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Receive important updates and information from your child's science teacher. Homework, standards, grading, and Google Classroom details provided. Contact via text at (562) 222-4415.
Science Period 1Najera Remind Receive text messages from your child’s teacher. This is one-way communication and phone numbers are never shared. Text (562) 222-4415 With this message @dblsci1
Science Period 2Najera Remind Receive text messages from your child’s teacher. This is one-way communication and phone numbers are never shared. Text (562) 222-4415 With this message @dblsci2
Science Period 6Najera Remind Receive text messages from your child’s teacher. This is one-way communication and phone numbers are never shared. Text (562) 222-4415 With this message @sci6naj
7th Grade Science Jennifer Najera jnajera@wvusd.k12.ca.us
About Me Family Teaching Experience
Homework • It will be posted on the Chaparral Middle School website and in the classroom. Students are to write in their binder reminder daily. It is due the next class meeting. • Late work and papers without a name will have a deduction of 50%
Science Content Standards • California Department of Education: • Standards and Frameworks: cde.ca.gov • Health Frameworks • Supporting English Language Arts Common Core State Standards through Science • Incorporating Next Generation Science Standards –science and engineering practices
Textbook • Holt Science & Technology Life Science
Interactive Notebook • Spiral Notebook • All class notes and general assignments • Observations and diagrams from investigations • Handouts • Graded periodically (Notebook Check)
Grading • Based on homework, class work, projects, labs, quizzes, and tests • Tests have a higher point value. It is important that they study for their tests. Study guides are given for most tests. • Grades are visible on Parent Portal
Google Classroom • Google Classroom is designed to create and collect assignments paperlessly. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized. • Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn't completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Google Classroom.
Catalina • Catalina Island Marine Institute