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Air and Climate issues in South, SE and East Asia

Air and Climate issues in South, SE and East Asia. Sagar Tolani EVPP 626 April 20, 2009. Drivers. Use of fossil fuels Human population Need for food El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Pressures. CO 2 Emissions

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Air and Climate issues in South, SE and East Asia

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  1. Air and Climate issues in South, SE and East Asia SagarTolani EVPP 626 April 20, 2009

  2. Drivers • Use of fossil fuels • Human population • Need for food • El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

  3. Pressures • CO2 Emissions • Increased 15% in the past 50 years and more than 36% since pre-industrial levels • Clearing of Land • Less forests do absorb the CO2 and produce O2. • Use of fertilizers • To meet the increased demand for food.

  4. Status, Trends and Impacts: CO2 Increase • Humans are so dependent on fossil fuels • The amount of CO2 and other trace gases that have been introduced into the atmosphere at alarming rates are decreasing the albedo effect

  5. Status, Trends and Impacts:ENSO • What is El-Nino Southern Oscillation? • El-Nino Southern Oscillation is a naturally occurring phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean around the Equator. • It can occur every 2-7 years • It causes flooding and heavy rains in places like Peru and droughts in Indonesia. • This leads to dry conditions which results in forest fires in Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries in SE Asia.

  6. Status, Trends and Impacts:ENSO • These unusually dry conditions lead to forest fires and haze in Indonesia • The haze can be cleared by rain • The haze also causes health problems • Especially bad case in 1997 (Zan)

  7. Status, Trends and Impacts: Increased food production • Increase in urbanization and human population is leading to increased demand for food • India increased its food production by almost 125% between 1960-1980 and since increased its production about 3% every year • Due to development of technology, India increased its food output by 200% in the past decade

  8. Status, Trends and Impacts: Increased food production • Indian food exports account for $5.8 billion out of $438 billion, which is approximately only 1.5% of the world’s food exports, after being the 2nd largest producer of food in the world. • China, which is largest producer of food in the world, has more available land to produce larger amounts of food but is restricted by weather patters and irrigation issues • Increase in food demand is leading to increased use of fertilizers and pesticides

  9. Responses • Kyoto Protocol • Has been signed and ratified by all countries except United States • Amount of CFC’s has decreased dramatically since its implementation • Uses a Cap n Trade system to put a limit on CO2 emissions

  10. Responses • Haze and forest cover • Indonesia held a conference in 2006, titled “Clean air more important than rice in Asia” • At this conference Minister RachmatWitoelar, State Minister of Enviromentstarted the conference with the statement • “We didn’t realize the value of clean air until it was lost”,“We used to take it for granted. Now we have to work hard to win it back.” • He also added that more air pollution is leading to more than half a million premature deaths in Asia

  11. References • Smith, R. L., Smith, T. M. (2001) Elements of Ecology. 6th Ed. Benjamin Cummings. • Nicholls, N. El Nino of droughts and flooding rains. (1997) Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.abc.net.au/science/slab/elnino/story.htm • Asia sweats on El Nino’s return. (2002) CNN. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://archives.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/asiapcf/southeast/02/20/elnino.southeastasia/index.html?related • India to double processed food by 2015. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.blonnet.com/2009/03/02/stories/2009030250810700.htm • India’s Food Industry. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.indianfoodindustry.net/ • India food-grain production. (1995). CIA Factbook. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.photius.com/countries/india/economy/india_economy_food_grain_productio~8853.html • El Nino. Department of Fish and Game. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.dfg.ca.gov/marine/elnino.asp • Wisner, B. (2000). Future directions of China’s agricultural production. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/articles/wisner/WisDec00.htm • Chinese food production is vulnerable to climate change. (2008) Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://carbon-based-ghg.blogspot.com/2008/11/chinese-food-production-is-vulnerable.html • Stauffer, N. (2005). Food production in China could be increased with more irrigation. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2005/china.html • Clean Air more important than rice in Asia. (2006) Television for Education-Asia, Pacific. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.tveap.org/?q=node/274 • Butler, R. A. (2006). Record one-year increase in carbon dioxide levels. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://news.mongabay.com/2006/0313-co2.html • Fulton, L. (2008) Transport, Energy and CO2 in Asia: Where are we going and how do we change it? Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://www.slideshare.net/EMBARQNetwork/transport-energy-and-co2-in-asia-where-are-we-going-and-how-do-we-change-it-presentation • Kyoto Protocol. UNFCCC. Accessed 18th April, 2009. http://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php

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