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ESF support for the social economy development in Poland Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Milan, 24th Se

ESF support for the social economy development in Poland Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Milan, 24th September 2012. Plan of the presentation. Institutions participating in social integration process

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ESF support for the social economy development in Poland Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Milan, 24th Se

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  1. ESF support for the social economy development in Poland Human Capital Operational Programme 2007 - 2013 Milan, 24th September 2012 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  2. Plan of the presentation Institutions participating in social integration process Overall architecture of the support system for social economy in the ESF operational programme Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  3. Institutions Governmental level Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (Department for Public Benefit, Department for Integration and Social Assisstance, Department for Labour Market Policy) The control role of the Voivode Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  4. Institutions Selfgovernmental level Regional level – Marshal Office, Regional Office for Social Assisstance (strategy for counteracting social problems, coordination) Poviat (district) level – Family Assistance Center, Labour Office services, strategy for counteracting social problems Gmina (community) level – Social Assisstance Centres, Social Integration Centres and Clubs, strategy for counteracting social problems Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  5. Institutions Non governmental level Organisations of public benefit Social cooperatives Social economy entities Support centres for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  6. Role of EQUAL Community Initiative in the development of social economy in Poland funding a good number of social economy enterprises (a new law on social cooperatives) promoting a national thematic network two major European Conferences (Warsaw 2006 and Gdansk 2008) that raised the interest of policy-makers in the role of social economy enterprises strategic approach towardsprogramming ESFsupport for social economy in 2007-2013 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  7. OECD recommendations Report Improving social inclusion at the local level through the social economy, 2009 Build a national strategy to address the extreme fragmentaion of the legal and administrative framework for the social economy (collaboration across all levels of government) Establish a closer partnership between the social economy sector and public bodies, particularly at the poviat and gmina level Provide supporting programmes for social economy organisations Provide access to capital Promote independent intermediary organisations for SE Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  8. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP Social Economy Working Group for Systemic Solutions(high level group appointed by the PM in 2008) 21 members nominated by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. They include six vice-Ministers and representatives of the Ministries (Labour and Social Policy, Economy, Finance, Regional Development, National Education, Science and Higher Education), representatives of other public bodies (The Chancellery of the Prime Minister), along with representatives of social economy organisations (SKES, FISE, Barka Foundation, NAUWC, etc.), Trilateral Commission and academics 4 working groups: Strategic: elaboration of the document: Long-term policy for social economy development Legal: proposal of the act on social enterprise and social entrepreneurship and its consultation Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  9. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP Educational: worked out concept of promotion of social economy in schools via curricula, publications materials with logo of Library of Public Benefit (Social Economy Series - Young Citizen) Financial: concept of pilot projects using microfinance instruments for social economy enterprises within the ESF program Human Capital. Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  10. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP 2. Systemic project: Integrated system for social economy support (14.5 mln Eur, 2009 - 2013) Infrastructure for SE support – 6 Social Economy Centres conducting educational and advisory activities for regional centres Coordination system for support, education and monitoring of SE Introduction of university education programmes on SE (post graduate studies) Collection and analysis of good practices; promotion through competition for the best SE entity Data base on SE projects implemented regionally Annual whole Poland meetings of SE SE Angels – cooperation with 20 investors Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  11. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP 3. Systemic project: Strenghtening social cooperatives sector/ cooperation with labour market and social assisstance institutions (1.8 mln Eur, 2012 - 2014) Analysing data on social cooperatives Building the monitoring system for social cooperatives Building open for public, interactive datbase on s.c. and their products Standards of activities for selfgovernment units / training on social cooperatives in the context of public services of general interest and tool of social integration 10 innovative models of s.c. / social franchising Cooperation platform/good practices SE Angels – cooperation with 20 investors Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  12. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP 4. Testing financial engineering instruments for social economy development (7,5 mln Eur) Aim – providing loans for 250 social enterprises (2012 – 2015) Final recipients: NGOs conducting economic activity, Social cooperatives, Religious organisations conducting economic activity, Public companies and companies with limited liability – running non profit, transfering income onto statutory goals Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  13. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP The repayable loans The loan term: loans will be given for a term of 60 months with a grace of period repayment of a capital for max 6 months Conditions of the loan: max 100 thousand PLN (ca. EUR 25 thousand) The interest was calculated for 0,5 % of the discount rate (currently 2%) State aid: de minimis rules The loans will be accompanied by the consulting services provided by the financial intermediaries after the loan is made (about 30 hours) Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  14. Building the central support system for social economy in Human Capital OP Implementation system Ministry of Regional Development is the ESF managing authority Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is ESF Intermediate Inst. Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego - state owned bank is a beneficiary acting as a holding fund Financial intermediaries – chosen by tender arranged by BGK in 5 macro- regions The Steering Committee – selection criteria for financial intermediaries, on going monitoring Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego - 2014-06-06

  15. Submeasure 7.2.2. Support for social economy Building the support system for SE institutions on the regional level – appointing on the way of call for proposals the institutions (at least 2 in the region) which provide: legal, bookkeeping and marketing services Advisory centres / points, social economy incubators Training on how to start up and conduct social economy entity Building local partnerships for SE development Promotion SE as a source of employment These institutions are called Social Economy Support Centres Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  16. Establishment of social cooperatives Support for natural and legal persons planning to start up social cooperative through at least 2 instruments: Advisory (for individuals and groups) and training in terms of starting and conducting social cooperatives (before and after signing the contract) Grants for starting up or accessing to social cooperative (up to 20 000 PLN/5 000 EUR/ per person) Granting bridge support for 6 / 12 months from signing a contract (grants and advisory) Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  17. New type of projects added recently Searching for and testing new (long term) financing sources by Social Economy Supporting Centres and social cooperatives Regional support for social economy Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  18. Achieved indicators 2008 2012 Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  19. New product indicator: Number of social cooperatives created within the programme (aim: 300); Result indicators: Number of jobs created in the social economy sector with support from the ESF (aim: 7000) – 1 500 (achieved), The share of own revenues of the social economy entities in the overall value of their income (aim: 30%) – 45% (achieved), Indicators Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  20. Support for social economy in Priority VII Human Capital Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  21. Diagnosis: Number of appointed social economy support centres was bigger than assumed output indicators Short life (one year in that role) of supported SESC Changes: 1 SESCper subregion Financing will address already existing SESC and last no shorter than 24 months Sustainability will be checked 2 years after closing the project Development of the Measure 7.2.2. Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  22. Strengths Multidimentional and integrated support (training, grants, advisory, partnership) Promotion of SE Influencing regional authorities, strategies, long term planning Building local/regional coalitions for SE development SWOT Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  23. Weaknesses Regional financial means dispersed among too many SE entities (SESC) Short life of SESC – dependancy on ESF financing Lack of more specified description of social services which may be provided by SE and lack of quality standards SWOT Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  24. Opportunities SE development will be better planned and more effectively supported Building on up to date experience and received finance (less rotation of SESC) Financial crisis as a chance for SE development (alternative forms of economic activity, local dimention) SWOT Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  25. Regional Center for Social Policy + 40 institutions (localauthorities, employers, universities, SE entities, supportcentres) Platform of cooperation – law, education, promotion, research, commoninitiatives Strategic approach – SE in strategy for regional development 2011-2020 as a source of jobs and tool of socialintegration; multiannualregionalaction plan for SE; SE in socialintegrationstrategy for the Region Malopolski pact for SE Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  26. Projectsimplemented (8 mln euro from the ESF) Monitoring and research of SE entities in the Region Financial support: loans, guarantees Grants and advisory for SE entities Malopolski pact for SE Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  27. 600 SE entities 10 support centres Good coordination Strategic approach Development and progress Why to visit Krakow ? Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

  28. Department for ESF Management e-mail: efs@mrr.gov.pl Malgorzata.lublinska@mrr.gov.pl Thank you Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regionalnego -

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