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The Attractiveness of European Universities. By Doina Verdes Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca,Romania And Claudia Semeraro University Of Genoa, Italy. ERASMUS MUNDUS FASTQUAD PROJECT - NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010.
The Attractiveness of European Universities By Doina Verdes Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca,Romania And Claudia Semeraro University Of Genoa, Italy ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Why are Or should be attractive European universities for students from non EU countries and vice versa ? Because: • are not at home! • are located in the cities with history and cultural tradition; • the mobility in a foreign university is a challenge to prove your self that you can study and live abroad • it is a way to have an academic experience • it is an intercultural experience • is a way to study and communicate in a foreign language ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
To add more answers we can have: - a quick look at the aims of the Bologna Process for the establishment of a European higher education area – EHEA- to study the problem from the student perspective- and to make a view on two examples of good practice in the field of European and international student mobility To add more answers ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
European Higher Education Area - EHEA • adoption of a three-cycle structure Bachelor – Master - Doctorate • introduction of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) • the provision of the Diploma Supplement • the recognition of joint degrees • the introduction of national qualifications frameworks and the development of quality assurance in higher education. ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
A Student Perspective 500 milion citizens Political and economicinstitution Cultural & historicalcentre Oneof the largestmarkets in the world ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
A study period in Europe, what should you expect? • “United in Diversity” • A wide range of choice • High intra-European student mobility • International environment ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Who will you meet? Average age • Age and gender • Mainly < 25 years old • Higher percentage of women • Prevalently non-married ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Where will you live? ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010 • Depending on your destination: • Private flat • More independence • More expensive • Housworking! • Student house • Less expensive than private flats • Fun with friends • Less privacy • Parents • Cheap • No houseworking • Less independence
Level of satisfaction with material well-being by accommodation form Students who are (very) satisfied with their material well-being living with parents/relatives vs. their counterparts maintaining own households ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Share of students fluent in two foreign languages (in%) ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Language ability and foreign study-related experience ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
What will you do? Studyhard… …andbeyondthat? • Differenteducation system • Foreignlanguage • New approachto the topics • Join a student association • Learn more about EU culture • Field trips in interesting locations • …more and more… ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
In Sum, studying in Europemeans… • Meeting a lot of young people • Living in a private flat or a student hall • Sharing experiences with other students engaged in mobility • Learning a new language • Improve oneself • Chance of finding good jobs ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
The good practice in European studies: the LLP - ERASMUS – Intensive Program Atelier: “Conception des espaces de travail, santé, confort et prevention des risques// Work place Design, Health, Safety and Risk Prevention 2006-2009 28263-IC-1-2005-1-FR-ERASMUS-IUPC-7 ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Partners • University of Technology from Compiegne, France • Ecole Superieure d’Architecture, Clermont-Ferrand, France • Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania • The University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania • Chalmers University – Gotheborg ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
WORKSHOP - France2007Ecole Superieure d’Architecture de Clermont-FerrandGrands Atelieres de l’Isle d’Abeau Subject: the wood industry ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
WORKSHOP Sweden 2008Chalmers University - GotheborgMedichusLillhagsparkens - Äldreboende Subject: Elderly Persons Buildings ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Workshop – Romania 2009UniversitateaPolitehnica Bucharest, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca The car industry ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Persons participating to the project:180 Students and 10 teachers The specialisations: • Architecture • Mechanical engineering • Electrical engineering • Civil engineering The countries: • France, • Sweden • Romania • Brasil • Venezuela • China • Morocco • Tunisia ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
The Objectives To make students, teachers, companies and institutions share knowledge and experience between various countries of Europe and to create a common frame of reference concerning the assessment of risks in work and the design of work places. ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
development have been in two phases based on the heuristic pedagogy namely: Methodology of the project ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
The knowledges acquired • Conceptualisation • Identification, recognition, anticipation • Risk matrix • Engineering design • Design processes • How to build a model at scale 1 • Controls (risk reduction measures) • Evaluation (assessment) ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Skills devloped To interpret a concept and to represent it graphically To realize and to artifact it To identify the requirements for a given function of a building To identify the reality hazard recognition To work in an interdisciplinary and international team To practice a foreign language To have intercultural exchange ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
The competences To design the work place in accordance with performances for: • - special functions of the building and technology • - the structure of building in accordance with the safety of work places • - the risks management at the local work place level and at the global technological process and building ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Recognition of the student work in the project • The subject is a new discipline which is not exactly the same in all the syllabus of participating schools or faculties; • The number of didactical hours was 48/week (very intensive!) for student and teacher; the duration of the workshop was two weeks; • The students acquired 5 ECTS credits for the subject “industrial design” (Mechanical Engineering) or the equivalence with the subject “practical training” or “architectural design” at the level admitted by the specific syllabus (Architecture, Electrical engineering, Civil engineering). ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Problems in organising the student mobility and didactical activity: • The students selection • The accommodation and hosting • The visa for non EU students • The letter of attendance and certificate of completion • The organising the workshop (the hall, the presentations, the access to library and Internet etc.) • Invited lecturers • The organising of the site into the laboratory for building models at scale 1/1 and purchasing the materials for these. • To organise the assessment procedure by a jury formed from specialised and non advised persons ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
The dissemination • The dissemination by Media (radio, TV, press) • The presentation of the project to conferences • The valorisation of the results in writing new project to make a Curriculum for a modulus of learning at the European level to be implemented to the participating institutions ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Some of the fifteen models elaborated by the students durring the three workshops Cluj-Napoca, Romania Göteborg, Sweden Grands Ateliers, l’Isled’Abeau France
The reflection My basic idea is that for every person, in his and her culture and specific situation, other people and cultures provide a possibility for reflection and change, and that it is also a possibility to learn. Elisabeth Birgison - Vice-Rector of Chalmers University,Sweden Workshop, February 2008 ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
Example of good practice in international mobility Tempus Project N.I.R.O.A. Network of International Relation Offices in Azerbaijan Jan. 2008/Dec. 2010 ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
N.I.R.O.A partners: • From EU: • University of Genoa (I) • University of Siegen (D) • University of Nice (F) • Thechnical University of Athens (GR) • University of Budgoszcz (PL) • From Azerbaijan: • Azerbaijan Medical University • Odlar Yurdu University • Azerbaijan State Oil Academy • Qafkaz University ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
N.I.R.O.A. outcomes • Successful training of the administrative staff • The IROs are open and working • International agreements between Azeri and European partners ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010
N.I.R.O.A. outlook • A first group of 12 students visited the Faculty of Medicine in Genoa for a two-weeks traineeship • A follow-up project will be submitted, aiming at establishing similar IROs in other countries ERASMUS MUNDUSFASTQUADPROJECT -NOVOSIBIRSK MEETING ,22-25 SEPTEMBER 2010