, and building words, all while focusing on the short vowel o.
Week 2 This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 1 –Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister read aloud to you Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola or listen to the story on tape. Then complete the prediction chart. This activity is designed to establish predicting as a strategy. You will predict prior to reading and refine predictions while reading in order to more easily understand new concepts. Good readers use pictures, titles, headings, and text, as well as personal experiences, to make predictions before they begin to read. Predicting involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making predictions, students can read through the text and refine, revise, and verify their predictions. • Activity 2 -Blending is the process of saying the individual sounds in a word and then running them together to make the word. Click on the link to play the blending CVC word game. http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/construct/index.html
Week 2 Continued This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 3- This week you will Review high frequency words with the “Swat the Bug Game” . 1. Place the HFW bugs on the floor making sure all the words are facing up, so they can be seen. 2. You will stand in front of the flies on the floor. 3. Parent will say a word and use it in a sentence. 4. Student with fly swatter will have to find and swat the correct fly with the correct high frequency word on it. 5. Then you will pick up the fly and will spell, read the word and give a new sentence that includes the word that was swatted. 6. The read one of the high frequency readers. • Activity 4- SIGHT WORD BINGO • How to Play - Listen to the word the BINGO bug speaks and click on the corresponding sight word on the screen. Get four words correct vertically, horizontally or diagonally to get BINGO and win!About Sight Words - Sight Words are words that are recognized immediately (on sight) without phonetically decoding or sounding out parts.About the Dolch Word List - The Dolch Word List is a list of English sight words by Edward William Dolch, PhD. The list is comprised of 220 words grouped by level, and includes pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, verbs and nouns.*Headphones or speakers are required for this activity. • http://www.abcya.com/dolch_sight_word_bingo.htm
Week 3 This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 1 -Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister listen to you read Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff .Then complete the story map describing what happened in the beginning , middle and the end Danny and the Dinosaur. Good readers pay attention to what happens at the beginning , middle and end of a story. • Activity 2 –See how many new words you can make from the letters on the fruit machine. On “The Whirlyword Machine.” Level 1- Spin the first reel and make a new word. Blending is the process of saying the individual sounds in a word and then running them together to make the word. Blend and read the word and decide if it is a real word or not? At the end of your game you can print all your words and keep them. Click on the link below to play the game. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/cvc/whirl/index.shtml • Activity 3- This activity contains phrases using the first 100 words from the Fry Instant Word List , which represent 50 percent of all the words children encounter in elementary school reading. Repeated reading of a few phrases per week gives students practice reading high-frequency words and developing fluency and general proficiency. Have Chad read these phrases to help him develop and practice his reading fluently.
Week 4 This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 1 –Listen to The Popcorn Book ,by Tomie de Paola to Then complete the KWL chart. Complete the K column first stating – What you already know about popcorn. Then complete the W column-what you want to know and then read the story and then complete the L column- what you learned on the chart. Good readers think about what they already know about the topic before they read. Thinking about what they already know about parts of the story and connecting to a character, the setting, or an event helps them understand the story. • Activity 2 – Play the Star Words game. This activity provides practice at sight recognition and spelling of the 200 or so high frequency words that are identified in the National Literacy Strategy . It is important that a you as a reader develop a list of sight words (words that are recognized immediately). The larger the list of sight words a you have, the more rapidly and fluently you can read. Click on the link below to practice your sight words and to play the sight word game. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/hfwords/starwords/index.shtml
Week 4 Continued This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 3- This week you will Review high frequency words using the game “Fishing for High Frequency Words” . • Explain that today we are going to take an imaginary fishing trip. We will be fishing for a special kind of fish called “HFW Fish” and I think that you is going to catch a fish. • Spread out the blue material. Have student sit around the “pond.” • Discuss the fact that in some places where people fish the water has to be stocked with fish. Explain what it means to stock a lake, pond, etc. • Stock the “pond” with the special “HFW Fish.” Make sure that all of the words are facing down. • Student will take turns fishing in the pond. The student holds the fishing pole and catches a fish using the magnet on the end of the yarn and the paper clips on the fish. • When the student catches the fish, he/she looks at the word and reads it out loud. • Then uses the word in a sentence. Then continues until all the fish are gone. • Then read one of the high frequency readers. • Activity 4- Sight Word Spelling • How to Play - Select a Dolch Word List and listen to the word the dragon speaks. Click and drag the letters to spell the word correctly. Press 'hint" to see how the word is spelled or press "skip" to go to another word.Headphones or speakers are required for this activity. • http://www.abcya.com/dolch_sight_word_spelling.htm
Week 5 This week you are going to have two activities to complete. • Activity 1Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to your mom. Remembering that good readers listen and pay attention to the order in which events happen in a story. Sequencing refers to the ability to understand and talk about a story as an ordered series of events. This activity is designed using the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. In this activity, the student will discuss events at the beginning, middle, and end of the story, and then sequence the events. After reading the book student will take the sheet of pattern pieces and color, cut and glue the pieces in order as to which they happened in the story. This will create a flip book that the student will use to retell the story in sequence.
Week 5 Continued This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 2 – See how many new words you can make from the letters on the fruit machine. On “The Whirlyword Machine.” Level 2- Spin the first reel and make a new word. Blending is the process of saying the individual sounds in a word and then running them together to make the word. Blend and read the word and decide if it is a real word or not? At the end of your game you can print all your words and keep them. Click on the link below to play the game. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/cvc/whirl/index.shtml • Activity 3- This activity contains phrases using the first 100 words from the Fry Instant Word List , which represent 50 percent of all the words children encounter in elementary school reading. Repeated reading of a few phrases per week gives students practice reading high-frequency words and developing fluency and general proficiency. Have Chris read these phrases to help him develop and practice his reading fluently.
Week 6 This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 1 -Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister read Have you seen My Duckling by Nancy Tafuri aloud to you or listen to the story o tape. Then complete the prediction chart. This activity is designed to establish predicting as a strategy. You (Chad) will predict prior to reading and refine predictions while reading in order to more easily understand new concepts. Good readers use pictures, titles, headings, and text, as well as personal experiences, to make predictions before they begin to read. Predicting involves thinking ahead while reading and anticipating information and events in the text. After making predictions, students can read through the text and refine, revise, and verify their predictions. As you read the story, ask the following questions: Do you think any of the animals will have seen the missing duckling? What other animals will the mother ask? Do you think the mother will find the missing duckling? Do you think the duckling will wander back to its family? • Activity 2- Go to the following website and read the online reader about penguins. Then complete a venin diagram comparing ducks and penguins. • http://www.starfall.com/n/fiction-nonfiction/penguin/load.htm?f
Week 6 Continued This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 3 – CVC puzzles- 1.Look at the picture and then chop out the sounds. 2.Then find the letters that represent those sounds put the puzzle together and read the word. 3. Read the works to another person. 4. Pick 3 works and use them in a sentence. • Activity 4- Read the short a book “ A Bath For Rags” then complete the activities at the end of the book using the reading rods. This activity includes – story questions, vocabulary, picture fun, focus words, spelling, and building words, all while focusing on the short vowel a.
Week 7 This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 1 -Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister read with you The Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown or listen to the story on tape. Then complete the setting activity sheet. Good readers pay attention to story elements such as the title and setting. • Activity 2 –Blend and read the word and decide which vowels make real words? Drag the letters to make as many real words as you can. Click on the link below to play the game. http://teacher.scholastic.com/clifford1/flash/vowels/index.htm • Activity 3- Read the short i book “ The Mix” then complete the activities at the end of the book using the reading rods. This activity includes – story questions, vocabulary, picture fun, focus words, spelling, and building words, all while focusing on the short vowel i.
Week 8 This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 1 -Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister read with you The Bravest Fish, by Matt Buckingham . Then complete the story map. Good readers pay attention to story elements such as the title, characters, setting, problem and solution. • Activity 2- Read the short u book “ Bug Has Fun” then complete the activities at the end of the book using the reading rods. This activity includes – story questions, vocabulary, picture fun, focus words, spelling, and building words, all while focusing on the short vowel u.
Week 8 Continued This week you are going to have four activities to complete. • Activity 3 – All through first grade, Chris worked hard to learn as many “sight” words as possible. Sight words are words that appear again and again in our language that children should recognize instantly, and learning them thoroughly is a big boost for any young reader. Here’s an outdoor activity that uses chalk and a wet sponge to help reinforce recognition of common written words and assists your child's spelling abilities. This is a great game for a hot, summer day and a great way to build their spelling and reading skills! • Find an empty, clean spot of pavement, perhaps on a driveway or local playground. • Have your child help you write out some common first grade spelling words like, "with" or "there" or "that." (Use the sidewalk chalk) • Dunk the sponge in the pail of water, and take turns throwing the wet sponge at each the word. See how long it takes to "melt" away the sight word. • For an extra twist, you can challenge your child to some “selective” melting too—for example, only vowels, or only first letters. Mix it up any way you want as she starts getting better at reading. • Once the word is completely gone, have a little contest to see if your child can remember how that meltaway word was spelled. If Chris is not sure, pull out that chalk and those sponges again and be prepared for hours of fun. • Activity 4 - Go to the following website and read the online reader about the beach. • http://www.starfall.com/n/fiction-nonfiction/at-beach/load.htm?f
Week 9 This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 1 -Have your parent, grandparent, older brother or sister read with you Owen and Mzee or listen to the story on tape. Then complete the character trait activity sheet. Good readers pay attention to story elements such as characters, by describing what they look like and what they do in the story. • Activity 2- Read the short e book “ Meg the Hen” then complete the activities at the end of the book using the reading rods. This activity includes – story questions, vocabulary, picture fun, focus words, spelling, and building words, all while focusing on the short vowel e.
Week 9 Continued This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 2 – It is important that a you as a reader develop a list of sight words (words that are recognized immediately). The larger the list of sight words a you have, the more rapidly and fluently you can read. Click on the link below to practice your sight words and to play the sight word game StarWriter . • 1. Choose the word that you would like to see in stars or select game and wait to see which word you are shown. • 2. Next, click on the domes to hear the different robots speak. • 3. Finally, click on the robot that reads the word correctly and press the correct robot. http://www.kenttrustweb.org.uk/kentict/content/games/starwriter.html
Week 10 This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 1 –Have your parent listen to you read Frog and Toad, by Arnold Lobel. Then complete the story Map. Good readers pay attention to story elements such as the title, characters, setting, problem and solution. • Activity 2 – It is important that a you as a reader develop a list of sight words (words that are recognized immediately). The larger the list of sight words you have, the more rapidly and fluently you can read. Click on the link below to practice your sight words and to play the sight word game. • http://www.starfall.com/n/matching/sight-words/load.htm
Week 10 Continued This week you are going to have three activities to complete. • Activity 3- See how many new words you can make from the letters on the fruit machine. On “The Whirlyword Machine.” Level 3- Spin the first reel and make a new word. Blending is the process of saying the individual sounds in a word and then running them together to make the word. Blend and read the word and decide if it is a real word or not? At the end of your game you can print all your words and keep them. Click on the link below to play the game. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/wordsandpictures/cvc/whirl/index.shtml
Additional online readers for Chris to read • Rainbow, Rainbow – http://www.starfall.com/n/fiction-nonfiction/rainbow/load.htm?f • I can do it! http://www.starfall.com/n/fiction- nonfiction/icandoit/load.htm?f • Jakes Tale http://www.starfall.com/n/long-a/la/load.htm?f • Cars http://www.starfall.com/n/control-ar/ar/load.htm?f • Dog and Bone http://www.starfall.com/n/comics/dog-and-bone/load.htm?f