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Bulgarian GRID, Bulgarian Virtual observatory and some astronomical applications Georgi Petrov, Momchil Dechev and Emanouil Atanasov VII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference - ASTROINFORMATICS 01 – 04 June 2010 – Chepelare, BULGARIA. 1. Introduction 2. Grid portals, WEB services etc.
Bulgarian GRID, Bulgarian Virtual observatory and some astronomical applicationsGeorgi Petrov, Momchil Dechev and Emanouil AtanasovVII Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference - ASTROINFORMATICS01 – 04 June 2010 – Chepelare, BULGARIA
1. Introduction 2. Grid portals, WEB services etc. 3. Middleware, Frameworks etc. 4. Software and standards 5. Modelling, simulations etc. 6. Astronomical applications and projects BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
INTRODUCTION 1. A new age for the oldest science 2. The Free Lunch Is Over 3. The Grid: separating fact from fiction 4.Back to Basics - Why go parallel? 5. What makes parallel programming hard? 6. BOINC- Kilo, mega, giga, tera, peta . . . exa? BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
GRID PORTALS AND WEB SERVICES 1.Grid Projects National Grid projects Previous projects 2. AccessGrid 3. AstroWISE - Astronomical Wide-field Imaging System for Europe 4. BalticGrid-II project 5. BOINC - Open-source software for volunteer and grid computing. 6. ICC- COSMA 7. DEISA 8. EGEE - Enabling Grids for E-sciencE 9. FermiGrid 10. GLOBUS 11. EU India Grid 12. Grid Observatory 13. LitGRID - Vilnjus BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
GRID portals...- cont... 14. NASA ADVANCED SUPERCOMPUTING (NAS) DIVISION 15. Open Science GRID 16. Sloan Digital Sky Sever 17. SEE-GRID 18. Tier2 site in Prague 19. TeraGrid 20. AstroGrid 21. Astrogrid - D 22. International Virtual Observatory Alliance 23. Worldwide LHC Computing Grid BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
MIDDLEWARE AND FRAMEWORKS 1. How to run a million jobs FALKON, a Fast and Light-weight tasK executiON framework for Clusters, Grids, and Supercomputers –AstroPortal GRACIE: Grid Resource Virtualization and Customization Infrastructure NIMROD - A million questions or a few good answers? SWIFT 2. IMAGER: A Parallel Interface to Spectral Line Processing 3. CoG Kit 4. gLite ... 5. Globus Toolkit 6. Parallel-Processing Astronomical Image Analysis Tools for HST and SIRTF 7. Grid Observatory 8. SEEGRID Infrastrucure 9. Stellaris 10. Virgo Consortium 11. ProC - The Planck Process Coordinator Workflow Engine BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
SOFTWARE AND STANDARDS 1. AMEEPAR - Parallel processingfor hyperspectral imaging 2. GADGET-2 –a code for cosmological simulations of structure formation. 3. CRBLASTER : a fast parallel-processing program for cosmic ray rejection 4. MATLAB - do more 5. N_body-sh1p - a parallel direct N_body code 6. VO-Software 7. WorldWide Telescope 8. VirGO 9. Message Passing Interface Standard (MPI) 10. Resource Description Framework (RDF) BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
MODELLING, SIMULATIONS etc. 1. A star is born - thanks to supersonic turbulence 2. Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes 3. Cosmic simulation 4. Flip-flopping of black hole accretion disks 5. Millennium Simulation Project 6. Dark Energy Survey - Simulating starry images 7. Visualizations in planetarium show BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
ASTROPHYSICAL APPLICATIONS, PROJECTS etc. 1. A neutrino's journey: From accelerator to analysis 2. A virtual universe 3. Near Earth Objects 4. Scientific Applications of AstroGRID-D Dynamo Nbody6++ GEO600 Clusterfinder Cactus RoboticTelescopes ProC 5. MATHEMATICA - astronomical demo–examples 6. AstroWISE - Science projects 7. Black holes and their jets BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
Astrophysical Applications... - cont. 8. BOINC-GridRepublic projects SETI@home World Community Grid Rosetta@home Einstein@home Climateprediction.net BBC Climate Change LHC@home Predictor@home Milkyway@home Spinhenge Quantum Monte Carlo Africa@home SIMAP BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications
Astrophysical Applications... - cont. 9. BalticGrid-II project - applications 10. Euro-VO Scientific Workflows 11. GAJA mission 12. Galaxies search in AstroGRID-RU 13. Girls Engaged in Math and Science (GEMS) program 14. Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interaction Calculation 15. Grid in a cloud 16. Databases in Grid 17. Grid-enabled Astrophysics 18. GRID and the Virtual Observatory 19. Sifting for dark matter 20. Chandra X-ray observatory 21. STAR experiment 22. The Networked Telescope: Progress Toward a Grid Architecture for Pipeline Processing BG GRID, BG VO and some astronomical applications