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COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDS Create a new sentence for each word

COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDS Create a new sentence for each word. Their = It is their right to know the crime they are being charged with. 2. There = You need to go there right after school. 3. They’re = They’re all going to the concert on friday night.

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COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDS Create a new sentence for each word

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  1. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Their = It is their right to know the crime they are being charged with. 2. There = You need to go there right after school. 3. They’re = They’re all going to the concert on friday night.

  2. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 4. Its = The computer stores information on its memory. 5. It’s = It’s time to go to sleep now.

  3. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 6.Your = Your zipper is down on your pants. 7. You’re = You’re a superstar!!!

  4. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Principal = The principal has the best parking spot in the school. • Principle = The principle reason that you haven’t passed science is because you always sleep in class.

  5. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSWrite the hint and then write the word 5 times correctly 10. A LOT (There is a space between the A and the L.)

  6. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Whether = Whether or not you are right or wrong is irrelevant. 12. Weather = People seem to enjoy complaining about the weather.

  7. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Belief = My beliefs are based on Christian values. 14. Believes = Rochelle still believes in the tooth fairy.

  8. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 15. Where = Where are you going in such a hurry? • We’re = We’re going to the gym right after work. 17. Were = Were you planning on going to the store right now?

  9. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 18. Rite = As the leader of the program, she needs to study the rite of the ceremony to be performed. 19. Right = Make a right at the corner. 20. Write = Please write your name on the document please.

  10. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Through = She drove through the tunnel on the way to NYC. 22. Threw = John threw the ball and hit the car window.

  11. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSWrite the hint and then write the word 5 times correctly • Cannot ( This is not two separate words) • Dining( There is only one “n”) 25. Absence ( There is only one “s”)

  12. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSWrite the hint and then write the word 5 times correctly • Argument = (There is only 1 “e”) • Familiar = (There are two “i” and the word ends in the word “liar”) 28. Knowledge = (This is made of two words know + ledge = knowledge)

  13. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Advice = My mother gave me helpful advice before I went away to college. 30. Advise = The suspect was advised of his rights when he was arrested.

  14. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSWrite the hint and then write the word 5 times correctly • Laid ( Not spelled “layed”) • Tomorrow (Tom + or + row) 33. Coming (There is no “e)

  15. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 34. Lose = If you lose my diamond earrings, we are going to have problem. 35. Loose = Your pants are too loose, so pull them up. 36. Losing = You are fighting a losing battle.

  16. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Similar = The dresses that Mischa and I wore to the prom were similar. 38. Occurred (OCC + UR + RED) = It occurred to me that I forgot to turn off the stove.

  17. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 39. Separate = 1) Before doing the laundry, you need to separate the whites from the colors. 2) Using profanity in class is a separate issue from why you are late. 40. Necessary = Is going to the water fountain during my class always necessary?

  18. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Two = I have two cars. 42. To = Mario went to the store to by a beef pattie. 43. Too = A woman can never have too many shoes.

  19. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 44. Choose = I choose to have high expectations of my students. • Chose = I chose to become a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in my student’s lives.

  20. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Conscience (con + science) = His conscience would not allow him to skip Mrs. Singleton’s class. • The victim was still conscious when the ambulance arrived.

  21. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Unnecessary = The comment that she made in class was unnecessary. • Definitely = Arlene definitely should take a defensive driving course. • Succeed = In order to succeed at something, you have to make an effort.

  22. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Women = There are always too many women in the restroom during an intermission of a major event. 52. Woman = It has been often said that a woman should never tell her weight or age.

  23. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Receipt = The gift receipt is in the bag. • February = We will probably read A Raisin in the Sun in February.

  24. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Sense = After the accident, Koby lost his sense of smell. • Since = Since you have been gone, I have been very lonely.

  25. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Weird = Why do you wear such weird clothes? 58. Foreign = Are you interested in studying foreign affairs?

  26. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word • Entirely = It is entirely up to you whether or not you want to apply yourself in school. 60. Writing = Is that your writing on the desk?

  27. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSWrite the rule for each word 61. Receive = **The letter “i” comes before the letter “e” except after “c”. • Perceive = **The letter “i” comes before the letter “e” except after “c”. • Neighbor = This word is an exception to the rule of “i” before “e” except after “c”.

  28. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 64. Piece = I really want a piece of cake. 65. Tries = He tries so hard to be a good example for his younger brother. **Remember = The letter “i” comes before the letter “e”. The exception is if there is a “c” before it.

  29. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word 66. Roll = The rule for if you are on fire is to stop, drop and then roll. 67. Role = Vanessa was excited about her new role as a princess in the school play.

  30. COMMONLY MISSPELLED WORDSCreate a new sentence for each word or write the rule 68. Exceed = If you continue to do improve on your spelling grades, you will all exceed my expectations. • Harrass = (2 r’s and 2s) If you don’t come to class on time, I will harrassyou. 70. Really = I am really tired today.

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