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Coordinating Committee on LHCD LHCD for ITER ERM/KMS, Brussels, July 7th, 2008 A. Bécoulet

Coordinating Committee on LHCD LHCD for ITER ERM/KMS, Brussels, July 7th, 2008 A. Bécoulet. A coordinated LHCD activity within the H&CD Topical Group LHCD for ITER: historical background Present situation “partners” EU position The T13-05 ITER task (GT Hoang)

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Coordinating Committee on LHCD LHCD for ITER ERM/KMS, Brussels, July 7th, 2008 A. Bécoulet

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  1. Coordinating Committee on LHCD LHCD for ITER ERM/KMS, Brussels, July 7th, 2008 A. Bécoulet

  2. A coordinated LHCD activity within the H&CD Topical Group • LHCD for ITER: • historical background • Present situation • “partners” • EU position • The T13-05 ITER task (GT Hoang) • The LH4IT EFDA task

  3. Structure of EFDA Programme • The EFDA programme is now coordinated by the EFDA Leader, supported by the following structure: • The EFDA CSU (Garching) • The EFDA-JET CSU (Culham) • The European Task Force on Plasma Wall Interaction • The European Task Force on Integrated Tokamak Modelling • The Topical Groups • MHD • Transport • Diagnostics • Materials • Heating and Current Drive • The EFDA programme is structured under 7 Missions • The programme is based on annual Work Programmes

  4. The H&CD Topical Group According to its terms of reference (EFDA(08) 36/4.5), the Heating and Current Drive Topical Group is, within the European Fusion Development Agreement, in charge of i. generating a consensus of the EU fusion community in the field of H&CD in support of ITER physics, in preparation for ITER operation (e.g. scenario development) and in view of DEMO; ii. developing an annual EU recommendation of R&D priorities to the EFDA Leader, supporting in the elaboration of a long term programme and of the annual Work Programme; iii. promoting the execution of experiments on the EU devices in support of this programme; iv. proposing R&D on specific aspects of H&CD system performance (eg RF sheath performance, coupling, current drive, conditioning etc); v. identifying when EU expertise needs to be concentrated on the resolution of specific issues; vi. providing advice to the EFDA leader on training; vii. promoting cooperative activities in the area of H&CD among the European Research Institutes, in particular with the participation of new member states and universities; viii. providing advice and expertise on the development, benchmarking and validation of relevant modelling codes in liaison with the EU Integrated Tokamak Modelling TF; ix. maintaining an EU expert knowledge base in the relevant H&CD physics and technology; x. providing advice to EFDA on H&CD matters when required by the EFDA Leadership; xi. providing support to the EFDA Leader in the development of R&D activities for potential ITER H&CD upgrades (eg LHCD) to the point at which such activities can be transferred to F4E; xii. coordinating the Physics and Technology aspects of Long Pulse and Steady State Operation programme under EFDA in close collaboration with the JET Task Force Leaders for Scenario 2 (S2) and Heating (H).

  5. Structure of the Topical Group • The Topical Group is composed with all members of the EURATOM Associations interested in Heating and Current Drive issues in magnetic fusion devices. • It is coordinated by a Scientific and Technical Board, consisting in: • - The Topical Group Chairman, nominated by the EFDA Steering Committee • The EFDA H&CD Responsible Officer • A coordinator in charge of the Neutral Beam Injection aspects • A coordinator in charge of the Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects • A coordinator in charge of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive aspects • A coordinator in charge of the Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects • A coordinator for the EFDA mission #4 "Long Pulse and Steady State" • The EFDA-JET Task Force H Leader • The EFDA-ITM Task Force IMP5 Project Leader (H&CD Modeling) • a representative of F4E • The Topical Group connects to Associations through Contact Persons

  6. The S/T Board • - The Topical Group Chairman (Alain Bécoulet) • The EFDA H&CD Responsible Officer (Boris Weyssow) • A coordinator in charge of the Neutral Beam Injection aspects (Tim Jones) • A coordinator in charge of the Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects (Raymond Koch) • A coordinator in charge of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive aspects (open; Alain Bécoulet, interim) • A coordinator in charge of the Electron Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects (Tim Goodman) • A coordinator for the EFDA mission #4 "Long Pulse and Steady State“ (George Sips) • The EFDA-JET Task Force H Leader (Marie-Line Mayoral; Jef Ongena interim) • The EFDA-ITM Task Force IMP5 Project Leader (H&CD Modeling) (Torbjörn Hellsten) • a representative of F4E (Gabriella Saibene) • The S/T Board meets remotely once a month (all details on website) • The TG Chairmen and TFLs meet remotely with EFDA • The Coordinating Committees remain as subgroups of the H&CD TG

  7. www.tpg.efda.org/hcd/index.htm

  8. On-going work & Present agenda • January 2008 -> mid April 2008: drafting the 2008-2009 WP • 28-30 April 2008: EFDA STAC (Culham) : 2008-09 Workprogramme • 7 May 2008: EFDA SC : 2008-09 Workprogramme • June 2008: Calls for Participation for EFDA WP (1st part) • 25 July 2008: Answers to Calls and drafting Task Agreements • 8 July: EFDA STAC (Brussels): scd part of 2008-09 Workprogramme • (includes LH4IT) • September: Calls For participation (2nd part)

  9. Priority Support versus Baseline • the EFDA tasks (will) run under Task Agreements • the funding mixes Baseline support (20%) and Priority Support (40%) • no 100% funding under EFDA • Resources allocation is proposed by EFDA to STAC and Steering Committee, prior Task Agreements -> “ceiling” • The Task Agreements are established by EFDA (with the help of TG Chair) on the basis of Associations’ answers to the Calls. • The Tasks are put under a Responsible Officer chosen by the TG S/T Board • the progress is monitored by the CCs and the S/T Board

  10. The tasks Mission 1 : Burning Plasmas- BPD: Experimental simulation of non-linear burning plasma dynamics in the Advanced Scenarios for steady-state operation(Call June 08)Mission 2: Reliability of tokamak operation - ICWC: ICRF assisted wall conditioning- RFINIT: Plasma initiation assist with H&CD systems- RFCP: RF Coupling- ICAD: Improvement and qualification of ICRH arc detection systems (to be conducted with F4E)(Call June 08)- ECARC: EM compatibility of H&CD systems during arcing (to be conducted with F4E)- ECPOL: Real-time Polarization Control of EC waves to avoid overheating of machine structures(Call June 08)- NPRE: Neutral Pressure in front of RF antennasMission 4: Long Pulse and Steady-state Operation- MIX: Investigate the influence of H&CD mix on ITER scenarios- LPO: Long pulse operation of H&CD systems- NBIPHY: (off-axis) Current Drive and Rotation capability of NBIMission 7: DEMO physics and Plasma Scenarios- DEMO: H&CD systems for DEMOEmerging Technologies (under Mission 4)- LH4IT: EU contribution to the ITER LHCD development plan - LH4AUG: LHCD system for Asdex Upgrade (to be activated on IPP request) - NBCS: Cs-free negative ion source operation- ERID: Electrostatic Residual Ion Dump Studies- NBIOPT: Space Charge Neutralisation Investigation (to be conducted with F4E)- NBIEXT: Physics of extraction of negative ions (to be conducted with F4E)- NBNEUT: Alternative neutraliser technologyITER specific physics - H&CD during the commissioning phase of ITER (to be conducted with F4E, on ITPA/ITER request)- ITER current rise phase (to be conducted with F4E, on ITPA/ITER request) 1st Call CCLH-relevant

  11. In support to ITER LHCD • Historical Background: • LHCD in the 2001 ITER baseline detailed design document (DDD) • 20MW CW; 5GHz; PAM launcher; 1MW power unit klystrons • LHCD dedicated to second phase of ITER operation (Q=5 steady-state) • LHCD not in the ITER procurement packages • Fall 2006: ITER Design Review, working Group 6 (H&CD), Chair JJacquinot -> restarting discussions on LHCD • >28 February 2007 • LHCD Day 1 system (5MW, ¼ PAM) for R&D and test purposes • 500kW unit klystrons • 3.7 GHz back-up solution • PLUS: diagnostics, gas injection system, ICRH-LHCD interaction issues.

  12. 28 February 2007 ITER review H&CD working group LHCD Sub-group A “day1” LHCD system on ITER Presented by A. Bécoulet, CEA/DSM/DRFC

  13. 28 February 2007 ITER: B. Beaumont (bertrand.beaumont@iter.org) China : YX Wan (wanyx@ipp.ac.cn) EU: A. Bécoulet (alain.becoulet@cea.fr, coordinator), F. De Marco, JM Noterdaeme (jmn@ipp.mpg.de) India: P.K. Sharma (pramod@ipr.res.in) Korea: J.G. Kwak (jgkwak@kaeri.re.kr) USA : S. Milora (milorasl@ornl.gov), R. Parker (parker@psfc.mit.edu), D. Rasmussen (Rasmussenda@ornl.gov) Terms of reference During its second meeting on January 10th, the H&CD working group of the ITER review decided to initiate a written proposal on the possibility to install a reduced LHCD system from day1 on ITER, as part of a general plan of the LHCD system needed for the second phase of ITER. The proposal should be submitted to the group by the end of February 07, and should be conducted by the LHCD sub-group. Credits (direct contributors to the proposal) ITER: B. Beaumont China : YX Wan EU: A. Bécoulet, J. Belo, G. Berger-By, J. Bizarro, A. Ekedahl, F. De Marco, M. Goniche, C. Gormezano, D. Guilhem, GT Hoang, F. Kazarian, X. Litaudon, R. Magne, F. Mirizzi, JM Noterdaeme, Y. Peysson, M. Schneider, A. Tuccillo India: P.K. Sharma Korea: J.G. Kwak USA : P. Bonoli, S. Milora, R. Parker, D. Rasmussen This work is dedicated to our missing colleagues Philippe Bibet and Francesco De Marco 6 Weeks of Work, ~ 1PPY

  14. DCR-073(extract from executive summary) • The physics and technology assessment performed for this proposal confirms the validity of the DDD 5GHz, PAM launcher solution. Nevertheless, new added elements (physics and technology) • - confirm the crucial role played by off-axis current drive capability in advanced modes of operation in tokamaks (advanced tokamak and hybrid mode), and the unique role played by LHCD in that respect. Note that the last 5 years have seen dramatic progress in LHCD modelling and experiment • - confirm the resolution of the LHCD coupling issues in ELMy H-modes edge, provided the relevant gas injection system is in place • - confirm the existence of a valid fallback solution at 3.7GHz in ITER, in case the R&D on the 5GHz klystrons fails or is significantly delayed. • - confirm the importance of inter-operability between LHCD and ICRH, and thus the need for a careful port allocation. • … • The Group thus strongly encourages the PT leaders and ITER to call for a Dedicated Working Group in charge of rapidly elaborating, with them, a detailed work sharing, costing and planning.

  15. In support to ITER LHCD • July 2007 (IO-PT meeting) • DCR-073 is not accepted as such • BUT: ITER should allocate space for future LHCD • BUT: the community is encouraged to further work on LHCD for ITER • EU assessment of ITER Design Review (16/10/07) • LHCD is not included in the baseline, which it must be in order to have it for DT. • A long term plan for the deployment of the H&CD systems is needed, taking into consideration upgrades, R&D requirements, procurement and commissioning times. In particular, a development plan for the LH system is presently lacking • In view of a possible voluntary activity within the Parties on the LH system, ITER should provide the required interface with the project • We welcome and acknowledge the positive role of WG06 in addressing this issue. We agree that LHCD should play a role in the power/CD mix of ITER. • We agree with and support the concerns of the LHCD community in maintaining the overall laboratories and industry competences. We support the proposal of the LHCD community to further evaluate a long term development plan, integrated with the ITER research plan and oriented towards the deliverance of LHCD power in ITER. • We encourage EU to take active part into the LHCD development plan.

  16. In support to ITER LHCD • Early 2008: supplementary questions from ITER design Review to LHCD on Vs-saving capability during current ramp-up, and early delivery (first DT-Plasma) • February 2008: ITER STAC task T13-05 • terms of reference: • Outline plan, cost and schedule for having a full LHCD system (20MW/ full PAM/5GHz) for “1st plasma”, 13 July 2018 • Estimate of the R&D effort needed • Outline plan, cost and schedule for a prototype system (5MW/ 1/4PAM/5GHz)

  17. ITER STAC task T13-05 • The 20 MW / 5 GHz / CW solution using one Passive Active Multijunction (PAM) launcher in ITER is technically confirmed and the cost estimate is ~ 100M€ (~70 kIUA). About 9 years are necessary between the decision point by stakeholders and the start of the commissioning phase on ITER. • A two step approach, consisting of a “Day1” 5 MW/5GHz/CW system powering one fourth of the final PAM, is possible. It would initially cost ~ 40M€ (28kIUA), and requires 7 years…Completing to the full 20 MW system would cost an extra ~ 65-70 M€ (45-50kIUA) and another 5 years • In both cases, the LHCD system has to be included in the ITER design and work plan immediately, in particular to guarantee the necessary infrastructure for its final installation (buildings, port, cooling, pumping, dedicated gas injection valve). Not taking these aspects into account at once would severely impact on the future feasibility and cost effectiveness. • A dedicated modelling effort is also necessary. It requires ~ 2 years. • The specific situation of a “non yet agreed” procurement package requires a supplementary dedicated negotiation time, presently estimated at about 1 year.

  18. ITER STAC task T13-05 (contd) • The required ITER specific R&D activity concentrates on three main topics: • - The 500kW/5GHz klystron unit itself. The present choice of the 5GHz frequency is motivated by the specification on the coupled power from a single port (20MW) and the minimisation of the power coupled to alpha particles during the high-beta burning phases. At present, the Toshiba prototype klystron has not yet been validated at 500kW/CW but the required level of confidence can be reached within ~2 years, provided a clear sign of interest from ITER is given. Note that the 700kW/3.7GHz/CW back-up solution is fully available, with an acceptable compromise on the two aspects mentioned above. • - The transmission lines and RF windows. These RF elements must be adapted to ITER, in terms of minimisation of the number of transmission lines and development and tests of RF windows at 5GHz exposed to the ITER environment. • - The PAM front end. The material constituting the very front end of the ITER launcher must be specified together with ITER IO and then dedicated R&D is needed to plug such a front end to a conventional PAM structure. • Choosing the 3.7GHz fallback solution would suppress the risk on the klystron and reduce the R&D effort in time (1-2 years).

  19. The ITER STAC task T13-05: Detailed presentation GT Hoang CEA/IRFM

  20. “LH4IT” EFDA task: work packages, responsibilities, structure, answer to the future TG Call A. Bécoulet

  21. LH4IT: Europe in support to ITER LHCD • A task is set-up by EFDA H&CD Topical Group, dealing with «EU Contribution to the ITER LHCD development plan» • EFDA-F4E discussions underway • The task runs over 2008 and 2009 WP • The task deals with: • Link(s) with EFDA missions: Mission 4 and ITER review specifically stated the need for a consistent LHCD development plan for ITER

  22. LH4IT: Europe in support to ITER LHCD • Corresponding tasks (baseline support/priority support):

  23. LH4IT: Europe in support to ITER LHCD This task must be performed in close collaboration with several ITER partners. This is also a point possibly generating third party access to the TG activity. High-level negotiations are also to be planned for the ITER LHCD package sharing as soon as possible. The present task calls for the constitution of a working group in charge of coordinating the overall European input to the deployment of LHCD on ITER, in close liaison with F4E and ITER IO.

  24. LH4IT: workpackages

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