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Cuckmere Haven Options Appraisal - Heritage Casper Johnson (ESCC)

Cuckmere Haven Options Appraisal - Heritage Casper Johnson (ESCC). Results of Phase 1 studies Heritage. Oxford Archaeology and Archaeology South-East: desk-based research, field survey, geophysical survey & borehole survey. Key findings: Nationally Important Building Resource

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Cuckmere Haven Options Appraisal - Heritage Casper Johnson (ESCC)

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  1. Cuckmere HavenOptions Appraisal - HeritageCasper Johnson (ESCC)

  2. Results of Phase 1 studies Heritage Oxford Archaeology and Archaeology South-East: desk-based research, field survey, geophysical survey & borehole survey. Key findings: • Nationally Important Building Resource • Nationally Important Historic Landscape Resource • Nationally Important Below Ground Archaeological Resource

  3. Policy Context • Scheduled Monuments - Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 (as amended) (‘the 1979 Act’) • Listed Structures - Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 • Designated and undesignated heritage assets (Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the historic environment. 2010) • South Downs National Park Authority area

  4. Heritage Assets and Historic Landscape Character • Historic buildingresource: e.g. military structures • Historic landscape resource: e.g. medieval and later water meadows • Buried archaeological resource: e.g. potential wharves and hulks

  5. Heritage Character Areas • HCA 1 – Valley mouth and beach front • HCA 2 – Southern valley floor • HCA 3 – Central and Western valley floor • HCA 4 – Cuckmere River and N valley floor • HCA 5 – Valley sides and surrounding Downs

  6. Heritage Character Areas

  7. Options • The Baseline – Do nothing or do minimum • Option A – Partial breach managed realignment • Option B – Full breach managed realignment • Option C – Engineered reactivation of meanders and creeks • Option D – Maintain the existing defences • Option E – Sustain the existing defences – raise banks as sea level rises • Option F – Sustain the existing defences – raise banks by 300mm Assessment based on predictions by Capita over the short (0-20 yrs), medium (20-50 yrs) and long (50-100yrs) term

  8. Effects of Options • Engineering effects • Erosion effects (fluvial and/or tidal flow) • Inundation and/or burial by deposits • Vegetation changes • Effects on setting of heritage assets Positive effects Negative effects

  9. Options Assessment

  10. Conclusions • Baseline – Neutral • Option A - Negative • Options B & C– Negative but with longer term benefits • Option D - Positive • Options E and F – Positive but with longer term shortcomings

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