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Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Sports & Entertainment Marketing. Mr. Bernstein Sponsorship, pp 79-82 April 2, 2013. Sports & Entertainment Marketing Mr. Bernstein. Definition of a Sponsorship Giving money or donating products or services to another person, organization or event in exchange for public recognition.

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Sports & Entertainment Marketing

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  1. Sports & Entertainment Marketing Mr. Bernstein Sponsorship, pp 79-82 April 2, 2013

  2. Sports & Entertainment MarketingMr. Bernstein Definition of a Sponsorship Giving money or donating products or services to another person, organization or event in exchange for public recognition. Examples?

  3. Sports & Entertainment MarketingMr. Bernstein Reasons for Sponsorships Increase Sales Introduce a New Product to a Large Audience Compete where many customers are in one place Associate a brand with an event a target market is interested in Earn goodwill of audience* Show commitment to community Enter a new market Entertain clients

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