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OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES OF NFSM FOR XII PLAN D.P.MALIK ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
OBJECTIVES • Ensure food and fodder security- area expansion and productivity enhancement of food crops including dual purpose coarse cereals. • Restoration of soil fertility- micro-nutrients and soil ameliorants • Enhancing farm level economy (i.e. farm profits)- post-harvest, marketing support and value chain integration
STRATEGIES • Low productivity and high potential areas , rainfed areas & remote areas • Cropping system approach rather than individual crop • Agro-climatic zone wise planning and cluster approach for crop productivity enhancement • Pulse production enhancement through utilization of rice fallow, rice bunds and intercropping of pulses with coarse cereals, oilseeds and commercial crops • Promotion and extension of improved technologies i.e., seed, INM, IPM, farm machineries , micro irrigation • Input use efficiency and resource conservation technologies • Post-harvest management ,value chain integration and marketing support to pulses & coarse cereals • Local/site specific initiatives • Capacity building of the farmers/extension functionaries
CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFICATION OF AREAS AND BENEFICIARIES • 16% - SCP-Scheduled Castes and 8% for TSP- Scheduled Tribes. • Allocation to SC/ST farmers will be made proportionate to their population in the district. • 33% allocation of the funds- small and marginal farmers. • 30% allocation of the funds- women farmers. • All the farmers are entitled to avail the assistance for various components of NFSM limited to 5 ha. in a season. • ICAR, SAUs, KVKs, ATMA, reputed NGOs and other line departments-in planning and execution of demonstrations • ICAR, SAUs and KVKs - technical support- formulation of district action plans, its implementation and monitoring. • Technical staff will be sourced from ICAR/SAU/KVK for imparting training. • PMT at the district level will help in developing synergy among research institutes and various line departments .
ACCELERATED CROP PRODUCTION PROGRAMME (ACPP) • Large blocks of crop areas- cropping system based mode (30% ) as well as sole crops. • Size of demonstration -100 ha for plain area and 10ha. for hill and north-eastern states • Area -Lowest productivity areas in selected districts • All farmers in a cluster would be included in a demonstration with at least 0.4 ha area for individual farmer. • Selection of beneficiary Farmers-Gram Panchayat, contribution of resources, orientation meeting. • Selection of Site- easily accessible , avoid on isolated field, representative of soil type and soil fertility status of the area. • Soil Analysis- soil fertility status for use of fertilizer and soil ameliorants • Identification of Technologies- productivity enhancement • Development of package of inputs to be distributed- a package of inputs including micronutrients and bio-fertilizers . • Distribution of demonstration kits and training of participating farmers- Orientation training programme for critical operations for the demonstrations and distribution of kits • Monitoring- District PMT -demonstrations throughout the cropping season and report the outcome in prescribed format. Extension functionaries should visit the demonstration plots and arrange need based visits of scientists • Display Board- No. of farmers , Village, Variety/ hybrid, type of demonstration, NPK Fertilizers, Bio-fertilizers ,micronutrient , Date of Sowing/Transplanting , Seed Rate and Spacing, other critical input s, Mobile number of PMT • Variety /hybrid-More than one improved variety/hybrid in one cluster demonstration. • Organization of Field day/kisangosthi • Reporting of the Results- compilation of results of the demonstrations at block/district/State level. At State level, the results of the demonstrations should be compiled in the form of document. Analyze the contribution of various interventions for up-scaling in succeeding years. • Front Line Demonstrations – 5% of ACPP for FLDs of rice, wheat, pulses and coarse cereals by ICAR/SAUs/KVKs
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM(PMT) • PMT –comprising of One consultant and Two Technical Assistants • 47 State PMTs and 441 District PMTs • State may engage one accountant in place of one TA at state headquarter • State may include District PMT under any of NFSM component i.e Rice, wheat, Pulses and Coarse cereals while preparing Action Plan • One state Level PMT –for each Crop Development Directorate
STRATEGIC RESEARCH PROJECTS • For address various research issues and yield gaps of food crops, research projects will be supported to ICAR/SAUs/International Organizations(ICARDA,IRRI,ICRISAT,CYMMIT etc.) Themes/area of research • Conservation of natural resources (land, water) and their efficient use • INM,IPM,IWM • Modification/refinements in farm machines/tools for various soils types/cropping systems • Up-scaling of improved crop varieties/hybrids in NFSM adopted states/agro-climatic zones under water/thermal stress conditions • Nutrient management in problematic soil (acidic/alkaline/sodic) • Crop-husbandry and Input use efficiency • Rain-water management in kharif pulses • Refinement of relay cropping systems and agronomic practices for intercropping systems involving pulses • Quality seed storages in the humid and hot climatic conditions-coastal areas • Value addition in case of coarse cereals and pulses • Precision farming -nutrient manager and crop manager .
New Initiative included in Revised NFSMSpecialized projects for high productivity areas
VALUE CHAIN INTEGRATION OF SMALL PRODUCERS Forming and strengthening of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) may offer collective strength • Seed production and seed procurement • Access to credit and improved technologies • Reduction in transaction costs • Facilitation value addition, • Tapping high value markets States will be required to submit their action plans for FPO promotion, to be undertaken through SFAC or similar organizations • Assistance for FPO promotion will be available for a maximum period of three years as per the FPO Process Guidelines of DAC. • Action Plans must specify the commodity, target area and target producers and should be broadly divided into four areas (i) Mobilization, training, exposure and capacity building interventions (ii) Agriculture based livelihood interventions such as trial and demonstration of Good Agriculture Practices (replacement of varieties, pre-and Post-sowing practices, seed production and dissemination, INM, IPM, etc.) (iii) Formation and development of Kissan Producer Company or other institutional form (iv) linkage to value chain (marketing) SFAC will assist the States in drawing up action plans States will also have the flexibility to undertake FPO promotion through any other Central, State, civil society or private
LOCAL INITIATIVES • To support important location specific interventions, which not covered under the normal activities of the Mission • Activities like augmentation of water resources, development of godowns for safe storage of critical inputs, machines for post-harvest processing like graders, dehusking machines etc . • Assistance will be limited to 5% of the total budgetary allocation • Assistance would be limited to 50% of the cost of each intervention • Interventions proposed would be evaluated by a team of experts at the State level and will be cleared by SFSMEC for releasing the funds to the implementing agency at the district level.
TRAINING AND AWARDS • Training of extension functionaries • Central and State functionaries-latest crop specific technologies • Involvement of SAUs, National and International research organizations- within country • Exposure visit/training of state technical officials • Enrichment of knowledge base of state technical officials • International organizations like IRRI, CYMMIT, ICRISAT, AVRDC, ICARDA or any other research organization in crop production technologies etc. would be organized. • Awards • Best Performing District award • 4 components of NFSM at interval of 2 years (one award per 5 NFSM districts for each crop)-Rs.5.00 lakh • criteria for selection of district( NFSM guidelines) • National Award for Best Performing States • 3 Awards to States for highest food production –Rs 2. crores • 4 Awards – one each for the highest production under rice, wheat, pulses and coarse cereals –Rs1.0 crores • Leadership awards • District Level Officers for good performance in the field.
MONITORING MECHANISM • District Level- DFSMEC and Project Management Team. • State Level- Committee to be constituted under the Chairmanship of the State Mission Director with members from the line departments, SAUs, Lead Bank, NABARD, ICAR institutes and Crop Development Directorates of DAC. • National Level-Committee to be constituted under the Chairmanship of the Mission Director with members from DAC, ICAR, SAUs, CDDs, research institutions concerned and officials of State Departments concerned. • Crop Development Directorates: The nine Crop Development Directorates will be involved in monitoring of the Mission activities in States assigned to them. • NLMOTs – Team constituted with involvement of Director, CDD for each state for monitoring the activities of the Mission. • Close monitoring of physical and financial targets of various program interventions would be done by the monitoring teams. Format for monitoring these interventions would be prescribed by NFSMEC. • SDES will be involved in adopting the prescribed format for data collection pertaining to different parameters of the Mission for monitoring to suit the local requirements.
EVALUATION OF NFSM • Baseline Survey- SDA/ SDES will do baseline survey know the resource endowments of the farmers and the level of crop productivity. • Concurrent EvaluationSDA/SDES/SAU will do evaluation every year to assess the performance of the Mission commensurate with annual action plan and its objectives. • Mid-term Evaluation: at national level through an independent agency/organization in 3rd year. • Impact Evaluation Study/Studies:at the National Level will also be undertaken through an independent agency after the third year of implementation. • Information communication technology (ICT)- Specialized software for the reporting, monitoring and evaluation of the Mission's activities.
MECHANISM OF FUND FLOW • Funds be directly released to State Governments • State Government would release funds to State Level Agency (SLA) . • SLA - District Level Agency in accordance with approved programme of the district. • Funds would be released in installments based on the progress reports and submission of utilization certificate. • Funds for the implementation of the activities of the components will be released by the SLA/DLA to the nodal departments for the procurement of the required inputs. • ‘Electronic Banking’ will be used for transfer of funds to the State Level Agency and further to the districts. • STA will have to maintain a separate budget and prescribed accounting system for the Mission, both at the State and district level.
REPORTING SYSTEM • Quarterly Progress Reports (QPRs) by the 15th of the month following each quarter (e.g. April to June to be submitted by 15th July) • Detailed Annual Progress Report (APR) within three (03)months after the end of the year (e.g. APR up to June of succeeding year) • One copy of QPR/APR NFSM-Rice to DRD, Patna NFSM-Wheat to DWD, Ghaziabad NFSM-Pulses to DPD, Bhopal NFSM-Coarse cereals to DMD, Jaipur. Note: Formats for reporting in NFSM Guidelines