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Good Morning and Welcome Back for our Second Year. STLN - Science Teacher Leadership Network Thursday, September 25 th Please sign in, put on your name tag, grab today’s handouts and find your district’s table. There is water and snacks in the side hallway - We will begin at 9:00.
Good Morning and Welcome Back for our Second Year STLN - Science Teacher Leadership Network Thursday, September 25th Please sign in, put on your name tag, grab today’s handouts andfind your district’s table. There is water and snacks in the side hallway - We will begin at 9:00
Good Morning and Welcome Back for our Second Year STLN - Science Teacher Leadership Network Thursday, September 25th
Facilitation Team • Kevin Crump • Mindy Curless • Dr. Scott Townsend • Renee Yates • Glenn Manns • Dr. Melinda Wilder
CLAY County
MCCreary county
Pulaski county
Rockcastle county
Wayne county
WHITLEY county
AGENDA • Introduction • District Team Plan • Assessment for NGSS • Motion Science Performance • Science Performance/Lesson Idea Development • Assessment Literacy • Conclusion (Back side has schedule for rest of year)
Each Teacher Leader Should have Received a Composition notebook Strength of your team
LEADERSHIP • With your district team take some time to look at the Blue Document: • GOAL • NORMS • EXPECTATIONS • THE FOUR PILLARS 5. On the back is “What Participants Need to Know” 6. Complete the 4 tasks listed in the Leadership Team Notebook Activity
Each district will have a team in place to build the capacity in all teachers to implement KCAS in the context of highly, effective teaching, learning and assessment practicesSO that our students are prepared for college or career and citizenship.
Norms: (Be on time and stay until the end)
Science Teacher Leaders Expectations: • Leaders from their school and district • Attend and participate in scheduled meetings • Complete readings and other tasks as “homework” between monthly meetings • Help other colleagues in their own school and district • Share and provide input to the other members of this network
Change “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” —John F. Kennedy “Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.” —John F. Kennedy
The state assessment drives what happens in our classrooms and it derails authentic science learning for our students
So, what if….. Imagine if you had the opportunity to reverse that model? What if you could be part of a system where instructional planning based on 3-dimensional science standards was the cornerstone of assessment design?
NGSS and Assessment • The article you have is a Brief on the Book • It is available for free as a PDF on my website Please get into groups of
After reading just the First Two Paragraphs • What is your impression about how Science Assessment will need to change in Kentucky?
Locate the section of the article you are going to read: RED: Read – A CLOSER LOOK AT THE FRAMEWORK AND STANDARDS (page 1 – 2) WHITE: Read – ASSESSING THREE DIMENSIONS OF LEARNING (Page 2) BLUE: Read – A SYSTEMS APPROACH TO ASSESSMENT (Page 2 -3)
NGSS and Assessment Highlight the two or three most important segments or sentences in your section. Give a summary of your section to your group and read to them the two or three parts you highlighted.
IMPLEMENTING THE NEW ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Read the last section (Page 3 – 4) Also read the Formative Assessment Example tasks in the shaded box on page 3 Group Discussion: • What did you think of this article? • What do you think assessment will look like for NGSS?