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Operational procedures for Controls-related problems

Operational procedures for Controls-related problems . Kris. Kostro BE/CO. Content. Creation and follow-up of operational issues How to find support for a controls-related issue (Front-End, Application, Infrastructure) Discussion. Reporting and follow-up of operational issues.

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Operational procedures for Controls-related problems

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  1. Operational procedures for Controls-related problems Kris. Kostro BE/CO

  2. Content Creation and follow-up of operational issues How to find support for a controls-related issue (Front-End, Application, Infrastructure) Discussion

  3. Reporting and follow-up of operational issues • All operational issues shall be followed up in the Operational Issues Jira project (APS) • Only registered issues have the guarantee for a transparent follow-up and wide visibility. • Most projects have their own Jira projects, they are for internal development issues, not for operational issues. Reported OP issues which require additional development are closed as OP issue and moved to internal projects. • All issues shall be reported to JIRA, including these where CO expert or piquet was called => Logbook entry concerning CO shall have a corresponding JIRA issue • Send OP issue from logbook event entry • This allows BE/CO to spot areas of concern

  4. Operational Jira workflow Operational issue was created (from logbook, mail to Issues.Logger@cern.ch or Jira API (type issues in the browser) Issue is first assigned, typically to a project mailing list i.e. Oasis.Support@cern.ch. This is typically done within 10 min during the working hours. This way everybody in the project is aware of the issue as opposed to a personal call or mail. Also temporary absences and holidays are covered. Typically one person in the team is responsible for assigning the issue to a person within the team which will become responsible for the resolution. As the issue is commented, reassigned, etc the person which created the issue and all people involved in the lifetime of the issue are automatically informed by mail. Finally issue is resolved, refused or, if it requires additional development it is moved to the internal project Jira.

  5. Operational issues in 2010 • The Exploitation Manager and the MAM meeting are regularly reviewing pending issues: http://wikis/display/ABCO/Exploitation contain links to issue lists (last week, previous week, older issue) • 316 issues in 2010 (360 in 2009) • Jira statistics give some insight into the operational performance of components • Only if everybody is playing the game • Operational issues statistics at http://issues.cern.ch/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=10551 • Please send ALL controls-related logbook entries to JIRA

  6. APS issues by component (2010)

  7. APS issues by accelerator (2010)

  8. APS issues by resolution (2010)

  9. How to find a support team?Equipment Server or Front-End • Almost all LHC and SPS Front-Ends are supported by the equipment groups • In the PS complex most F-E are supported by the controls piquet but the picture will be moving as the renovation progress • Ultimately only CO proper F-E (Timing, OASIS) will be supported by CO • Information on who supports a Front-End will be available in DIAMON soon • In PS complex the CO piquet shall not be called for issues related to the renovated Front-Ends. The Equipment responsible shall be called first (F-E down, configuration and server issues)

  10. How to find a support team?Specific application • All controls applications shall be listed in the configuration database https://espace.cern.ch/be-dep/CO/DM/default.aspx • 2 ways to find responsible • Application Programs • Operational Configuration (CCM configuration) • Zory’s talk Thursday 14h is dedicated to controls configuration database

  11. Application program search

  12. Responsible Search (console menu)

  13. Console menu search

  14. Details of application from menu tree

  15. How to find a support team?Infrastructure • This is sometimes obvious (i.e. OASIS) but not always • The whole controls infrastructure is partitioned into Controls Components http://wikis/display/ABCO/Support+of+Controls+Components • Each component • Has an entry in the webpiquet CO specialist list http://abop-piquets.web.cern.ch/ABOP-piquets/ • Has a support team and a mailing list • Has a JIRA component • For the PS complex infrastructure issues it is preferable to call the expert rather than CO piquet first

  16. CO Specialists in webpiquet

  17. Discussion?

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