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國際扶輪 扶輪基金會 T HE R OTARY F OUNDATION of Rotary International. 改 變 生 命 CHANGING LIVES. 2005~08 年間第 4B 地帶 地域扶輪基金協調人邵偉靈 RRFC Dens Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Zones 4B, 2005-08. 1999~2000 年地區總監. 年度服務主題. ACT With Consistency, Credibility, Continuity. 持恒 持守 持續的行動.
國際扶輪 扶輪基金會 THE ROTARY FOUNDATIONof Rotary International 改 變 生 命CHANGING LIVES
2005~08年間第4B地帶地域扶輪基金協調人邵偉靈RRFC DensRegional Rotary Foundation CoordinatorZones 4B, 2005-08 1999~2000年地區總監 年度服務主題 ACT With Consistency, Credibility, Continuity 持恒 持守 持續的行動
The Rotary Foundation 1917年阿特蘭大年會RI社長Arch Klumph─〝教育捐贈基金〞Endowment Fund
2006年地域扶輪基金協調人研習會2006 RRFCs’Training Institute(扶輪基金大學Foundation University)5 days meeting in SkokieMarch 20~24, 2005
地域扶輪基金協調人領導〝團隊〞RRFC Leadership “Team” • 2001-02年度核准-於美國和加拿大TRF新的義工與募款團隊三種資深義工領導人的架構 • In 2001-02, TRF established the approved structure of three senior volunteer leaders • TRF now expand this structure to all zones and districts for 2005-06. • 地域扶輪基金協調人( RRFC) • 年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA) Strategic Advisor • 巨額捐獻顧問(MGA) • 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人(RFAC)
年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA)Annual Program Fund Strategic Advisor Zone 4B: PDG Archi 許勝傑前總監 Jason S.C. Hsu (spouse: Betty) D3500, 2003~04
巨額捐獻顧問(MGA)MAJOR GIFTS ADVISOR Zone 4B: PDG Gleaner 韓明惠前總監 D3510, 2002~03
扶輪基金前受獎人協調人RFAC Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator Zone 4B: PDG Jason 楊宗謙前總監 (spouse: Rebecca) D3450
資深義工領導人的架構The Structure of Senior Volunteer Leaders 地域扶輪基金協調人(RRFC) 年度計劃基金策略顧問(SA) 巨額捐獻顧問(MGA) 扶輪基金前受獎人協調人(RFAC) DG DGE Assistant Governor 地區扶輪基金主委DRFCC 年度捐獻小組主委 AGSCC
TRF Trustee ChairLuis Vicente GiayRotary Club of Arrecifes, BuenosAires, Argentina
2006-07年度目標: • 專注於根除小兒痲痹 • 透過和其他最重要的機構建立夥伴關係提高TRF作為和平及解決衝突的鼓吹者的形象 • 鼓勵扶輪社員EREY給年度計劃基金,並創下永久基金巨金捐獻的記錄 • 與RI一起加強扶輪的公共形象 • 改進基層訓練,以增進扶輪社員對於基金會使命的理解 • 扶輪基金會之教育及人道計畫的管理精簡 • 實施一項未來計畫
2005-06年度 國際扶輪社長 白義德 Bill and Lorna Boyd
扶輪基金會的使命The mission of The Rotary Foundation • 透過當地、全國與國際的人道、教育與文化的計劃去支持國際扶輪努力於履行扶輪宗旨、扶輪使命並促進世界瞭解與和平的達成。 • to support the efforts of Rotary International in the fulfillment of the Object of Rotary, Rotary’s mission, and the achievement of world understanding and peace through local, national, and international humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. 扶輪的使命是以其奉獻、無私的義工網絡來行善於世界。 Rotary’s mission is to do good in the world with the help of its dedicated, selfless volunteer network.
基金會的計劃FOUNDATION PROGRAMS • Rotary Centers • Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program 教育計畫Educational Programs • Ambassadorial Scholars • Group Study Exchange • Rotary Grants for University Teachers 人道獎助金計劃Humanitarian Grants Program • Matching Grants • District Simplified Grants 小兒麻痺等疾病PolioPlus • PolioPlus Partners • 3-H Grants • Volunteer Service Grants
使得世界變得更美好 Rotary is making the world better. 世界需要著扶輪THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARY • 世界需要扶輪來結束小兒麻痹等疾病The world needs rotary to end Polio • 世界需要扶輪來協助終止人類的衝突The world needs rotary to help end conflict • 世界需要扶輪去協助教育The world needs rotary to help with education • 世界需要扶輪來確保乾淨的飲用水The world needs rotary to ensure clean water • 世界需要扶輪去協助保健工作The world needs rotary helping with health care • 世界需要扶輪去幫助終止飢餓The world needs rotary to end hunger
But I am one. I cannot do everything, But I can do something; What I ought to do, I will do because I can make a difference. I am only one,
世界需要扶輪來結束小兒麻痹等疾病THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARY TO END POLIO • 終身殘廢 • 心理問題 • 無法獨立謀生 • 家庭數不清的負擔與責任
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 接種疫苗預防小兒麻痹症 Children vaccinated against polio 全國免疫日 National Immunization Days
扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION Rtn Ann Lee Hussey, RC South Berwick, Maine (D-7780).
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES • 社員在印度支援根除小兒麻痹症運動 >六千兩百萬美元 Rtns have given more than $62 million, in India alone, to support polio eradication initiatives. • 二十億個孩童已經免疫 Two billion children (Immunized) • 五百萬免於死亡或者殘廢 Five million have been spared death or disability.
高品質的全國免疫日的需要仍然是如此的重要 The need for high quality NIDs is of such importance • 捐獻地區指定基金(DDF)到小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴To donate their District Designated Funds to PolioPlus Partners • 這個呼籲是於2005 年11月開始的,到目前為止30%的扶輪地區對此呼喚已有所響應。 This appeal began in Nov. 2005 and so far more than 30% of districts have responded to the call. • 到世界證明無小兒麻痹症時,扶輪對根除小兒麻痹等疾病的捐獻幾乎將達到六億五千萬美元。By the time the world is certified polio-free, Rotary contributions to polio eradication will reach nearly US $650 million dollars.
鼓勵地區支持根除小兒麻痹等疾病最後的推動To encourage district to support the final push to eradicate Polio. 建構於壯觀的成功之上: To build on the spectacular successes (PolioPlus): • 全世界小兒麻痹病例的數目減少了99% To achieving a 99% reduction in the number of Polio cases world wide • 加強世界對抗其他傳染病的能力 boosting the world’s capacity to combat other infectious diseases • 增加了社會的動員力increasing social mobilization • 改進了政治主張improving political advocacy • 發展出疫苗傳送的策略 developing vaccine delivery strategies • 提升疾病的監視力 enhancing disease surveillance 確保貴地區捐贈DDF 支援小兒麻痹等疾病夥伴 Ensure your district supports PolioPlus Partners through a gift of DDF.
世界需要扶輪來協助終止人類的衝突THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARY TO HELP END CONFLICT • 1994-2003年間大規模衝突中失去了 一千三百萬條生命 13 million lives were lost in large-scale conflicts between 1994 and 2003 • 三千七百萬難民37 million refugees and displaced persons
在世界周遭的衝突正危害著人們生活在和平和自決中的權利。 Conflicts around the word are endangering people’s rights to live in peace and with self-determination. • 其他的悲劇:人口的遷移、污染、饑荒、房屋的毀壞、疾病的擴散以及許多其他屈辱。 other tragedy : displacement of populations, pollution, famine, destruction of property, proliferation of diseases, and many other indignities. 衝突較辯論導致流血、離鄉背井。 他們將經濟和智力兩者的資源,背離了愛好和平城市的努力,而將他們轉為暴力和戰爭的機制。 Conflicts that result in bloodshed, rather than debate, uproot societies. They take resources, both economic and intellectual, away from peaceful civic endeavors and divert them to the mechanisms of violence and warfare.
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 扶輪社員正透過他們的扶輪基金會努力瞭解扶輪的第四個宗旨- “增進國際間瞭解、親善與和平……”Rotarians, through their Foundation are trying to see the fourth object of Rotary, “The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace…” • 扶輪和平和解決衝突國際研究中心 Rotary Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution • 扶輪和平和解決衝突研究計劃 Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program 訓練未來的領導人Training the leaders of tomorrow
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES Jude Sebastian Ewing 2004-06年間澳洲昆士蘭布利斯班市第三屆昆士蘭大學。輔導社:英格蘭1180地區Skelmersdale & Upholland社 Class III Rotary World Peace Fellows, 2004-06, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Sponsor Rotary Club of Skelmersdale & Upholland, District 1180, England.
扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION • Bautista Logioco • 阿根廷演說家 • 北卡羅萊納州公爵大學 • 第一屆的扶輪世界和平獎學金學生 • 輔導:阿根廷4910地區La Plata Tribunals社 • 接待:7710地區所。
教育和平獎學金學生 • 全世界人們間增進更大的包容和合作 • 這些獎學金學生是以努力工作於減少衝突與締造和平的增加來償還他們的獎學金。 • Educating Peace Fellows • to promote greater tolerance and cooperation among people worldwide. • These Fellows repay their fellowships each day they work to diminish conflict and increase peace building efforts worldwide.
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 透過個人的捐獻或者DDF 支持扶輪和平獎學金學生。 To support Rotary Peace Fellows through significant individual gifts or through gifts of DDF. 扶輪中心和平締造地區 Rotary Centers Peacebuilder Districts
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 菲律賓前總統 羅慕斯Fidel Ramos 〝許多扶輪倡導的行動中唯一的締造和平與解決衝突的努力源自於1914年的九月,明尼阿波里斯Minneapolis扶輪社提議…所有的扶輪社要成為其社區的和平擁護者……1945年四月,國際扶輪就是於20世紀最重要的國際性會議-聯合國創立起草的最前線。〞
於1945年, 49位扶輪社員擔任29會員國代表出席舊金山聯合國成立會議。 In 1945, 49 Rotary members served in 29 delegations to the United Nations Charter Conference.
至今,扶輪仍與許多的聯合國代辦處保持著緊密關係。國際扶輪的代表們至紐約聯合國主持每年一次的聯合國扶輪日以慶祝這種和平夥伴關係。 • Today, Rotary maintains close relationships with many UN agencies. RI’s representatives to the UN in New York host an annualRotary Dayat the United Nations to celebrate this partnership for peace.
扶改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 扶輪繼續努力於為世界帶來和平與瞭解的最前線。Rotary has been and continues to be at the forefront of efforts to bring peace and understanding to the world. • 讓不同文化人們齊聚一堂,並於扶輪的和平和瞭解的傳統中來培訓未來的領導人。 • TRF教育計劃-扶輪接近一個人最有效的工具。 • 2004–05年-贈與將近兩千八百萬美元獎金給個人。
世界需要扶輪去協助教育THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARY TO HELP WITH EDUCATION 2001年聯合國兒童基金會估計大約有一億一千五百萬國小年紀的孩童,他們大多數是女孩子沒有上學。 As of 2001 UNICEF estimated that 115 million children of primary school age, most of them girls were not attending school.
沒有接受一個優質的初等教育的孩童們更易遭受到虐待、剝削和精神與道德的不健全。 Without access to a quality primary education children are more vulnerable to abuse, exploitation, and disease.
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 國小教育是導向一個更好生活的基礎。閱讀、寫字、和加減法的學習是孩童們從極端貧困中脫困的基石。 A primary school education is the foundation for leading a better life. Learning to read, write, add, and subtract are the building blocks children need to move out of extreme poverty. 減少貧困和降低的孩童的死亡率 To reduce poverty and lower child mortality rates
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 扶輪對識字計劃特別的承諾 Rotary’s special commitment to literacy programs 學校也為孩童們提供了 一個安全的地方,一個支援、監督和社會化的地方。 Schools also provide a safe place for children, a place with support, supervision and socialization.
扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION 第55062號配合獎助金 3450地區上海扶輪社與澳洲9680地區皇冠西區扶輪社 Matching Grant #55062 RC Shanghai (D3450) RCCrows Nest (D9680). 提供中國29 所偏遠的國小將近6,500 本書籍。 To provide 29 remote primary schools in China with approximately 6,500 books. 5,000 位學生 220 位教師 15,000 位村民獲益
第二個目標:那些付不起學費的家庭提供財務援助第二個目標:那些付不起學費的家庭提供財務援助 • 贊助的扶輪社員優先選擇支援女孩學生 • 援助了 142 位國小學生,1位中學生和 5位高中生。 • The second objective of this project was to provide financial assistance to students whose families were unable to pay their school fees. • To gave preference to supporting girl students • To support 142 primary school students, 1 middle school student and 5 high school students.
〝寒梅〞的一封信 親愛的扶輪社員 我是你們所贊助的學生–〝寒梅〞。 我有好消息要告訴你們。 今年, 我參加了大學入學考試得到了530分的成績 ,它使我有資格進入寶雞藝術和科學大學就讀〝中國文學學士學位〞的課程。我終於完成我讀大學的夢想。 我好快樂。雖然它並不如其他優秀大學來得出名,然而我的家人和我自己已經覺得很滿意了。因為,這表示當我從這所大學畢業之後,我將能找到一份穩定的工作。這對農村的女孩子來說已是一個很大的期望了。對你們的善意我真不知道該如何表達感激之意。並且最近三年以來,我總能感受到你們的愛和善意。你們給了我〝圓夢的機會〞。我和我的家人將永遠記得你們的善行。 〝寒梅〞敬上
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 超過七百五十萬美元到重點為教育的計劃 (2005-06) more than $7.5 million to projects focusing on education 失學率第一次下降而低於一億 not attending school to drop below 100 million for the first time
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 這是很大成就,然而那裡仍然有許多工作要做。 你們也能成那工作的一部分。 While this is a great achievement there is still much work to be done. You can be part of that work. 扶輪基金會贊助會員 Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member
世界需要扶輪來確保乾淨的飲用水THE WORLD NEEDS ROTARYTO ENSURE CLEAN WATER 11億人↑缺乏安全飲用水 1.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water 25 億個↑缺少衛生設施 2.5 billion lack adequate sanitation 每天超過 3900位孩童由於水所產生的疾病而死亡 3900 children die every day from water borne diseases Asia and sub-Saharan Africa
扶輪改變生命ROTARY CHANGES LIVES 非洲和亞洲的扶輪社員 Rtns in Africa and Asia + 全世界扶輪社 Rotary Clubs around the world 扶輪基金會 TRF 飲用水計劃water projects
全世界的飲用水計劃 • 女人不再走遠路取得淡水 • 農民有了農作物所需的水 • 未處理過的汙水不再排入洗滌衣服與孩童嘻戲的河流 Water projects in around the world • Women no longer have to walk long distances to get fresh water • Farmers have water for their crops • Raw sewage no longer runs into the rivers where clothes are washed and children play.
扶輪基金會在行動 THE ROTARY FOUNDATION IN ACTION 配合獎助金第53536號 多哥D9100 / Atakpame社/美國明尼蘇達D5960 / Northfield社 配合了美金12,259元 總費用為美金29,018元 提供多哥Atkpame公共水源整修 Matching Grant #53536 RC Atakpame, Togo (D9100) and Northfield, Minnesota, USA (D5960) was approved for $12,259 total project cost of $29,018 To provid repairs for a public water fountain in Atkpame, Togo. Before….. ….After
3-H Grant #02-1373 迦納D9100阿克拉西區社 (美)加州D5170/Castro山谷社 RC Accra West, Ghana (D9100) / Castro Valley, California, USA (D5170) • 提供超過 40把挖和鑽井鑽 To provide over 40 hand dug and bored wells • 社區WATSAN委員會 Community Water & Sanitation committees • 提供65,000人↑乾淨飲用水 To provided clean water to over 65,000 people
WATSAN 委員會 社區成員所組成(許多是女性) 負責水井不間斷的養護 提供他們的社區教育 每一個挖鑿水井的村莊組成 一個 WATSAN 委員會 The WATSAN committees To be comprised of community members, (many of women) the ongoing maintenance of the wells providing education to their communities A WATSAN committee was formed in each village where a well was dug.