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This project focuses on motivating and aiding English farmers to take action in reducing diffuse pollution from agriculture in England. It addresses barriers and provides incentives for farmers, highlighting the impact on water bodies and the wider environment. Catchment Sensitive Farming offers technical training, grants, and land management agreements to support pollution reduction efforts. The project has successfully achieved reductions in agricultural pollutants and has improved ecological responses in various catchments, benefiting fisheries, soils, hazards, climate, and water supply.
Motivating English Farmers to Action / Motivera engelska bönder till åtgärderCatchment Sensitive Farming Bob Middleton Natural England
Agricultural Diffuse Pollution in EnglandDiffusa utsläpp från jordbruket i England
Reasons for Failure Barriers Shell fisheries Abstraction Finfisheries Land Drainage Recreation Mines Inland navigation Light colour = suspected Dark colour = confirmed Flood Protection Water storage/ supply Mines sewage works Wider environment Urbanisation Diffuse - agriculture Coastal Erosion CSO 1000 Mixed urban runoff 500 250 Number of water bodies 0
Reasons for Failure Barriers Shell fisheries Abstraction Finfisheries Land Drainage Recreation Mines Inland navigation Light colour = suspected Dark colour = confirmed Flood Protection Water storage/ supply Mines sewage works Wider environment Urbanisation Diffuse - agriculture Coastal Erosion CSO 1000 Mixed urban runoff 500 250 Number of water bodies 0
Reasons for Failure Barriers Shell fisheries Abstraction 75% of sediment, 50-60% of nitrate 20-30% of phosphorus from agriculture Finfisheries Land Drainage Recreation Mines Inland navigation Light colour = suspected Dark colour = confirmed Flood Protection Water storage/ supply Mines sewage works Wider environment Urbanisation Diffuse - agriculture Coastal Erosion CSO 1000 Mixed urban runoff 500 250 Number of water bodies 0
JordbruketochVattenMiljö Additional Incentives Ytterligareincitament Minimum Requirements (Basic Measures) Minimikrav (grundläggandeåtgärder)
JordbruketochVattenMiljö Voluntary Action by Farmers Frivilligainsatseravjordbrukare
CSF started in 2006 we are working on a new phase of work from 2016. CSF works in 77 catchments: 66 CSFO led 11 led by partners We work in the highest priority catchments only focussed on WFD Protected Areas and areas protected for biodiversity. Approaches in each catchment are tailored to the local circumstances. 2015/16 budget: £39.5m CSF startade 2006. CSF arbetar i 77 upptagningsområden : 66 st leds av CSFO: 11 stleds av partner Vi arbetar i de mest prioriterade avrinningsområdena bara fokuserade på vattendirektivet skyddade områden och skyddade områden för biologisk mångfald. Tillvägagångssätt i varje avrinningsområde är anpassade till lokala förhållanden Budget 2015/16 : ca 500 miljSEK
Catchment Sensitive Farming Technical training and advice delivered directly or by contractors Teknisk utbildning och rådgivning levereras direkt eller genom entreprenörer
Catchment Sensitive Farming Grants for infrastructure adaptations Bidragföranpassningar avinfrastruktur
Catchment Sensitive Farming Grants for infrastructure adaptations Bidragföranpassningar avinfrastruktur
Catchment Sensitive Farming Land Management Agreements Markhanteringsöverenskommelser
Reductions in pollution: pollutant loads/Föroreningsminskningar: föroreningsnivåer • Reduce agricultural pollutant losses 4 -12%. • Equates to in-river pollutant reductions of 3 -7 %. • Most effective for sediment <36%. • CSF is making a significant contribution to meeting WFD and biodiversity targets. • Real reductions in pesticide loads
Groundwater assessment Reductions in pollution: groundwaters/Föroreningsminskningar: grundvatten • CSF should make a significant contribution to nitrate reductions • 48% of groundwater sites showing decreasing trends post-CSF
Ecological responses • Assessment of EA habitat data across 62 CSF catchments. • Examined trends in ecological status • Evidence of improved ecological status following CSF activity, particularly at more polluted sites. • The strongest response was evident for PSI –metric of sediment stress
Significant benefits for fisheries, soils, hazards, climate & water supply Potential to enhance targeting to maximise benefits, but local context is critical Other Benefits
62% uptake of measures Affected by time, cost, farm type, location & nature of advice 46% uptake within 3 years vs. 70% uptake at 4+ years 71% uptake of cost-saving vs. 56% uptake of net-cost measures Advice Uptake/Genomslagförrådgivning
Motivating farmers to take actionMotivera bönder att vidta åtgärder
Farmer Awareness/Kännedomhoslantbrukare Farmer awareness • All farmers: • 58% are aware of CSF • Of those farmers engaged by CSF: • 90% trust their CSFO • 90% indicate their understanding of water pollution has improved
Motivating farmers/Motiveralantbrukare • 67% engaged farmers motivated to reduce water pollution • Key drivers for action: • free advice, expertise & soil analysis • capital grant scheme • help with nutrient and fertiliser management plans • CSF has allowed farmers to: • implement planned changes • keep up with existing, or ahead of future potential, regulations
Motivating farmers: social relations Motiveralantbrukare: socialarelationer Social Relationships & Resources Social Mechanisms Social Situation Social Outcomes Individual farmer GOOD Environmental Outcomes depend on Social Outcomes Group of farmers BAD Wider community groups inc farmers UGLY We need the evidence to prioritise the most effective Social Mechanisms
Characterising farmers/Karaktäriseralantbrukare • ‘Hard to Reach’ Farmers • Socially isolated • Suspicious • Reluctant to meet new people • ‘Victim Status’ • May be older, may be illiterate, may suffer dementia • Often stressed; may be suicidal
How do we motivate farmers?/Hur kan vi motivera lantbrukare? • Understand the farmers we are working with. • Strategies to engage hard to reach farmers. • Tailor our offer the farmer’s interests. • Talk about local issues supported by local evidence. • Build trust through personal trust. • Fit our work to farmers’ needs. • Learn from everyone. Source: LEAF
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