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Public Health

Public Health. Getting back to basics. The process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health. WHO 1986. Tannahill’s model. Downie 1990. Health education. Health protection. Prevention. Cervical cancer. Use of condoms.

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Public Health

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Public Health Getting back to basics

  2. The process of enabling people to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health WHO 1986

  3. Tannahill’s model Downie 1990 Health education Health protection Prevention

  4. Cervical cancer Use of condoms Cervical screening HPVVaccination

  5. Cardiovascular disease Change 4 Life Fruit in schools Smoking Ban

  6. Beattie’s model (1991)

  7. What happens in your workplace?

  8. How do we make health choices? What influences those ‘choices’?

  9. Health belief modelJanz and Becker 1984 To act, we need to believe • We are at risk • The problem can be serious • We can reduce the risk • The costs of action are outweighed by the benefits We also need to be prompted, and be confident in our ability

  10. Can you think of examples? • HPV vaccination? • NHS Health Checks? Excessive alcohol? Lack of exercise?

  11. Theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behaviour Beliefs about behaviour Attitude toward behaviour Costs/benefit calculation Normative beliefs Subjective norm Behavioural intention Behaviour Motivation to comply Beliefs about control Perceived behavioural control Perceived power

  12. What are the pressures? • Confidence • Family • Peers • Work • Media

  13. education for health Stages of Change Model

  14. Working in communities What works?

  15. Community development Disempowered community Contact Needs assessment and problem recognition Strategy Multi-agency awareness raising meeting Identify and recruit key community members Community forums (listening meetings in local, inviting venue) Community identifies problem (with key agencies) Inform community (newsletter, local media, personal contact, door to door) Intervention Establishment of tenants/residents associations Regeneration of community spirit/social capital Outcome Community engagement Health improvement

  16. Health improvement planning Identify problem Identify needs – health needs assessment Aims Evidence base Goals Identify resources Objectives Plan content and methods of programme Action – carry out programme Evaluate

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