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NFR Evaluation of 2011 Project Applications

NFR Evaluation of 2011 Project Applications. Erik Ruud. Score statistics 2011. Grants – 3 projects. Refusals – 13 projects. NFR evaluation of 2011 UV applications. Distribution of assessment scores from the referee panels according to individual evaluation criteria

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NFR Evaluation of 2011 Project Applications

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  1. NFR Evaluation of 2011 Project Applications Erik Ruud

  2. Score statistics 2011 Grants – 3 projects Refusals– 13 projects

  3. NFR evaluation of 2011 UV applications • Distribution of assessment scores from the referee panels according to individualevaluationcriteria • Total number of scores • 200 favorable scores • 127 unfavorable scores

  4. Scientific merit - 1 • Scientific merit is a comprehensive criterion that gives an indication of essential, fundamental aspects of the research project. • The following assessment points are used: • Originality in the form of scientific innovation and/or the development of new knowledge • Whether the research questions, hypothesis and objectives have been clearly and adequately specified • The strength of the theoretical approach, operationalisation and use of scientific methods • Documented knowledge about the research front • The degree to which the scientific basis of the project is realistic • The scientific scope in terms of a multi- and interdisiplinary approach, when relevant

  5. Scientific merit - 2 Originality in the form of scientific innovation and/or the development of new knowledge Favorable scores Unfavorable scores

  6. Scientific merit - 3 Whether the research questions, hypothesis and objectives have been clearly and adequately specified Favorable score Unfavorable score

  7. Scientific merit - 4 The strength of the theoretical approach, operationalisation and use of scientific methods Favorable scores Unfavorable scores – theoreticalapproach

  8. Scientific merit - 5 The strength of the theoretical approach, operationalisation and use of scientific methods Unfavorable scores - operationalisation Unfavorable scores – scientificmethods

  9. Scientific merit - 6 Documented knowledge about the research front Favorable score Unfavorable score

  10. Scientific merit - 7 The degree to which the scientific basis of the project is realistic Favorable score Unfavorable score

  11. Scientific merit - 8 The scientific scope in terms of a multi- and interdisciplinary approach, when relevant

  12. The project manager and projectgroup - 1 • The qualifications of the project manager and projectgroupwill be assessed in relation to the followingpoints: • Project management • Expertise and experience within the field of research • Publicationrecord • Experience with national and international collaboration on projects • Experience with supervision of students and junior researchers • The degree to which the project manager and project group are part of a research environment that has the competence and resources needed to ensure the success of the project

  13. The project manager and projectgroup - 2 Project management Favorable score Unfavorable score

  14. The project manager and projectgroup - 3 Expertise and experience within the field of research Favorable score Unfavorable score

  15. The project manager and projectgroup - 4 Publication record Favorable score Unfavorable score

  16. The project manager and projectgroup - 5 Experience with national and international collaboration on projects Favorable score

  17. The project manager and projectgroup - 6 Experience with supervision of students and junior researchers Favorable score Unfavorable score

  18. The project manager and projectgroup - 7 The degree to which the project manager and project group are part of a research environment that has the competence and resources needed to ensure the success of the project Favorable score Unfavorable score

  19. Feasibility - 1 • The feasibility of the project will be assessed in relation to the following points: • Budget and resource parameters, including financing • Plans for project implementation, including milestones and deliverables

  20. Feasibility - 2 Budget and resource parameters, including financing Favorable score Unfavorable score

  21. Feasibility - 3 Plans for project implementation, including milestones and deliverables Favorable score

  22. Feasibility - 4 Plans for project implementation, including milestones and deliverables Unfavorable score

  23. Dissemination and communication of results - 1 • The dissemination and communication of results will be assessed in relation to the following points: • Plans for scholary publication, dissemination and other communication activities • Plans for popular science dissemination and communication activities vis-a-vis the general public as well as users of the project results, including planned use of channels and measures • Plans for ensuring that important users (in industry, community life and public administration) are incorporated into/ take part in dissemination activities for the project

  24. Dissemination and communication of results - 2 Plans for scholary publication, dissemination and other communication activities

  25. Dissemination and communication of results - 3 Plans for scholary publication, dissemination and other communication activities Unfavorable score

  26. Dissemination and communication of results - 4 Plans for popular science dissemination and communication activities vis-a-vis the general public as well as users of the project results, including planned use of channels and measures Unfavorable score Favorable score

  27. Dissemination and communication of results - 5 Plans for ensuring that important users (in industry, community life and public administration) are incorporated into/ take part in dissemination activities for the project Favorable score Unfavorable score

  28. International cooperation - 1 International cooperationwill be assessed in relation to the extent and quality of the internationalcooperationactivitiessetout for the project Favorable score

  29. International cooperation - 2 International cooperationwill be assessed in relation to the extent and quality of the internationalcooperationactivitiessetout for the project Unfavorable score

  30. Overall assessment of the referee panel - 1 The overall assessment of the referee panel taking intoaccount the criteriawhich the referee panel has beenasked to assess Favorable score

  31. Overall assessment of the referee panel - 2 The overall assessment of the referee panel taking intoaccount the criteriawhich the referee panel has beenasked to assess Favorable score

  32. Overall assessment of the referee panel - 3 The overall assessment of the referee panel taking intoaccount the criteriawhich the referee panel has beenasked to assess Unfavorable score

  33. Overall assessment of the referee panel - 4 The overall assessment of the referee panel taking intoaccount the criteriawhich the referee panel has beenasked to assess Unfavorable score

  34. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 1 • Bente Elkjær, Professor, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet • Research interests: Education, teaching and philosophy, Learning, didactics and education, Learning in work life organizational learning American Pragmatism organization and management professionals' learning relation theory and practice • Jan Jonsson, Professor, Stockholms Universitet • Research interests: Social stratification - including studies of educational inequality, the class structure, and social mobility. Interest in intergenerational processes also incorporates the study of children's well-being. • Vibeke Normann Andersen, Instituttleder, Syddansk Universitet • Associate Professor of Public Administration at the Department of Political Science, University of Southern Denmark. Primary research interests are in education policy and education governance.

  35. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 2 • Sven-Erik Hansén, Professor, Åbo Akademi • Forskningsinteresse: Læreplanteoretiske spørsmål, spesielt minoritetsperspektiv på læreplanen; lærerperspektiv på skole og undervisning; lærerutdanningen, f.eks. relasjonen mellom teori og praksis i utdanningen, fag og pedagogiske studier. • Sara Bubb, Senior Lecturer, IoEUniversity of London • Research interest: Professional development and induction; advanced skills teachers; new headteachers; and outward facing schools. • Sverker Lindblad, Professor, Gøteborgs Universitet • Keywords: school reforms, education policy, curriculum theory, social integration and exclusion, cultural reproduction, studies in the professions, comparative education, dynamic nominalism

  36. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 3 • Ingrid Carlgren, Professor, Stockholms Universitet, Samhällsvetenskapligafakulteten • Grundutbildning i psykologi från Göteborgs universitet där hon också avlade doktorsexamen i pedagogik; professor i pedagogik vid Stockholms universitet med inriktning mot kunskapskulturer och läroplansteori • Hannele Niemi, Professor, Helsingfors Universitet • Research interest areas are teachers’ professional development, moral education and technology-based learning environments • Per Fibæk Laursen, Professor, Aarhus Universitet • Pædagogisk forskning og udviklingsarbejde på kandidatuddannelsen i generel pædagogik, professionssociologi og professionsforskning på masteruddannelsen i professionsudvikling

  37. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 4: • Elizabeth Wood, Professor Dr., University of Exeter • Research interests: The nature of professional knowledge in early childhood education; the relationship between teacher's thinking and classroom practice. The impact of national education policies on teacher's thinking and classroom practice, and the ways in which policies are contested and changed in and through practice. Policy analysis in national and international contexts. Progression  and continuity between the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Progression and continuity in play (focusing on children's learning, curriculum, pedagogy). Play and pedagogy in early childhood settings. • Lilian Fried, Professor, University of Dortmund • Professorin für Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit, Institut für Sozialpädagogik, Erwachsenenbildung und Pädagogik der frühen Kindheit (ISEP) • Ann-Christin Cederborg, Professor, Stockholms Universitet • Key words: Vulnerable children and youths, the perspective of the child, the voice of the child, developmental psychology, crime against children and youths, investigative interviewing, treatment • Anders Holm, Professor, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet • Institut fur Uddannelse og Pædagogik – Center for Grundskoleforskning

  38. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 5 • Jürgen Baumert, Professor, Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin • Research interests: Learning and instruction, teacherexpertise, large-scaleassessments, development of educational systems, cognitive and motivationaldevelopment in childhood and adolescence • Gunther Kress, Professor, University of London • Professor of Semiotics and Education, Faculty of Children and Learning, Department of Communications and Media • JannetteElwood, Professor, Queens University Belfast • Research Interests: Examinations and assessment  - the social consequences of assessment, testing and examinations; socio-cultural approaches to understanding the impact of assessment on students' lives; gender and its interaction with assessment techniques and practices; theoretical and methodological issues in educational assessment research and practice. • Martin Bayer, Instituttleder, Roskilde Universitet • Research interests: Education, learning, training

  39. UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som UTDANNING2020 og PRAKUT mottok til utlysningen 13. april 2011 • Panel 6 • Miriam David, Professor, Institute of Education, University of London • Research interests: Gender, families, social diversity and inequalities in education, including lifelong learning and higher education. • Kerstin Martens, Professor Dr., University of Bremen • Projekt: Internationalisierung von Bildungspolitik: Folgen der PISA-Studie und des Bologna-Prozesses • Helena Skyt Nielsen, Professor, Aarhus Universitet • Department of Economics and Business. Primary research interests are within economics of education and family economics. She is currently involved in the Centre for Strategic Education Research and an FSE unit both of which are funded by the Danish Research Agency. Recent work includes analyses of fertility at work, identity and career choice, educational homogamy, the effect of high school math on earnings, and the effect of financial aid on college enrollment.

  40. VERDIKT- 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som VERDIKT mottok til utlysningen 8. juni 2011 • Panel Socialinteraction – AFM • Helen Petrie, University of York, UK • Research interests: Design and evaluation of technologies for disabled and elderly people; methods and techniques for evaluation in human computer interaction; design and evaluation of technologies for cultural heritage • IlpoKoskinen, Aalto University, Finland • Sociologist by training, but has worked as a professor of industrial design since 1999. • Research interests have been in mobile multimedia, the relationship of design and cities, and interpretive design methodology. • Johan Redström, Interactive Institute, Sverige • Educational background in philosophy, music and interaction design and Informatics.Research aims at combining philosophical and artistic approaches with focus on experimental design. • Mark Perry, BrunelUniversity, UK • Research interests: User studies, mobile and ubiquitous computing, computer-supported co-operative work (CSCW), human computer interaction (HCI)

  41. FRISAM - 2011 Oversikt over fageksperter benyttet til å vurdere søknadene som FRISAM mottok til utlysningen 8. juni 2011 • Panel 2 • Miriam E. David, Professor, University of London • Research interests: Gender, families, social diversity and inequalities in education, including lifelong learning and higher education. • Carsten Elbro, Professor, Københavns Universitet • Primære forskningsområder: Læsning og læsevanskeligheder. Metoder i anvendt sprogvidenskab især inden for psykolingvistik. • Berner Lindstrøm, Professor, Gøteborgs Universitet • Research interests: Young children's development of mathematical literacy in formal and informal settings and with the support of educational computer games; changing conditions for learning in a networked society - new infrastructures for learning; networked, collaborative and flexible learning; integration of ICT in schools, teacher training and higher education; design of tools and resources for teaching and learning.

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