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Good to Great

Good to great school is a non-profit organization that supports schools on their improvement journey. With decades of experience, we help schools transition from Poor to Fair, Fair to Good, Good to Great and on to Excellent.visit:https://goodtogreatschools.org.au/

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Good to Great

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We are a not-for-profit organization, who support schools and school systems on their improvement journey. With decades of experience, we help schools transition from Poor to Fair, Fair to Good, Good to Great and on to Excellent. Our programs are designed to meet the needs of children from early childhood through to secondary school graduation. We believe that schools should be ready for students – not just students ready for school.

  2. We invest substantially in innovation and continuous improvement through co-design with students, families, teachers, school education systems and educational experts.

  3. OUR LEADERSHIP TEAM Bernardine Denigan – Chief Executive Officer Bernardine is the former CEO of Cape York Partnership with a career working with Indigenous peoples, state and federal Governments on education and community development partnerships. She was instrumental in the design of the Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy Julie Grantham – Managing Director, Government Relations and Stakeholder Engagement Julie Grantham has held many positions in the Queensland state education sector from Teacher to Director General. During her tenure, Julie led many wide ranging reforms in education.

  4. Our aim is to support Australian education systems and communities to help their schools successfully deliver 21st century programs. These programs focus on three important practices commonly found in high performing school systems: Great Teachers, Effective Instruction and Every Child. Visit: https://goodtogreatschools.org.au

  5. Every Australian child, no matter what their background is, attends a school that develops their academic, cultural, creative, sporting and civic potential.

  6. CONTACT US CONTACT US Good to Great Schools Australia 302-310 Sheridan Street, Cairns QLD 4870 PO Box 278, North Cairns QLD 4870 Phone: +61 7 4042 7200 info@goodtogreatschools.org.au Visit: www.goodtogreatschools.org.au https://www.facebook.com/goodtogreatschools/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/good-to-great-schools- australia https://twitter.com/goodtogreataust

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