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The european IDENTITY

The european IDENTITY. Introduction Definiton of Europe Keywords choose by each member Keywords chosen 2 pictures. INdex. This work is very important to learn more about the keywords in the book of Lelouche .

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The european IDENTITY

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  1. TheeuropeanIDENTITY

  2. Introduction Definiton of Europe Keywordschoosebyeachmember Keywordschosen 2 pictures INdex

  3. Thiswork is very important to learnmoreaboutthekeywords in thebook of Lelouche. Theyhavehiswork in grup, and all theperson in the grup, searchonewords. Introduction

  4. Is a continent fromtheearth EURope

  5. KEYWORDS Otherwordsare: Group andPeople

  6. Def: “The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect.” “Agreement or concord” (wordreference) All the countries whoformedthe Union Europe, have in harmony, buttherearewars, but in 1945 have a worldwar ans separed Europe in east-west, in Germanybuild a wall, to separeted. In Union europe, don’thavewarsbetweenthem, butparticipet in manywars of out HARMONY

  7. Def: “The method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way” (wordreference) In theorigins of the Europa all the countries in this continent, speakherlanguages. In Spain speakSpanishand Catalan in United KingdomspeakEnglish, etc.. All thepeoploewhotravel to other countries in Europe can speakEnglish to comunicationformotherpeople. In school, is obligation to speakandlearnEnglish, fromwork in thefuture. Languages

  8. Def: “The art or science of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion” (wordreference) The music is a ambient to have a lot of works, music is a council with a countries, because now in European Union have anthem, Ode to Joy The compositors, go to the countries to sign treaties and sing. Music

  9. Def: “War: A state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country.” “Peace: freedom from or the cessation of war.” Europe have in a many conflicts, the first world war, after that have a peace. The second world war, after that, France and Germany sign the peace, and formed the European Union. Now, doesn’t have a wars, all Europe have in peace. WAR and Peace

  10. Def: “The total of the inherited ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, which constitute the shared bases of social action.” “The total range of activities and ideas of a group of people with shared traditions, which are transmitted and reinforced by members of the group” (wordference) In Europe, havemany cultures. All thepeople of each country are diferent. But all the cultures in Euopre, have in goodharmonywtihother. Culture

  11. Def: “Social movements have been a valuable tool in the fight against neoliberal policies. They managed to articulate debates, campaigns and demonstrations and took to the streets to millions. After that drive, social movements seem to have fallen into the monotony and inertia.” SOCIAL MOVIMENT

  12. PICTURES Thispictures, is ruinsfromAlexander’sempire

  13. Pictures of the parlament in Strasburgo, in this monument havesign all thecouncils of Europe PICTURE

  14. 2 pictures

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