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Subpart R - Steel Erection: OSHA's First Negotiated Rule

Learn about OSHA's Subpart R for steel erection, addressing hazards like falls, hoisting, and rigging in construction. Effective since January 18, 2002.

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Subpart R - Steel Erection: OSHA's First Negotiated Rule

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  1. Steel Erection - OSHA’s First Negotiated Rule

  2. Subpart R - Steel Erection • Issued January 18, 2001 • Long overdue updating of the existing standard • Addresses hazards associated with: double connections, column stability, falls, hoisting & rigging, joist installation, engineered metal buildings, decking, multiple lifts, structural stability… • Effective Date: January 18, 2002… • + Phase-in of “Component” requirements, e.g., bolt holes for joist connections, etc. (permit obtained before, 1/18/01) or steel erection began before 9/16/01

  3. .750 - Scope .751 - Definitions .752 - Site Layout, Site-specific Erection Plan & Construction Sequencing .753 - Hoisting & Rigging .754 - Structural Steel Assembly .755 - Column Anchorage .756 - Beams & Columns .757 - Open Web Steel Joists .758 - Systems-engineered Metal Buildings .759 - Falling Object Protection .760 - Fall Protection .761 - Training Appendices A - H Layout of Subpart R

  4. Scope of Subpart R • Subpart R applies to steel erection activities such as, connecting, bolting, plumbing & guying, joist installation, decking, and related work (e.g., hoisting & rigging) that occurs in tiered and non-tiered buildings, bridges, stadiums, and special structures BUT NOT communication and broadcast towers or tanks (e.g., water or fuel tanks)

  5. 1926.751 - Definitions • Connector - means an employee who, working with hoisting equipment, is placing & • connecting structural members • and/or components. • Hoisting Equipment means a • crane or a derrick NOT a come-along!

  6. A “come-a-long” • Mechanical device usually consisting of a chain or cable attached at each end, that is used to facilitate movement of materials through leverage. • This is not considered “hoisting equipment.”

  7. “Topping Out”

  8. Derrick floor: An elevated floor of a building or structure that has been designated to receive hoisted pieces of steel prior to final placement

  9. Opening • A gap or void 12 inches or more in its least dimension in a floor, roof or other walking/working surface. • Skylights and smoke domes shall be regarded as openings.

  10. Project structural engineer of record • Registered, licensed professional engineer responsible for the design of structural steel framing and whose seal appears on the structural contract documents.

  11. Shear connector • Steel bars, steel lugs, headed steel studs, and similar devices which are attached to a structural member for the purpose of achieving composite action with concrete.

  12. Steel joist • An open web, secondary load-carrying member of 144 feet or less, designed by the manufacturer, used for the support of floors and roofs. • This does not include structural steel trusses or cold-formed joists.

  13. Steel joist girder • An open web, primary load-carrying member, designed by a manufacturer, used for the support of floors and roofs.

  14. Systems-engineered metal building • Field-assembled building system consisting of framing, roof and wall coverings.

  15. 1926.752 Site layout, site-specific erection plan and construction sequence

  16. (a) Approval to begin steel erection • ASTM standard test method (concrete must be 75% of the minimum compressive design strength): footings, piers, walls • Repairs, replacements and modifications to anchor bolts made in accordance with 1926.755(b) • (b) Commencement of Steel Erection • Steel Erector shall not erect steel unless it has received written notification of the requirements of (a) have been met

  17. (c) Site layout (controlling contractor shall provide): • Adequate access • A firm, properly graded, drained area, readily accessible for the safe storage of materials and the safe operation of equipment

  18. Adequate space for storage of materials

  19. 1926.753 - Hoisting & Rigging • Crane inspections as per ANSI B30.5-1994 • Qualified operator is in charge of lifts and has final call • Qualified rigger • OK to use man baskets (1926.550(g)(2) does not apply, rest of .550 does apply) • Preplan routes to minimize employee exposure to suspended loads • Multiple lift rigging procedures….

  20. A lift that (1) exceeds 75 percent of the rated capacity of the crane or derrick, or (2) requires the use of more than one crane or derrick. Critical lift

  21. NO!

  22. Can You Christmas Tree Steel?

  23. Multiple lift rigging

  24. (1) Multiple lift shall only be performed if the following are met: • multiple lift rigging assembly is used; • maximum members is hoisted of five per lift; • only structural members are lifted; and • employees engaged in the lift have been trained in the procedures in 1926.761 (c)(1) Construction Safety Council

  25. (4)The multiple lift rigging assembly shall be rigged with the members: rigged at least 7 feet apart rigged from the top down attached at their center of gravity and maintained level Construction Safety Council

  26. (2) Components of the multiple lift rigging assembly shall be specifically designed and assembled with a maximum capacity for total assembly and for each individual attachment point. Capacity must be certified by the manufacturer or a qualified rigger and have a 5 to 1 safety factor Construction Safety Council

  27. (3) The total load shall not exceed: The rated capacity of the hoisting equipment The rigging capacity (4) The multiple lift rigging assembly shall be rigged with the members: attached at their center of gravity and maintained level; rigged from the top down; and rigged at least 7 feet apart (5) The members on the multiple lift rigging assembly shall be set from the bottom up. (6) Controlled load lowering shall be used whenever the load is over the connectors. 1926.753(e)

  28. Typical Multiple Lift Rigging Assembly • What do you need to know? • How much does each piece weigh? • What size slings? • What size and type of hooks? • What size of shackles? A D E (shackle) B F (hook) G C H (shackle) I (hook)

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