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PHED 1001 Course Introduction

Ensure success in PHED 1001 by thoroughly reading this course introduction slide show. Learn about course expectations, grading, responsibilities, and more. Stay informed, engaged, and proactive to excel in your health studies.

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PHED 1001 Course Introduction

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PHED 1001 Course Introduction • It is very important that you read this slide show thoroughly. • Refer to this slide show if you have questions regarding this course. It could prevent great embarrassment and failure in this course. • You are responsible for everything that is on this slide show.

  2. Do you have what it takes to do well in this course? • Are you responsible? • Are you self-motivated? • Do you have time during this term to take this course? If you can not answer all three of these questions with a YES then you will not do well in this course.

  3. DID YOU MISS ANY OF THE FIRST TWO CLASS MEETINGS? • If you did read this slide thoroughly. • If you did not miss, you are off to a good start and you can skip to the next slide. For those who missed one or both of the first class meetings. • You will still be held accountable for the work that is required of all students. Your missing these first days will not be accepted as an excuse for your failures. • I, the instructor, will not accommodate you for your choice not to attend these first days. • Missing these first days of class was your choice.

  4. Brightspace (D2L) • This class is taught with the use of Brightspace D2L. • You are responsible for understanding how to use, access, and navigate it. If you do not you will be required to learn it yourself. • I will not be teaching any computer technology skills in this course, this is a health course. This is not BUSA 1011 (Basic Computer Concepts). • It is expected that you already know and understand computers and the technology that is required. • If not, you will be required to learn and understand the computer systems and develop the necessary skills, including Brightspace D2L on your own.

  5. Email The instructor will only respond to students enrolled in this class regarding this class through Gordon State College email. Please do not use Brightspace D2L email. No other emails addresses will be responded to. I will only accept your research project through Gordon State College email. Work sent through other email addresses will be disregarded.

  6. Grading • Your grade is based on an accumulation of points that you will earn throughout the semester. This is made clear in the syllabus. • Refer to the syllabus regarding necessary points and how many you need to achieve the grade in this course that you desire. • Earned points and the accumulation of those points are posted on Brightspace (D2L). (see Grades) Your current accumulation of points will be listed beside “Final Grade”. • I will be rounding all percentages to the nearest whole percentage. ex. 89.21% will be rounded to 90%.

  7. Quizzes • Quizzes are only available on Brightspace D2L. The deadlines and requirements are listed there as well. • You will be responsible for meeting these deadlines and accomplishing the requirements for each one. • You may be expecting me to remind you of deadlines and requirements. • Your Wrong!!! These deadlines and requirements are posted on Brightspace D2L and it is your responsibility to meet them. • Do not wait until the last minute or day to complete the quizzes. Computer failure will not be accepted for failure to complete them. There will be NO EXCUSE for not completing quizzes by the posted deadline. • Make sure that you have completed the quizzes before submitting. The submitted information will be graded. • Make sure that you make note of the time allowed on each quiz. Once this time has expired only the completed questions will be graded all others will be scored incorrect.

  8. Assignments • Assignments are only available on Brightspace D2L. There are deadlines and requirements. • You will be responsible for meeting these deadlines and accomplishing the requirements. • You may be expecting me to remind you of deadlines and requirements. • Your Wrong!!! These deadlines and requirements are posted on Brightspace D2L and it is your responsibility to meet them. • Do not wait until the last minute or day to complete the assignments. Computer failure will not be accepted for failure to complete them. There will be NO EXCUSE for not completing assignments by the posted deadline. • Make sure that you have completed the assignment before submitting. The submitted information will be graded.

  9. Research Project It is very important that you read the information regarding the Research Project and make sure that you are comfortable with it. It will be apart of each students grade. Each of the areas are very important. • Grading • Portfolio • Instructors Evaluation • Due Date - see the class schedule on the class webpage for your name.

  10. Class Attendance • As you can see in the grading, class attendance is not apart of your grade. • You will not receive points for showing up to class, it is expected that you attend. • If you miss you are responsible for any missed work. Absenteeism will not excuse you from any deadlines or responsibilities regarding assignments, quizzes, exams or the research project.

  11. Presence and the use of Technology No Electronic Devices! (Cell Phones, Laptops, IPads, Headphones, etc.) any students seen using these in class will be immediately dismissed. Any student that violates the policy a third time will be dismissed from the class permanently and receive an “WF”. *Only students with instructions from their individual special accommodations will be permitted to use these during class.

  12. Coming to Class Late Do not enter the class if the door is closed! When the door is closed students will not be allowed to enter the classroom. This indicates that class has begun and should not be disturbed.

  13. Good Luck • Make sure you keep up with your work each day. • Do not assume or procrastinate. This can lead to big problems with your progress in this course.

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