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National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Priorities and challenges faced in implementing SNA 2008 in Belarus. Current state of national accounts of the Republic of Belarus. goods and services account ; production account. generation of income account.
National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus Priorities and challenges faced in implementing SNA 2008 in Belarus
Current state of national accounts of the Republic of Belarus goods and services account ; production account generation of income account primary distribution of income account secondary distribution of income account use of income account; capital account Quarterly GDP estimates GDP with production approach; GDP with expenditure approach; GDP with income approach 2
The system of input-output tables Starting from 2003, the following set of tables has been compiled in compliance with the methodological principles and standards of the SNA 1993: supply table of goods and services use table of goods and servicesat purchasers prices symmetricinput-outputtableat basic prices the trade and transport margintables the taxes less subsidies on products table use table for imports at basic prices
Activities to implement SNA 2008 Working group on implementing main provisions of the SNA 2008 approved (Belstat order No. 279 of 05.08.2013) Action plan for implementing SNA 2008 approved (Belstat order No. 279 of 05.08.2013) IMF technical assistance Participation of SNA specialists in training seminars 4
Implementation of SNA 2008 Issues to finalise the implementation of SNA 1993 into the statistical practice of Belarus: Integrating financial account into the system of national accounts Development of assets and liabilities balance indicators Introduction of Government Finance Statistics (GFS) in compliance with the 2001 IMF methodology
Key priorities for implementing SNA 2008 Financial intermediation services indirectly measured At present, FISIM is compiled according to the SNA 1993 and is classified as an individualeconomic activity The SNA 2008 recommends using the methods of FISIM accounting only in relation to loans and deposits and only in that cases when these loans are provided by financial institutions and deposits are placed in financial institutions
Key priorities for implementing SNA 2008 Research expenditure We are currently in the process of disaggregating datainto three groups:- market producers engaged in sales; - market producers not engaged in sales (R&D activities are funded from their own funds); - general government sector units
Key priorities for implementing SNA 2008 Defence expenditure An agreement was reached on the provision of annual data on the expenditure on armament systems -- on the quantity and costs of assets in the year of their purchase, and their service life
SNA development prospects January 2016– introduction ofOKED 005-2011 in the statistical practice(NACE, rev. 2.0) Classification of institutional units by sectors and subsectorsof the economy Improvement of the non-observed economy estimates Distinguishing between the transactions of insurersand reinsurers GDP estimates with account of the SNA 2008-related changesare planned to be made as from the quarters of 2016