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Northern Renaissance Art

Discover how Dutch and Flemish painters favored realism over idealism, depicting everyday life in contrast to heroic figures, reflecting the humanism and technical achievements of the Northern Renaissance. Explore the characteristics of this period through iconic works like Jan van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Wedding and Albrecht Durer’s self-portrait.

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Northern Renaissance Art

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Northern Renaissance Art

  2. Italian vs. Northern Renaissance Art • In Depicting the Human Body, Dutch and Flemish Painters, Favored Realism Over the Idealism of the Italian Renaissance. • The Figures Differed as Well: Italian Renaissance Art Depicted Heroic Male Nudes. Northern Renaissance Art Depicted Prosperous Citizens and Peasants.

  3. Which Painting is More Realistic?

  4. How Does the Art of the Northern Renaissance Reflect The Humanism of the Northern Renaissance? • How Can One Continue To See the Technical Achievements of the Italian Renaissance?

  5. Jan van Eyck’s The Arnolfini Wedding

  6. Realism

  7. Bruegel’s Hunters In the Snow (1565)

  8. Bruegel’s The Fight Between Carnival and Lent

  9. How Can One See the Characteristics of the Northern Renaissance in This Painting?

  10. Bruegel’s The Tower of Babel

  11. Albrecht Durer • Van Eyck and Bruegel were from the Low Countries; what is today the Netherlands and Belgium. • Durer (1471-1528) was from Germany. He is considered to be the greatest artist of the Northern Renaissance. He is also known as the “Leonardo of the North” for his diversity of interests. He was fascinated with nature. He made many woodcuts for printmaking. He was also influenced by Italian art.

  12. This is a self-portrait of Durer (1500). • How does it reflect the values of the Northern Renaissance?

  13. Durer’s The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Where are the values of the period?

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