Music Class Ok class.. Before I’m starting my class please take a look about the basic informations of music. It’s really the basic of music that we really need to know and understand.
Elements of Music 2. Dynamics 1. Beat and Meter 3. Harmony 4. Key 9. Texture and Timbre The beginning of a music piece that indicates how slow or fast the piece should be played. Harmonyrefers to the combination of notes or chords thatplayed together and the relationship between a series of chords. Aprinciple in music composition wherein at the end of the piece there is a feeling of completion by going back to the tonic. The tune of a song or piece of music. It is the memorable tune created by playing a succession or series of pitches. The symbols used to represent music when writing it down. These symbols specify the pitch, rhythm and meter of a piece of music. The relative lowness or highness that we hear in a soundbased on the frequency and sizeof vibration. (Pitch) The pattern or placement of sounds in time and beats in music. (Rhythm) The number of layers as well as the type of layers used in a composition and how these layers are related.(Texture) The quality of sound that distinguishes onevoice or instrument from another. (Timbre) Musical instruments are classified as percussion, strings,woodwinds, brass and keyboards.Our voice is also considered a musical instrument. Each of us has a different voice type or vocal rangeand no two voices are alike. -Dynamics are abbreviations or symbols used to signify the degree of loudness or softness of a piece of music. Beats give music its regular rhythmic patternwhile Meter refers to rhythmic patterns produced by grouping together strong and weak beats. 5. Melody • 6.Musical Instruments and Voice • 7.Music Notation • 8. Pitch and Rhythm • 10.Tempo
Most Popular Types of Music Rock 'n Roll Pop Heavy Metal Rap Jazz Country R & B Punk Soul Blues
Kinds of Music’s Heart SAD to Mellow HAPPY to Beat REAL, full of meaning