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Transition Words for cohesion

Transition Words for cohesion. Transition words and phrases create cohesion by showing the relationship between ideas in paragraphs. They are often at the beginning of the sentence and followed by a comma. To add information about or build on ideas from the previous sentence, use :

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Transition Words for cohesion

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  1. Transition Words for cohesion • Transition words and phrases create cohesion by showing the relationship between ideas in paragraphs. They are often at the beginning of the sentence and followed by a comma. • To add information about or build on ideas from the previous sentence, use : • Also, In addition....................or Moreover.

  2. Transition Words for cohesion • Examples: • I am stressed. I get up with people. In addition, I worry about my family. Also, I am worried about finding a job. • I have to study for an exam. Moreover, I have to finish a paper tonight.

  3. Transition Words for cohesion • To contrast information use: However…… or On the other hand…….. These terms are similar in meaning to but. Eg: My friends want me to help them with their problems. However, I have no time. My housemate is very friendly. On the other hand, he always makes a big mess.

  4. Transition Words for cohesion • Use transition words at the beginning of the sentence. Do not use them after a comma. Which is right? Many women are stressed. However, working mothers are the most stressed. Many women are stressed, however, working mothers are the most stressed.

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