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Basic Skills Summer Institute August 2008

This article explores the characteristics and demographics of basic skills students in California community colleges, as well as their success rates and the need for additional pre-collegiate training. It also addresses the importance of financial aid and the tenure track ratio in community colleges.

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Basic Skills Summer Institute August 2008

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  1. Basic Skills Summer Institute August 2008

  2. BSI Success Rates • Do you know how many basic skills students succeed in basic skills classes? • And why should we care?

  3. First Time Students

  4. BSI CCC Statistics

  5. Progression • Each year between 500,000 and 700,000 students take a basic skills course. • How many move on? The number of students completing coursework at least one level above their prior basic skills enrollment within the three-year cohort period.

  6. Who Are Basic Skills Students? • 55% female, 45 % male • 55% are citizens;18% are not citizens (others unknown) • 45% are 21 or younger; 41% are over 26

  7. Ethnicity

  8. How Many Are Enrolled in Basic Skills Classes? • 70-85% assess into basic skills • 27.4% take basic skills classes • Where are the rest?

  9. The Latina/o California Community College Pipeline, 2002-03 100 Latina/o First Time College Students 8 University of California 75 California Community College 17 California State University 7 Transfer 1 University of California 6 California State University Source: California Postsecondary Education Commission 2004; see also Omelas and Solorzano 2004. From Martha A. Rivas, Jeanette Perez, Chrystal R. Alvarez, and Daniel G. Solorzano, An Examination of Latino/a Transfer Students in California’s Postsecondary Institutions, CSRC Latino Policy and Issues Brief No. 16 (Los Angeles: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press, 2007). Reproduced with permission.

  10. BSI Knowledge Quiz

  11. Who Are You? • How many came to last year’s BSI training? • How many are on your BSI committee? • How many have read the Basic Skills as a Foundation for Success in CCC’s Literature Review? • How many teach a basic skills course?

  12. General Knowledge about California Community Colleges, Basic Skills Students, and Yourself A note about answering these questions: • This is anonymous. • Answer honestly. No one is looking. • This is self-assessment. • For each question, please select the best answer.

  13. 1. Approximately what percent of California Community College students place into one or more basic skills courses in Reading, Writing, ESL or Mathematics? A. 0% B. 25% C. 35% D. 50% E. Over 70%

  14. 2. What percent of the students in your class probably require additional pre-collegiate training in order to be successful in college-level course work? A. 10% B. 20% C. 40% D. 60% E. Over 70%

  15. Need to think about this one

  16. 3. The definition of Basic Skills is: “Those foundational skills necessary for students to succeed in college-level work in A. Reading B. Writing C. Math D. English as a Second Language (ESL) E. Any of the disciplines above as well as learning and study skills

  17. 4. How many students who start 3 or more levels below college-level actually make it to a college-level course? A. Less than 10% B. 15- 30% C. Approximately 40% D. Over 60% E. 80% or more 

  18. How many succeed?

  19. 5. What is the AVERAGE number of hours our CCC students work per week? (as reported by the CCCCO) A. 8 hours/week B. 16 hours per week C. 24 hours per week D. 28 hours per week E. 32 hours per week 

  20. 6. Which of the following is true of students with basic skills needs in California community colleges? A. They generally assess uniformly low on placement tests in all areas; reading, writing, math, and ESL B. They may assess low on placement tests in one discipline while testing at college-level in other areas (i.e. a college level writer but require additional work in math) C. They are easily identifiable in our classes by sex, age, or ethnicity. D. They usually have the learning and study skills necessary to succeed in college-level work. E. They are found only in the community colleges and are only rarely found at the UC and CSU campuses.

  21. 7.Which of the following is true about student success in basic skills courses? A. The success rate in basic skill classes is the same as other college class success rates. B. Ethnic diversity has no effect on student success in basic skills. C. There are obvious and very different success patterns in basic skills courses according to ethnicity. D. Students that take basic skills classes always do better in college level classes. E. The majority of basic skills students complete the entire basic skills class sequence.

  22. 8. Latina/o students represent the fastest growing population of community college students (averaging 27% of CCC students statewide but up to 85% at some individual colleges). Approximately what percent of Latina/o students and parents were unable to name even ONE source of financial aid funding? A. 5-15% B. 15-30% C. 30-45% D. 45-50% E. 50-65%

  23. Do you help direct students to financial aid?

  24. 9. What proportion of tenure track and temporary faculty are in the CCCs? • 75% tenure-track & 25% temporary • 60% tenure-track & 40% temporary • 50% tenure-track & 50% temporary • 40% tenure-track & 60% temporary • 25% tenure-track & 75% temport

  25. 10. Of the total FTE (Full-time equivalent) faculty in the CCCs, what proportion are tenure track and what propportion are temporary? • 45% tenure track FTE; 55% temporary FTE • 55% tenure track FTE; 45% temporary FTE • 60% tenure track FTE; 40% temporary FTE • 65% tenure track FTE; 35% temporary FTE • 75% tenure track FTE; 25% temporary FTE

  26. 11. What percent of basic skills classes are taught by adjunct faculty? • 25 - 40% of all basic skills classes • 35 – 50% of all basic skills classes • 45 – 60% of all basic skills classes • 55 – 70% of all basic skills classes • 90 - 100% of all basic skills classes

  27. Self-Assessment Questions • Look in the handbook in Chapter 3 on pages 4 & 5 and complete the self- assessment questions.

  28. Self-Assessment Rubric • In Chapter 3 on pages 8-11 are rubrics of practice based on 50 years of research. • Color coded as handouts • Student Services practitioner • Instructional Faculty • Some may be both (like librarians or counselors) • Piloting Administrative rubric as handout only now

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