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CTEERS Technical Assistance Workshop

CTEERS Technical Assistance Workshop. Welcome and Introductions Sharon Wendt, Director of Career and Technical Education Team. Overview of Agenda and Workshop Protocol. 1:10-1:30 p.m. Overview of CTEERS What is it? Why it exists What’s new in 2010?

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CTEERS Technical Assistance Workshop

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  1. CTEERS Technical Assistance Workshop • Welcome and Introductions Sharon Wendt, Director of Career and Technical Education Team

  2. Overview of Agenda and Workshop Protocol • 1:10-1:30 p.m. Overview of CTEERS • What is it? • Why it exists • What’s new in 2010? • Use of secure file transfer program (Accellion) • PI-1330R: Composite Enrollment ReportCell 10—Name Change to Race-Ethnicity Hispanic Definitional Change • PI-1330R: Cell 18 CTE Concentrator • PI-1330R: New Instructional Area Classification codes • PI-1330R: Allow more than one entry to a number of cells using tilde (~) to delineate • 1:30-2:30 p.m. Cell by Cell Instructions and Questions on Composite Enrollment Report • 2:30-2:50 p.m. Break • 2:50-3:05 p.m. Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up and Questions • 3:05-3:15 p.m. Wrap-up • 3:15-4:30 p.m. Individual Technical Assistance

  3. CTEERS • What is it? • Career and Technical Education Enrollment Reporting System • Collects required Carl Perkins Act (CPA) secondary student enrollment data for the purpose of accountability from: All districts in receipt of CPA funding • To do this there are two reports: • Composite Enrollment Report due on or before July 15th • Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up Report due on or before May 1st of the following year

  4. For RY 2008: Participating Districts (PD) 370 % of State H.S. Districts 97% PD Student Universe - Grades 11-13 143,245 2008 CTE Basic State Facts

  5. From that data the following are positives for CTE: • 94% of Wisconsin students who enroll in a concentration of CTE programming graduate from high school compared to the state rate of 89% • 75% of CTE concentrators who have taken the tenth grade WKCE reading and math tests score at the proficient or above category compared to the state rate of 74% • 73% of Wisconsin students completing high school career and technical education programs pursue additional educational opportunities (i.e., postsecondary education). • 23% of Wisconsin students completing high school career and technical education programs are gainfully employed after high school.

  6. Why does it exist and Why is it important to me? • Local to State to Federal accountability • Incomplete or inaccurate reporting does not give the parties involved the total picture of data • to establish trends and • best tell the CTE story

  7. What is the Accountability Process? • The secondary CPA core indicators required at the secondary level are: • 1S1: Academic Attainment – Reading • 1S2: Academic Attainment - Mathematics • 2S1: Technical Skill Attainment • 3S1: Secondary School Completion • 4S1: Student Graduation Rates • 5S1: Secondary Placement • 6S1: Nontraditional Participation • 6S2: Nontraditional Completion

  8. Negotiations • State negotiates with OVAE on yearly performance levels for CPA core indicators FAUPL • Every two years • Locals will either accept state performance levels or negotiate with state on new local levels • State and locals must show continuous improvement

  9. Data Collection and Reporting • Data collected from locals • State edits and aggregates • Reported through OVAE Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAR) CAR

  10. Data Collection and Reporting • Districts in receipt of CPA funding are informed of their core indicator performance levels by means of the CPA Local District Profile. • If they do not meet a core indicator level either through the absolute or progress means, that core indicator must be addressed within the next application cycle. Sample District Profile

  11. Accountability –Improvement Plans • If a state or local fails to meet at least 90% of a performance level on any of the core indicators – they must develop and implement an improvement plan • If a state or local: • Fails to implement an improvement plan, • Fails to make any improvement within a year after implementing plan, or • Fails to meet 90% of an indicator 3 years in a row • Then, funds can be withheld (fully or partially) • Withheld funds to be used by State or other eligible recipient to provide services to remedy

  12. Accountability –Improvement Timeline

  13. What’s New for 2010 • Name Change: • VEERS becomes CTEERS, Career and Technical Education Enrollment Reporting System

  14. What’s New for 2010 • Use of secure file transfer program • (Accellion) for data file uploads and downloads, PI-1330R and PI-1335, no mailing of CDs or diskettes Directions for Submitting Reports • Two months prior to the submission due date of July 15th a request to submit files will be sent to the Fiscal Agent CTE Coordinator by means of a secure file transfer program. • The recipient receives an invitation email with a link. The recipient clicks on the link to complete the registration process. • Once registered the recipient will be able to securely attach the Composite Enrollment as well as Graduate Concentrator Completer Followup file(s) and to an email addressed to don.vedder@dpi.wi.gov • The window for submission of files will be two months prior to the established report due date of July 15th for the Composite Enrollment Report and three months prior to May 1st for the Follow-up Report to one month after those dates.

  15. What’s New for 2010 • PI-1330R: Composite Enrollment Report Cell 10-Name Change to Race – Ethnicity (Effective for 2011 reporting) • Hispanic Definitional Change Hispanic is not a race, it is an ethnicity. If a student coded H, must also have one or more accompanying race code(s). • PI-1330R: Cell 18 CTE Concentrator Added coding for POS Concentrator, two choices in addition to N (No) 1 – Student is a concentrator in an operational Program of Study (POS) 2 – Student is a concentrator not in an operational POS • PI-1330R: New Instructional Area Codes • PI-1330R: Cell 20 Name Change to Non-Certificated Learning Methodology • PI-1330R: Cell 21 Name Change to Certificated Learning Methodology • PI-1330R: Cell 22 Name Change to Certificated Learning Completion

  16. What’s New for 2010 • PI-1330R: Allow more than one entry to following cells using tilde to delineate 20 Non-Certificated Learning Methodology 21 Certificated Learning Methodology 22 Certificated Learning Completion 25 Youth Options Attendance 26 Advanced Standing Credit - Tech Prep, Participation 27 Advanced Standing Credit - Tech Prep, Completion 28 Transcripted Credit-Tech Prep, Participation 29 Transcripted Credit-Tech Prep, Completion 30 Youth Apprenticeship, Participation 31 Youth Apprenticeship, Completion 32 Transcripted Credit – University, Participation 33 Transcripted Credit – University, Completion

  17. Composite Enrollment Report: Directions for Submitting Reports 1. Submission Requirements • Two months prior to the submission due date of July 15th a request to submit files will be sent to the Fiscal Agent CTE Coordinator by means of a secure file transfer program. • The recipient receives an invitation email with a link. The recipient clicks on the link to complete the registration process. • Once registered the recipient will be able to securely attach the Composite Enrollment file(s) to an email addressed to don.vedder@dpi.wi.gov • The window for submission of files will be two month prior to the established report due date of July 15th to one month after that date.

  18. Composite Enrollment Report: Directions for Submitting Reports 2. File Requirements •Form must adhere to columnar layout as found on the CTEERS Composite Enrollment Report Element chart. •One student record per line or row. •Directions and coding are the same as the form from which the data element came. •Do not use punctuation within the data unless the definition for the data cell allows a delimiting character of a tilde(~). A decimal point must be entered for Instructional Area code. •The recommended file format is an Excel file, if another application program is used and the file can not be exported to an Excel file format, the file must be in an ASCII (text), comma delineated format with a return after each line (student record) in the file.

  19. Composite Enrollment Report: Directions for Submitting Reports 2. File Requirements • Since the Career and Technical Education Team will be pre-editing the file through the use of an Excel spreadsheet prior to uploading to the DPI data base server, it is important that if a particular cell is not applicable to an individual student, that cell should still be preserved through the use of a comma in a comma delineated file. •File name convention will be as follows: 2010-CTE-DistrictName where the first four digits are to be replaced with the current reporting year and the DistrictName to be replaced with the district’s name. •All high schools within the district are to be included in the one file submission for the district with no line breaks between schools or grades.

  20. Composite Enrollment Report:Element Chart CER Element Chart • Composite Enrollment Report can be broken out into 3 parts: • Info common to universe of students of CPA funded districts at the high school, grades 11-13 • Info on CTE participants from that universe • Info on CTE concentrators from the sub-universe of CTE participants

  21. Composite Enrollment Report:Cell by Cell Cell by Cell

  22. Student Follow-up Report (PI-1335):Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up Report • Overview •  Tracks the Student Enrollment Report (PI-1330R) career and technical education concentrator completer graduates from the previous year and finishes the reporting year's cycle. • Electronic file in an Excel spreadsheet format. • Sent to the Fiscal Agents LVECs by means of secure file transfer email in January , whom in turn is responsible for disseminating the individual district files. • District s contact graduates listed by means of mail or telephone to find what their they are doing in regards to education and/or employment. May use this sample survey instrument • Accepted response rate is a minimum of 80% of the total number of completer graduates . It is completely appropriate to contact secondary sources of information on the student such as parents, teachers, etc., to achieve the minimum 80% response rate. • To determine if whether or not the education and/or employment the graduate is engaged in is related or unrelated to the student's secondary training. The relationship is based on the instructional area code associated with each student.

  23. Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up Report • File Directions and Coding • The following information is pre-filled on the PI-1335 file and is not to be altered: • Lname_First: FA LVEC Name, Last_First • DCSCIACID: District Code, School Code, Instructional Area Code and Student ID • DC: District Code • SC: School Code • District: District Name • School: School Name • ID: Student ID number • Last_Name: Student Last Name • First_Name: Student First Name • IAC: Instructional Area Code • IAC_Name: Instructional Area Code Name • CS: Completion Status • Once the file has been properly coded it is to be submitted by means of secure file transfer attachment to an email addressed to don.vedder@dpi.wi.gov • The window for submission of files will be three months prior to the established report due date of May 1st to one month after that date.

  24. Concentrator Completer Graduate Follow-up Report • Coding Directions by Column Sample Follow –up File

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