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Classroom Management Dean of Students

Crescent Academy 2016. Classroom Management Dean of Students. Understanding Our Inner Hero. Learning from Our Hero Stories…. Reflection Activity. What is the definition of a hero?.

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Classroom Management Dean of Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Crescent Academy 2016 Classroom Management Dean of Students

  2. Understanding Our Inner Hero Learning from Our Hero Stories…. Reflection Activity

  3. What is the definition of a hero? A hero is a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities! THAT IS YOU!

  4. Crescent Academy Disciplinary Report 5 Years @ Glance

  5. Disciplinary Major OffensesGrade: K-12

  6. TEACHERS:What are students trying to tell us?

  7. INSPIRE “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” ― William Arthur Ward What kind of teacher are you?

  8. What we know about our students? They need to be emotional, cultural and academically supported. • They need to be loved/ cared for. • They need your attention and support. • They need to be heard. • They need to be empowered. • They need encouragement. • They need consistency. • They need positive role models. THE STUDENTS CARE!

  9. “If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.If I a child don’t know how to multiply, we teach.If a child doesn’t know how to drive, we teach.If a child doesn’t know how to behave we...TEACH?...PUNISH?Why can’t we finish the last sentence as automatically as we do the others?”~Herner, 1998 Think About It

  10. Our School-Wide Expectations Be a Cheetah & ROAR R (Respectful) O (On Task) A (Achieving) R (Responsible )

  11. School Commitment My job is to keep you safe. Your job is to help keep it safe!

  12. Crescent Expectations • Build community in the classroom with students. • Build positive relationships with students and parents. • Build community as a team. HOW DO WE DO THIS?

  13. Expectations @ Crescent As apart of the RTI/ Conscious Discipline behaviorial program: • Enforce Our School Commitment /ROAR in your classroom. • Morning and Goodbye greetings

  14. Expectations @ Crescent Power of Language: Its not what you say, its how you say it! Be Assertive! Create ways to be helpful board/ Classroom Agreements with students Friends and family board / Photo albums Filling the Bucket and/or Kindness Tree in classroom, something that promote positive behavior and community in the classroom.

  15. Expectations @ Crescent • Be a S.T. A. R ( Breathing Activities) • Classroom meetings/Circle time • Brain Breaks throughout the day ( K-6 grades) • Assign classroom meaningful jobs to students • Absent Ritual- We missed you!

  16. Expectations @ Crescent • Create a safe place/ need a timed short break area. • NO students should be in the hallway taking breaks • Behavior Reflections sheet and journal are available to students. • Weekly communication with parents with newsletter, postcard, joy notes, or a phone call. • Celebration and We Care centers

  17. Expectations @ Crescent • M. A. P It ( Visuals in the classroom rules) • The Brain seeks patterns! • Meaningful behavior program ( DOJO/ Behavioral Chart) that consistent • Participate in monthly Character Education lessons and assemblies – October Stomp out Bully Assembly.

  18. TEACHERS: How do we develop Positive Relationships with Parents and Students?

  19. 10 minute Break

  20. Changing Today’s Classroom Starts with YOU!

  21. School Wide Disciplinary • All Deans will be meeting once a month to discuss ways to improve overall campus culture. • Our goal as the Deans is to support teachers and students in the classroom. • Empower teachers, parents, and students to make positive changes together.

  22. School Wide Disciplinary • Deans will provide resources, classroom observations, and feedback to teachers, students, and parents. Assist teachers in finding ways to solve problems with student. • Our role will be to identity, assess, and track behavior and work with teacher, student and parent to create a plan to address the behavior. • Deans will NOT accept students sent to the office for minor offences. We must work with the student to engage the learning process.

  23. School Wide Disciplinary Policy • RTI- Behavior Tiers/ PBIS • http://www.pbisworld.com/ • What does this mean? • How do we use the Tiers for RTI?

  24. Before you say….Go to the office!! • Build positive relationships: Seek to understand the behavior. • Use classroom positive reinforcement/rewards • Use classroom interventions • Use classroom consequences program • Phone call home to parents • Develop Student/teacher behavior contract

  25. Referrals and MORE Referrals….. Quick Facts on Referrals: • Deanscan get 5-10 referrals a week from teachers/staff • 57- 60 staff members • Over 1000 students in our district • 35 weeks in a school year • Estimate280-350 referrals a year for a Dean • 209 results in Suspensions and many students asked to leave the district • 2015-2016: There were 5 Deans/leaders on campus: Estimate 1,750 referrals were written District-Wide • December, May & June is the highest months for referrals

  26. School Wide Disciplinary Procedures • NEW Disciplinary Procedures for K-12th • Snap Suspensions for fighting, violent behavior, and severe disrespect ( such as cursing at teacher/student). • Incident Report Process: • ( MUST HAVE 3 incident reports, before the teacher can write the initial referral on student) • Referral Stages ( see handout) • Reverse Suspensions- Superintendent Office • Parents will be send out this information and hold us accountable.

  27. Classroom Management Teachers sharing best classroom practices.

  28. Ways to engage students in the classroom • Classroom Management plan will be used as mentoring and evaluation tool by School leader and Deans to support teachers. • Executive Skills Lending Library (handout) • Effective Classroom Management & Instructional Strategies Self- Assessment ( hand out) • Learning Style Inventory ( hand out) • Clear Directions ( hand out) • Traffic Light ( hand out) • Effort Rubric ( hand out)

  29. Teacher Resources

  30. Celebrate: YOU ARE A STAR!

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