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Local Government Waste Management A Private Sector Perspective

Learn about the pivotal role of Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA) in promoting sustainable waste management practices and fostering collaboration between sectors. Discover key initiatives, industry discussions, and the shift towards practical solutions for a zero-waste future.

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Local Government Waste Management A Private Sector Perspective

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  1. Local Government Waste ManagementA Private Sector Perspective Toby Terlet – Collex Pty Ltd. Manager - Technical Services

  2. Presentation Overview • WMAA Overview • Role of the WMAA • Background • Technology and Communication • National Divisions • Past Minutes - example of topics of discussion • Towards Zero Waste Conference • A Private Sector Perspective • Moving Forward

  3. Waste Management Association WMAA is recognised as Australia’s leading Association for waste management professionals. It represents individuals and corporates in the waste collection, transport and treatment industry, resource recovery and reprocessing, environmental consultants, as well as local and state government and academia.

  4. Role of WMAA The Association is striving to become a leader in Knowledge Management, representing all sectors of the industry promoting a suite of options, for the management of wastes and the recovery of resources. WMAA is not a lobby group.

  5. Background • Incorporated in 1991 • Started with 33 members • National membership now over 1000 representing over 2000 individual waste professionals • Approx 120 members registered in SA • Local Govt & Industry Corporate members have increased by 40% since 2002

  6. Technology & Communication • Monthly Email Newsletter • Quarterly publication Inside Waste/Inside WMAA • Website: www.wmaa.asn.au • Conferences • Training & Education • National Knowledge Manager • National Technical Committees • National Divisions • ISWA (International Solid Waste Assoc.)

  7. National Divisions • ANZCWMIG (Clinical Waste) • Compost Australia • Energy from Waste • Construction & Demolition • Landfill (includes AACAP) • Education & Communication Newly formed (Nov 2003)

  8. SA WMAA Recent Discussions • Revenue SA – Proposal for payment of stamp duty on Skip Bins • Australian Alternative Covers Assessment Program • New Landfill Guidelines • License Fee Structure – review through the committee • Environment Protection (Waste Resources) Policy • Compost Road Mapping • Treated timber – vineyard post subcommittee • Investigate opportunities available for certificate 2 and 3 in Waste Management in SA.

  9. Towards Zero Waste Conference • Theme: “Achieving Practical Solutions” • 31st May – 2nd June 2006 • Stamford Grand Glenelg SA • Conference – Expo – Technical Tours – Gala Dinner • Last year attracted over 300 waste management professionals from a broad range of industry sectors • Very good opportunity to gain knowledge, interact and support the local industry in the goal towards zero waste.

  10. Private Sector Perspective • “Us and them mentality” – matured through the residential tendering process, Drafts for comment etc • Private and LGA work through same issues under a different roof • Transfer stations • Landfills • Collection / disposal • SA Waste Management Strategy • Slowly changing – EPA / Zero Waste utilising WMAA to review licencing and infrastructure development etc.

  11. Private Sector Perspective • LGA Waste management operating expenses have increased by 104% (metro) and 110% (non-metro) between 1994 – 2003. (Source: Local Government Grants Commission). • Higher in regional areas – Greater financial implications and social impacts (e.g. Illegal dumping) • Private sector operates on the same paradigm

  12. Private Sector Perspective • Paradigm Shift – “One size does not fit anymore”. • Further pressure on infrastructure i.e. requirement to pre-process all waste prior to landfill • Impacts on current infrastructure – further congestion and how do we resource these strategic changes? • Regional Areas – Implementing eastern states EMPs or LEMPs should be an offence in SA • Every site should be viewed on its individual risk factor to the environment taking into effect the culture and social implications. • Solution – LGA, Industry, EPA and other associated bodies work together.

  13. Private Sector Perspective • LGA has a perceived lack of technical skills in respect of waste management. • Trend to rely on consultants only…Little consultation with industry. • WMAA has very large pool of resources which can be better utilised. • To often Industry is engaged at the end of the process rather than the beginning

  14. Moving Forward • LGA members and WMAA need to work together at a level which will assist both parties towards the common goal. “Achieving Practical Solutions”. • We are Waste Industry professionals and in most cases are happy to share information. • Tendering – More emphasis on Implementing practical solutions rather than the $0.0145 difference. • WMAA committee will offer differing opinions which gives LGA a choice.

  15. Thankyou See you all at the “Towards Zero Waste Conference” 31st May – 2nd June 2006

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