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This updated program explores cancer as a growing health concern for AI/AN communities, including data insights, survival challenges, and strategies for improving outcomes.

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  1. Cancer 101: A Cancer Education and Training Program for American Indians & Alaska NativesVersion 2 – Updated October 2011 Date Location Presented by: Presenter 1 Presenter 2

  2. Cancer Among American Indians & Alaska Natives Cancer 101 – Version 2 Learning Module 1

  3. Learning Objectives At the completion of Module 1, you will be able to: Give two reasons why cancer is a growing health concern in AI/AN communities. Discuss two facts about how data contributes to understanding about the cancer health concern for AI/AN.

  4. Learning Objectives (cont’d) Discuss two facts that contribute to poor survival for AI/AN diagnosed with cancer. Describe two factors that are likely to improve cancer survival rates for AI/AN.

  5. Actual Causes of Death Source: 1. Mokdad AH, Marks JS, Stroup DF, Gerberding JL. Actual causes of death in the United States, 2000. JAMA. 2004;291(10):1238-1246. 2. Miniño AM, Arias E, Kochanek KD, Murphy SL, Smith BL. Deaths: final data for 2000. National Vital Statistics Reports 2002; 50(15):1–120.

  6. Cancer Background Cancer is a growing health concern among AI/AN due to: Increased life expectancy Lifestyle changes

  7. Data Tell Us The incidence of cancer among AI is lower than all other ethnic groups, including whites, in the U.S. Cancer rates, previously reported as being lower in AI/AN, are on the rise Source: American Cancer Society Facts & Figures 2009

  8. Data Tell Us Cancer is the second leading cause of death for American Indians. Cancer is the leading cause of death for Alaska Natives.

  9. Data Patterns • Patterns for certain types of cancer vary among AI/AN when compared to whites and other ethnic groups in the U.S. • For example, AI/AN have significantly higher rates of stomach, gallbladder, kidney and liver cancers than the U.S. rate

  10. Regional Differences Cancer data for AI/AN from one region of the country cannot be used to generalize Native people living in another part of the country. All US 55.1 All IHS 40.0 Source: Cancer Mortality among AI & AN: Regional Differences, 1999-2003

  11. Limitations of the Data Racial misclassification Undercounting Coding errors Not enough numbers to form a conclusion Cannot be generalized to Peoples of other areas

  12. Cancer Survival among AI/AN AI/AN have the lowest five-year relative survival rate of all U.S. populations. Potential contributing factors: Culture and values Poor compliance with recommended treatment Late detection of cancer Lower socioeconomic status Lack of timely access to state-of-the-art diagnostic treatment methods Genetic risk factors Presence of other disease conditions Obesity Diabetes

  13. Barriers to Care Lack of materials and programs that are culturally relevant Lack of AI/AN health providers Lack of education and training opportunities English as a second language Poverty Transportation Cultural beliefs surrounding cancer

  14. Improving Cancer Survival Survival can be improved by: Increasing participation in screening and early detection services Reducing barriers to care Reducing risk factors for cancer Promoting healthy lifestyles

  15. In Summary… You now have an understanding of: How data affects our understanding of cancer as a health concern for AI/AN. Factors that contribute to later-stage cancer diagnosis among AI/AN. Ways to improve cancer survival for AI/AN.

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