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UW-Platteville Financial Overview November 2012

UW-Platteville Financial Overview November 2012. Robert Cramer - Vice Chancellor Cathy Riedl-Farrey - Director, Financial Services. Summary of Funding Sources UW-Platteville Financial Update 2011-12 Closing Balances (June 30, 2012) Utilities 2012-13 All Funds Budget

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UW-Platteville Financial Overview November 2012

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  1. UW-Platteville Financial OverviewNovember 2012 Robert Cramer - Vice Chancellor Cathy Riedl-Farrey - Director, Financial Services

  2. Summary of Funding Sources • UW-Platteville Financial Update • 2011-12 Closing Balances (June 30, 2012) • Utilities • 2012-13 All Funds Budget • Tuition and enrollment • Budget Forecast model • TSI Detail • Debt Service Detail

  3. General Purpose Revenue (GPR) – includes general funding, specific purpose funding, and earmarked funding from the state, primarily from state sales and income taxes • Program Revenue (PR) – includes tuition, auxiliaries, and segregated fees, as revenues received for services or from users • Federal Revenue (PR-F) – includes federal grants, financial aid, direct loans, as revenues from a federal agency • Segregated Funds (SEG) – includes transportation fund and other separate state accounts, credited by law to a specific state fund • Gifts and Grants – includes revenues from the Foundation, non federal grants

  4. UW-Platteville Financial Update

  5. FY2011-12 Closing Balances All Funds Summary (Cash Basis) • Beginning Cash $ 23,128,452 (7/01/2011 rev) • Total Revenue $128,276,751 • Total Expenses $126,913,276 • Net Income $ 1,363,475 • Excluding direct student loan amounts • Closing Balance $ 24,491,927 (6/30/2012)

  6. Select Fund Balances • Fund 102 $4,721,950 (General operations, tuition revenue, base of $47 million) • Fund 123 $4,001,400 (Debt service, $4 M base) • Fund 128 $4,096,650 (Dining, housing, parking, base of $25 million) • Fund 131 $8,474,838 (DLC, School of Ed Cost Recovery, TSI, base of $15 million) • Fund 136 $1,693,089 (Similar to 128, HTCP, camps & conferences, base of $3.7 million)

  7. Carry Over Balances by College/Division ***Excludes accounts that automatically carryover (i.e. Fund 128, 136, some 131)

  8. Utility Update • FY12 – PLT under budget by $911,000; System wide - $7.6 million • Highest savings in the UW System • Savings was kept centrally by UW System • Future savings distribution still being discussed

  9. 2001-02 Budget Final 2001-2002 UW-Platteville Budget $73.6 Million Federal $5,454,833 7% State funding of 40%

  10. 2012-13 Budget Final 2012-2013 UW-Platteville Budget $172.6 Million (all funds) State Funding of 17% Final 2012-2013 UW-Platteville Budget $126.1 Million (excluding federal aid) State Funding of 22%

  11. Financial Forecast Assumptions • Revenue modeling to project available funds from the state, TSI, and tuition (traditional undergrads and grads) • Key variables are tuition, enrollment and state support • Assumes 3.0% increases in tuition annually • Assumes flat enrollment at Fall 2012 levels except for TSI • Assumes TSI growth to 1705 in FY2016-17 • Assumes TSI faculty & staff growth maintaining the current faculty/staff to student ratio of TSI • Assumes flat general purpose revenue excluding lapse • Assumes lapses of $174 million in 2011-13 and $300 million 2013-15 statewide with allocation as proposed in 2011-13 • Assumes 2% pay plan for TSI expenditures for 13-14 forward; Assumes GPR pay plan funded by state so no cost factors included • Assumes TSI incentive grant will be for new students only starting in Fall 2013. No continuing student grants.

  12. Tuition Revenue Note – these figures exclude distance learning, study abroad, and school of education cost recovery students

  13. Enrollment

  14. Budget Forecast ModelProjected Closing Balances

  15. TSI Budget Detail Note: 34 positions were formerly GPR funded

  16. Unclassified FTE by division (all funds)

  17. Classified FTE by division (all funds)

  18. Debt Service • UW-Platteville has two types of debt service on facilities • General Fund Borrowing is funded through state appropriations of general purpose revenue • Program Revenue Borrowing is funded through University revenues including TSI • Debt is issued centrally by the State • 20 year bonds are typical

  19. Debt Service Detail

  20. Questions and Next Steps • Proceed with Strategic Planning • Research and develop different budget process • Budget request form http://www.uwplatt.edu/business/forms.html • Budget submissions are due December 15th through your division leader

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