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Exercise 40d. Present Participles. Exercise 40d. 1. Aeneas Hesperiam petens Carthaginem advenit . Aeneas, seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage. Aeneas, who was seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage. Aeneas, although he was seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage. Exercise 40d.
Exercise 40d Present Participles
Exercise 40d • 1. Aeneas HesperiampetensCarthaginemadvenit. • Aeneas, seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage. • Aeneas, who was seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage. • Aeneas, although he was seeking Hesperia, arrived at Carthage.
Exercise 40d • 2. Marcus patremepistulas in tablinoscribenteminvenit. • Marcus found his father writing letters in the study. • Marcus found his father as he was writing letters in the study.
Exercise 40d • 3. Adstantesrogaviubiessetincendium. • I asked the bystanders where the fire was.
Exercise 40d • 4. Eucleidesnocte per vias domum rediens a praedonibuspercussus est. • Eucleides, returning home at night through the streets, was struck by robbers. • Eucleides, who was returning home at night through the streets, was struck by robbers.
Exercise 40d • 5. Davo in hortolaborantimolestierantpueri. • The boys were troublesome (annoying) to Davus, working in the garden. • The boys were troublesome to Davus, who was working in the garden.
Exercise 40d • 6. Mihirogantipuellaenihilresponderunt. • To me asking, the girls responded not at all. • The girls did not respond to me, although I was asking.
Exercise 40d 7. Pluriminatantiumscaphaslitoriappropinquantesviderunt. 7. Very many of the swimmers saw the small boats approaching the shore. • the boats, which were approaching the shore. • the boats, as they were approaching the shore.
Exercise 40d 8. Auditaestvoxmagistripuerosreprehendentis. 8. The voice of the teacher scolding the boys was heard. • of the teacher who was scolding the boys . . . • of the teacher because he was scolding the boys . . .
Exercise 40d 9. Cornelius in atrioEucleidemexspectansceteros servos in culinãcolloquentesaudivit. 9. Cornelius, waiting forEucleides in the atrium, heard the other slaves talking in the kitchen. • who was waiting forEucleides in the atrium. . • although he was waiting for Eucleides in the atrium . . . • who were talking . . . • while they were talking . . . • because they were talking . . .
Exercise 40d • 10. Cornelio domo egredientioccurrit Titus, fratereius. • Titus, his brother, met Cornelius returning home. • Titus, his brother, met Cornelius as he was returning home.
Exercise 40d 11. Clamoresgaudentium in viisauditisunt. 11. The shouts of those rejoicing were heard in the streets. • of the rejoicers . . .
Exercise 40d 12. Cornelius servisfercula in tricliniumportantibussignumdedit. 12. Cornelius gave a signal to the slaves carrying trays into the dining room. • who were carrying trays . . . • while they were carrying trays . .
Exercise 40d 13. Cornelii in cauponãpernoctantes mortem timebant. 13. The Cornelius Family, spendingthe night in the inn, were afraid of death. • who were spending the night in the inn . . . • because they were spending the night in the inn . . .
Exercise 40d 14. Mulieres ad templumprocedentesconspeximus. 14. We caught sight of the women proceeding to the temple. • who were proceeding to the temple. • because they were proceeding to the temple. • as they were proceeding to the temple.
Exercise 40d 15. Puellae inter se colloquentesmulta et mira de puerisnarrabant. 15. The girls, talking among themselves, were saying many (and) wonderful things about the boys. • who were talking among themselves . . . • as they were talking among themselves . . .
Exercise 40d 16. Nos domo egredientesmatrem in atriosedentemvidimus. 16. We, departing from home, saw mother sitting in the atrium. • because we were departing from home . . . • as we were departing from home . . . • who was sitting in the atrium. • because she was sitting in the atrium.
Exercise 40d 17. Sextumarboremascendentemdesilireiussi. 17. I ordered Sextus, climbing a tree, to jump down. • who was climbing the tree . . . • because he was climbing the tree . . . • as he was climbing the tree. . .