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Biology Classification Workshop: Kingdoms and Species

Explore taxonomy through the characteristics of different kingdoms and the concept of species. Learn classification levels and distinctions of various organisms. Exam review included.

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Biology Classification Workshop: Kingdoms and Species

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  1. Hand in W.S. Ch 14.1 before the bell rings Chapter 16 exam review Classification activity (media center) Notes – Chapter 14: Classification of Organisms Characteristics of kingdoms What is a species? “We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have done.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow To learn about taxonomy. Title: Biology 5/11/07 Class Topics Objectives: Wednesday, January 8, 20204:46 AM

  2. Class Assignments What By When • Read 299-310 5/11/07 • W.S. 14.1 5/11/07 • Can you use a taxonomic key … 5/15/07 • Chapter 14 Test 5/17/07 • Due this class period • Due next class period • Due in the future

  3. Grade Sheet 2A – p. 157 (5 pts.)

  4. Scientific name • Consists of Genus and species of an organism • Genus name • First letter capitalized • species name • First letter never capitalized • Always underlined or in italics • Can shorten genus to a letter • H. sapiens

  5. Classifying organisms • Domain* • Kingdom • Phylum • Class • Order • Family • Genus • species * We will not use this in class

  6. Kingdoms • Monera (older classification) • Eubacteria • Archeabacteria • Protista • Animalia • Plantae • Fungi

  7. Monera • Archae bacteria and Eubacteria • Characteristics • All prokaryotic • All single celled • Autotrophic & heterotrophic

  8. Animalia • Characteristics • Multicellular • Eukaryotic • Heterotrophic • No cell wall

  9. Porifera sponges Cnidaria Coral, anemones, jellyfish Platyhelminthes Tapeworms, blood flukes Nematoda Round worms Annelida Earthworms, leech Mollusca Snails, clams, squid Arthropoda Insects, crustaceans, spiders Echinodermata Sea stars, Chordata Subphyum vertebrata Classes Agnatha Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Reptilia Aves Mammalia Phyla of animalia

  10. Plantae • Characteristics • Eukaryotic • Cellulose-based cell wall • Autotrophic • multicellular • Selected divisions • Bryophyta – mosses • Coniferophyta – conifers (pines, firs, spruces • Gingkgophyta – gingko tree • Anthophyta – flowering plants • Class monocotyledones – one embryonic leaf • Class dicotyledones – two embroynic leaves

  11. Fungi • Characteristics • Eukaryotic • Multicellular (except yeast) • Chitin-based cell walls • Heterotrophs • Phyla • Zygomycota – bread molds • Ascomycota – yeasts, morels • Basidiomycota – mushrooms, toadstools

  12. Protista • Characteristics • Eukaryotic • Not fungi, animals, plants • Phyla • Chlorophyta – green algae (Spirogyra) • Ciliophora – Paramecium • Apicomplexa – Plasmodium (malaria)

  13. What is a species? • A group of natural populations that are interbreeding or that could interbreed • Dogs and wolves can interbreed, but not the same species • Wheat and rye can interbreed, but not the same species

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