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Ed 406 Session 3

Ed 406 Session 3. Entrance Slip: . What are your hopes and fears for your first day of school. Put your hopes on the green post it Put your fears on the pink post it. Agenda . Entrance Slip Placement Info First Day of School Classroom set up Scavenger Hunt School Rules.

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Ed 406 Session 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ed 406Session 3

  2. Entrance Slip: • What are your hopes and fears for your first day of school. • Put your hopes on the green post it • Put your fears on the pink post it

  3. Agenda • Entrance Slip • Placement Info • First Day of School • Classroom set up • Scavenger Hunt • School Rules

  4. The Seven Things Students Want to Know on the First Day of School • Am I in the right room? • Where am I supposed to sit? • What are the rules in this classroom? • What will I be doing this year? • How will I be graded? • Who is the teacher as a person? • Will you treat me as a human being? (Wong, Harry.(2009).The First Days of School.

  5. First Day • Climate climate climate • Management management management • Take time from content • Greet students at the door- excited • Inventory • Music: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

  6. You are treated as you are dressed • Always dress better than your students. If you do not care about yourself, why should the students care about you? • The fact is, most people think that the cover is the book, the box front is the cereal, and the leather jacket is the person. We all make judgments. We look at someone and judge status, income, even occupation

  7. Creating A ClimateFor Learning “Effective teachers believe that all students can learn and be successful. Effective teachers consciously create a climate in which all students feel included. Effective teachers believe that there is potential in each learner and commit to finding the key that will unlock the potential.” Gregory & Chapman. (2007). Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All.

  8. Continued • The effective teacher dresses appropriately as a professional educator to model success • One of the reasons we have schools is for students to learn what is appropriate. Young people learn what is appropriate in society by looking at their adult role models

  9. “The very first day of school is the most important day of the school year… What EFFECTIVE TEACHERS do on the very first day will determine the success of the class.” Harry Wong, (2009), The First Days of School.

  10. “Closely related to teachers’ behavior is the development of a classroom climate conducive to good thinking…students cannot think well in a harsh, threatening situation…Teachers can make their classrooms more thoughtful places by demonstrating in their actions that they welcome originality and differences of opinion.” Marzano. (1992).Dimensions of Learning.

  11. William Glasser (1990, 1998) The need to survive and reproduce The need to belong and love The need to have some power The need to have freedom The need to have fun

  12. “Learning from the Past” Cooperative Group Activity Directions: 1.Select a Facilitator, Recorder, Reporter, and a Runner. 2. Use the chart paper provided. Divide the paper into two columns: Least Favorite Teacher and Most Favorite Teacher. 3. Think of the very best teacher that you had while you were in school. What qualities did that teacher have that made him/her special. List those qualities in the appropriate column. Repeat these directions for your least favorite teacher. 4. Share! 5. Debrief roles for cooperative learning.

  13. Classroom Set Up • Do not over decorate, where will student work go? • Floor Space • Desk, chairs, grouping • Work Area • Clear traffic, area for circulation, electrical equipment, inventory • Wall Space • Bulletin boards, calendar, clock, emergency information, student work, week’s assignments

  14. Set Up • Teacher Space • Have your desk face the students • Keep it away from the door • Set clear expectations about what is allowed not allowed • Have materials out and ready for distribution

  15. Reading Area • “The rug”- who class share time/shared reading • Classify books • Teaching easel- charts, plain chart paper, big books

  16. Writing Area • Tables • Supplies- paper, pencils, markers, crayons, alphabet strips, scissors, hole punchers, and staplers

  17. Routines and Procedures • Make choices, build community, engage students • Classroom Tour

  18. Scavenger Hunt • What is a scavenger hunt? • Task: Search for the answers to your questions in the syllabus

  19. Community Building • Creating Rules • How does it show: • Love • Power • Freedom • fun

  20. Your Classroom • How would you set up your ideal classroom? • How would you script your first day?

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