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What is the purpose of a peace treaty?

Delve into President Woodrow Wilson's vision for post-war peace through his "Fourteen Points" proposal. Explore the ideals behind the plan, its impact on the Treaty of Versailles, and the challenges faced in implementing it.

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What is the purpose of a peace treaty?

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  1. What is the purpose of a peace treaty?

  2. What were the long-term and immediate causes of war? Explain briefly. How should a peace treaty have resolved these problems? How to Solve the Peace

  3. Peace Without Victory Wilson’s Plan For Peace Following the first year of The Great War, President Woodrow Wilson began to explain his plans for the peace that would follow the war.  Most widely known was his message of a "peace without victory" most completely explained in his "Fourteen Points" speech before Congress on 8 January 1918. 

  4. Wilson’s Fourteen Points • American President, Woodrow Wilson, anticipated the end of the war and hoped to inspire a peace plan that would solve the long-term problems that caused the war (MAIN). • He drafted a proposal called “The Fourteen Points” • He brought his proposal to France for the treaty conference.

  5. Ideals in Wilson’s Fourteen Points • The first five points consisted mainly the idea of an "open" world after the war.  Simply translated, these represented: • Arms reduction • Non-punishment • Freedom of the Seas • No secret treaties • Free and open trade with the elimination of protective tariffs

  6. The next eight points focused mainly upon the idea of granting "self-determination" (personal independence of all peoples)– freedom, independence, self-government - to national minorities in Europe. Self determination • Most significant, however, was point number fourteen which stressed a "general association of nations" to ensure "political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike."  Formation of the League of Nations

  7. What did Wilson hope the League of Nations would accomplish?

  8. In 1919, the Big 4 met in Paris to negotiate the Treaty(Lloyd George of Great Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, George Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the U.S.)

  9. Treaty of Versailles • Germany blamed, demilitarized, forced to pay reparations • Treaty written without German representation • Anschluss (Combining of Germany and Austria) forbidden forever • League of Nations created but Germany not admitted

  10. Treaty of Versailles • Map altered with little regard for ethnic or true national boundaries • Poland created out of Germany and Russia • France given the Alsace Lorraine province • Czechoslovakia created out of Germany and Austria-Hungary • Yugoslavia created by combining Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia, and other small territories • Austria-Hungary broken up • England received mandates territorial holdings in the Middle East from the Ottoman Empire

  11. Effects of the Treaty of Versailles

  12. Great Britain “forgot” about its promises to both Arab Muslims and Jews to create an independent homeland for them in their holy lands

  13. The United States of America was the only “Big 4” nation not to ratify the Treaty of Versailles. • America signed its own treaty with each warring nation between 1918 and 1922. • WHY?

  14. Wilson’s Lack of Support • The USA became isolationist after the war. • The US Senate disagreed with the League of Nations because they thought that by becoming a member they would lose their independence and get drawn into international disputes. • The Senate also felt that Wilson was partisan (favoring one political party) and they disliked him.

  15. Lodge vs. Wilson

  16. Battle Over the Treaty at Home • Republicans opposed the treaty • Isolationists opposed the treaty • Isolationists opposed the League of Nations

  17. Wilson toured the USA to “sell” the treaty. . .

  18. The Aftermath • Wilson Suffers a Stroke • The Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles • The U.S. would not sign a treaty with Germany until 1921 • The U.S. never joined the League

  19. What is the historical subject? • What does this cartoon imply about the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles?

  20. Will it Survive?

  21. Is the artist optimistic that there will be lasting peace? • What clues provide the evidence to support your answer to number 1? • How has this artist foreshadowed World War 2 and the Cold War?

  22. World War I in Global History • Rise of Fascism • Great Depression • World War II

  23. World War I in Global History • European Dominance Appeared Undiminished • Overriding Significance - Began Undermining of Europe’s Supremacy • Overseas Investment Declined • American Industrial Rise - Global Leadership Crossed the Atlantic

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