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Agriculture and Program Budgeting in MAFF

Agriculture and Program Budgeting in MAFF. Presented by: Mak Mony , Chief of Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Department of Planning and Statistics, MAFF 19-20 May, 2011. Agriculture Sector. Agriculture in National Economy.

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Agriculture and Program Budgeting in MAFF

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  1. Agriculture and Program Budgeting in MAFF Presented by: Mak Mony, Chief of Project Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Department of Planning and Statistics, MAFF 19-20 May, 2011

  2. Agriculture Sector

  3. Agriculture in National Economy Share of agricultural sector in GDP is estimated at 29% in 2010 vis-á-vis 28% from industry and 43% from the service sector (Constant Price 2000)

  4. Agriculture Share (%)

  5. Growth for Agriculture Sector • Agriculture is highly dependent on climatic conditions • High growth was 15.7% in 2005. For 2010, agricultural growth: 4.5% • Agriculture was severely affected by flood and drought in 2000, 2002 and 2004

  6. Trends in Contribution by Sub-sectors

  7. Agricultural Policy & Programmes

  8. Rectangular Strategy 1 Enhancement of Agriculture Sector • Improving agricultural productivity and diversification • Land reform and mine clearance • Fisheries reform • Forestry reform

  9. Cambodia Agriculture Policy Rectangular Strategy - II National Strategic Development Plan, 2009-2013 Agriculture Strategic Development Plan, 2009-2013 Overall Goal: “To ensure food security and safety, increase household incomes, create employment and by enhancing the productivity and diversification and commercialization of agriculture with environmentally sound protection and sustainable natural resource management”.

  10. MAFF Policy Direction Specific Goals: Goal-1: Food security, Productivity and Diversification Goal-2: Market Access for Agricultural Products Goal-3: Development Framework for Institutions and Legislation Goal-4: Fisheries Reform Goal-5: Forestry Reform PROGRAMMES: (i) Enhancement of Productivity and Diversification (ii) Increase Market Access for Agricultural Products (iii) Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Legislative Framework & Human Resource Development (iv) Sustainable Fisheries Resource Management (v) Sustainable Forestry Resource Management SUB-PROGRAMS Activities

  11. Strategy for Agriculture and Water Five Programmes of SAW: (i) Institutional capacity and management support programme (ii) Food security support programme (iii) Agricultural and agri-business support programme (iv) Water resources, irrigation management and land programme (v) Agricultural and water resources research, education and extension programme 12

  12. Government Rice Export Policy • Official Export by 2015: > 1 million ton of milled rice • Paddy surplus more than 4 million tons by 2015 Government Policy Measures: Paddy Production Rice Processing Export Facilitation and Marketing • MAFF Action Plan focused on: • Seed development, Seed reservation • Import facilitation for inputs • Law on Management of Agro-Chemical & Fertilizer • Strengthen capacity of R&D (CARDI, Centers) • Agricultural extension services • Farmer Cooperatives, Law on Cooperative • Agricultural Census, Land use zoning • Law on Agricultural Land Use and Management • Contract Farming System, Paddy mortgage Scheme • SPS and plant quarantine, Rice Standard • Rice market information 13

  13. Indicators in NSDP, 2009-2013 Source: NSDP Update 2009-2013 Achievement 2010: Agriculture Growth is calculated at 4.5%

  14. Indicators vs Achievement: Rice Source: NSDP Update 2009-2013 Rice: 8.24 tons 2010 Rice Surplus: 2.5 million tons (or 3.9 million tons of paddy & against > 4 million tons by 2015 set in Rice Policy)

  15. Indicators vs Achievement : Rice Source: NSDP Update 2009-2013 Achievement 2010: Rice yield: 2.97 tons per ha

  16. Indicators vs Achievement : Rubber In 2010, the total of Cambodian rubber plantations covered on 181,430 hectares, an increase of 39.6% compared to 2009

  17. Programme Budgeting in MAFF

  18. Introduction • Concept changed toward output based project implementation in national budget • MAFF policy and strategic actions developed to achieve its mission and goal • Budget Strategic Plan (BSP) of MAFF formulated since 2007 • 10 Technical Departments selected as pilot entities to implement Program Budgeting (PB)

  19. Structure for Implementing PB • Programme Budgeting Unit of MAFF (MAFF Decision No. 609 dated 25 December 2008): (i) Department of Planning & Statistics (DPS): policy, planning, M&E (ii) Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF): Budgeting & execution, revenue, procurement, asset management • Technical Departments: GDA (DAE, DALM, DAM), DAL, DAHP, FiA, FA, DPS, DPHRD, DAI • Internal Audit involved in the process

  20. Structure for Implementing PB Minister Secretary General Chairman of PB Unit Deputy Chairman of PB Unit Director of Dept of Accounting and Finance Deputy Chairman of PB Unit Director of Department of Planning and Statistics Group-I Policy, Planning & MSBF Formulation Group-III IT Financial Management Group-IV Fictional & Capacity Development Group-V Monitoring and Evaluation Group-II Revenue Management and Expenditure

  21. Programme Budgeting, 2006-2011

  22. Programme Budgeting in 2010 Programme-1: Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity and Diversification; Programme-2: Increase Market Access for Agricultural Products; Programme-3: Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Legislative Framework and HRD; Programme-4: Sustainable Fisheries Resources Management and Programme-5: Sustainable Forestry Resource Management.

  23. Programme Budgeting, 2007-2010

  24. Constraints in Implementing PB • Technical capacity in developing planning and budgeting (especially, indicator setting, budget planning) • Financial Management Information System • Insufficiency of information for external assistances integrated in Budget Strategic Plan (BSP) • Insufficiency of experienced and technical staff at line departments • Limited funding to implement BSP to reach national indicators, only government budget implemented in BSP & PB (increase 12-15%) .

  25. Thank Youfor your attention

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