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Welcome. Operational Audit of Greece School District Special Report: Interviews of Individual Board of Education Members. by William J. Dadey, Ph.D. October 15, 2005. Overall View Question 1 In order to obtain a current

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  1. Welcome

  2. Operational Audit of Greece School District Special Report: Interviews of Individual Board of Education Members by William J. Dadey, Ph.D. October 15, 2005

  3. Overall View Question 1 In order to obtain a current perspective on items that were included in the 2001 Parent “ School Quality Survey”, please respond to the following statements:

  4. Operational Audit of Greece Central School District Interview Questions for Board Members Interviewer : William J. Dadey, Ph.D.

  5. On a five point scale using “Strongly Agree” (SA), “Agree” (A), “Neutral” (N), Disagree” (D) or “Strongly Disagree” (SD), please respond to the following:

  6. a. The quality of Greece education is improving. _____ b. Graduating Greece students are well prepared to enter the workforce. _____

  7. c. Graduating Greece students are well prepared to enter college. _____ d. The Greece School District provides a good value for my tax dollar. _____

  8. What would be the overall grade you would give the Greece schools? ( A,B,C,D, or F)

  9. Question 2 Are you aware of the mission statement of the Greece School District ? Do you agree with that mission statement?

  10. Question 3 What is your perception of how well the Greece Schools operate with regard to the quality of instruction provided to students ?

  11. Question 4 If you were developing a report card for the Greece schools, what would be the most important factors or characteristics of the schools you would grade?

  12. Question 5 What do you believe are the most important factors that should be taken in to account in evaluating the performance of staff members? A. Teachers B. Administrators

  13. Question 6 What would it take for the Greece schools to be “world class” ? (i.e. What changes would I see if you were to invite me to visit your school district in a couple of years?)

  14. Question 7 What role does the school board play in identifying, implementing, and sustaining the changes required for the Greece schools to be “world class” ?

  15. Question 8 If you could change one thing about the Greece Central Schools to strengthen the effectiveness of the schools, what would it be?

  16. Question 9 If you could change one thing about the operation of the Board of Education to strengthen the effectiveness of the Board, what would it be?

  17. Question 10 What do you view as your primary responsibility when serving as a member of the Board of Education?

  18. Question 11 How do you view your personal responsibility to work together on the Board of Education as a member of a team ?

  19. Question 12 What do you believe are the most important factors that should be taken in to account in evaluating the performance of the Board of Education?

  20. Question 13 Is there a question about the Greece Central Schools that you wished we had discussed that you have a strong opinion about? If so, what are your perspectives about this issue?

  21. Responses

  22. SUMMARY OF RESPONSES TO INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The following summary reflects brief statements that are a portion of the actual selected responses made to interview questions 3 through 13.

  23. These responses, including those summarized earlier under questions 1 and 2, indicate again, when viewed in this manner, that there is a wide range of feelings among Greece Board of Education members on a variety of topics .

  24. Summary of Board Member Responses to Interview Question 1a: "The quality of Greece education is improving" Strongly Agree 4 Agree 5 Neutral 1 Disagree 2 Srongly Disagree 0

  25. Question 1b: " Graduating students are well prepared to enter the workforce" Strongly Agree 1 Agree 5 Neutral 2 Disagree 4 Srongly Disagree 0

  26. Question 1c: " Graduating students are well prepared to enter college" Strongly Agree 4 Agree 4 Neutral 0 Disagree 3 Srongly Disagree 1

  27. Question 1d: " Greece School District provides a good value for my tax dollar" Strongly Agree 5 Agree 1 Neutral 2 Disagree 3 Srongly Disagree 1

  28. Question 1e: " What would be the overall grade you would give the Greece schools? (A, B, C, D or F)" A 3 B 4 C 3 D 1 F 1

  29. Question 3: What is your perception of how well the Greece Schools operate with regard to the quality of instruction provided to students? • My perception is not a good one based on inputs that I’ve gotten from my own relatives. • The curriculum is a cookie-cutter type that doesn’t leave room for the art of teaching. • I think they do a very good job . • It operates very well.

  30. Q-3 • Is well done. • It’s a good quality. • Made some drastic improvements • Huge morale problem within the district • Questionable • Present curriculum is geared toward test results.

  31. Question 4: If you were developing a report card for the Greece schools, what would be the most important factors or characteristics of the schools you would grade? • Academic performance • Order within the classroom • How much of the money that we collect from the public is used in the classroom • Overall morale of the workforce • Intimidation from speaking • Are the children challenged

  32. (Q. 4) • Treat all those different levels of • students • Safety is important • The main goal where learning is • the goal • Accountability • We do a very poor job of evaluating • in an open, honest way • Academic results • How the money is being spent

  33. Questions 9: If you could change one thing about the operation of the Board of Education to strengthen the effectiveness of the Board, what would it be? • Get better quality candidates to run for the Board • and help them win election • If they could stay more focused on issues rather • than personalities • I think it probably goes to trust • I’m not an expert and I don’t understand why you • hire professionals, pay them very well, and then • refuse to take their advice

  34. Q-9 “At a Board meeting when you see people throwing rocks at each other verbally, when you see people getting angry, when you see people grandstanding in order to get points, then it ceases to be a board meeting and it becomes a media event and that’s the only benefit for TV is if you want to have a media event. I’d just as soon they didn’t broadcast them.”

  35. Question 11: How do you view your personal responsibility to work together on the Board of Education as a member of a team? • Once we come to a conclusion, being a member of the team, we have to support it, whether individually we believed in it or not • I’ve served on a lot of boards, and this is the only board where I’ve encountered that • personal animosity • I think there’s an obligation on the part of each member to try and be a team member

  36. Q-11 There are three rules that I always use as a board member; 1) never undermine the superintendent in public; 2) never undermine fellow board members in public; 3) unless it violates rules one or two, don’t make yourself look stupid in public. Five/four votes are not bad unless they’re always five for one and four for the other. And that’s the signal that there’s something drastically wrong.

  37. Q-11 • Listening to each other. • There needs to be some give and take. • My intention in working together with the board is to make sure that the only thing that the President does is coordinate the meeting.

  38. Q-11 Too much politics in the school board as it exists now. I would like to see that eliminated and I would like to see more trust between board members. A lot of us are on the board, in my opinion, for the wrong reasons.

  39. You can’t have a majority and minority board. • It was a Board Policy that I broke several times that said once a board votes, the majority opinion is the opinion of the entire Board and should be supported by the entire Board. I couldn’t do that in some cases. Q-11

  40. Question 13: Is there a question about the Greece Central Schools that you wish we had discussed that you have a strong opinion about? • If so, what are your perspectives about this issue? • Openness with the public that we serve • Any information about what’s going on in the school district should be easily provided to the public when we inquire.

  41. Q-13 • When we recognize the problem, we should talk publicly about the problem and then describe what it is we’re going to do to remedy the problem. • I struggle with our role and how far do we delve in.

  42. Conclusion Several questions were generated during this special study. A sampling of these is included in the listing below:

  43. Does the televising of Board meetings have a negative impact on the quality of communications at the actual meetings of the Board? If so what should the Board do to improve the situation?

  44. WJD Communications Create Perceptions “ You are fair, compassionate, and intelligent, but you are perceived as biased, insensitive and stupid”

  45. 2. What should be included in the training of Board members in order to create a more effective Board of Education?

  46. 3. What can be done to increase the Board of Education’s focus on student learning?

  47. WJD

  48. What can be done to improve discussions and increase understandings around the topic of “contingent budget” during the annual budget development process?

  49. 5. What can be done to further clarify and differentiate the role and responsibilities of the Board and Superintendent ?

  50. WJD Which one is the Superintendent?

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